31 Ocak 2017 Salı

More Perspectives on Fat

Fat is one of the macronutrients needed to survive in our modern day world. However, fat has been widely misunderstood as the cause of heart disease, hypertension, and much more ailments. The myth that fat started began with the whole Ancel Keys lipid hypothesis. Ancel keys stated that heart disease is associated with foods of high fat content. This has been a detrimental widespread myth that has effected the health of many people throughout our nation. Ancel Keys originally had a degree in, economics and oceanography rather than a distinguished medical/health profession. He published the infamous seven countries study to push the skewed data that he represented… It is even stated that he deleted data from other countries that did not match the fat and cardiovascular disease risk factor. He is like a mad scientist who created the biggest health deception of our time. Fat is our number one enemy, MUHAHAHAHA!! There are many cultures throughout the world who have a high consumption of fat and have no signs of heart disease; whatsoever. I will explain all of this in the article right now.

Fat is a key component for our immune system functions, improving brain function, along with cushioning and nourishing organs throughout the body. Our brain is 60% fat and it is mostly derived from saturated fat and cholesterol. Modern food technology has made it hard to absorb all the necessary essential fats and fatty acids for optimal health. We are deficient in certain fatty acids like Omega 3s, due to a GMO infested food supply thus resulting in a nutrient deficient food supply. Omega 6s are the fats that Americans are exceedingly abundant in. They are found in hydrogenated vegetable oils, along with salad dressing, margarine, and shortening. This kind of food supply is mostly present in fast-food chain restaurants and retail stores which people gullibly buy and consume. Omega 3s on the other hand are found in sesame seeds, flax seeds, cold water fish, and grass-fed meats. Pork is not recommended to eat due to the pig’s exposure to filth and disease causing parasites, and bacteria. Proper amounts and ratios of Omega 3s and 6s must be held to a 1:1 ratio. This is how much our primal ancestors had in their diet equalizing both the consumption of both omega 3s and 6s. With the growth of modern food technology this has changed to a staggering  20:1 ratio.

Lets talk about the types of fats. A Fat molecule is made up of at least one glycerol molecule and three fatty acids. All of these can either result in a fat being saturated, monounsaturated, or polyunsaturated. Unsaturated fatty acids and saturated fatty acids both have carbon and hydrogen atoms. Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature and they are commonly found in olive oil, avocados, nuts, seeds, and hydrogenated vegetable oils. Hydrogenated oils are particularly the worst ways to meet fat requirements since they are trans-fats.  Polyunsaturated fats are also liquid at room temperature since they are unsaturated. They also mainly consist of a certain ratio of omega 3s and omega 6 fatty acids.  Since the rise of food technology, and animal agriculture and other foods have become genetically altered to become nearly nutritionally inadequate. In particular foods that contain fat, the omega 6 has greatly outnumbered the omega 3 content which is what americans are mostly deficient in. Plant based foods have a short chain fatty acid known as alpha linolenic acid. Animal foods have a long chain fatty acid known as arachidonic acid which helps combat inflammation, infection, and allows for cell to cell communication.   I’ve already mentioned the sources of animal and plant foods. Animal based sources of fat consists of EPA and DHA. The body can convert ALA into EPA and DHA, however one needs a higher intake of ALA from plant foods to meet the conversion requirements. Deficiencies in essential fatty acids can cause excessive thirst, frequent urination, rough, dry or scaly skin, dry hair, dandruff, and soft or brittle nails. Additionally, deficiencies can result in sleep difficulties and emotional instability,

Since the acquisition of animal agriculture, and Glyphosate spraying among crops for animal feed it is no wonder Omega 3 fatty acid supply in certain meats have declined, while the amount of Omega 6 fatty acid content has increased. This is known to trigger an enzyme known as COX-2 enzyme. What this enzyme does is increase inflammation and contribute to aging,  heart disease, and autoimmune diseases. You do not have to eat meat to fulfill your fat requirements… It is always recommended to eat coconuts, and coconut oil, along with a variety of nuts, seeds, and avocados. It is optimal to meet your fat requirements using these foods. Your body has all the necessary components to digest fat. Your body has both your liver and the gallbladder to take care of fat digestion by producing bile. The liver produces bile whereas the gallbladder acts as a regulator for the release of bile. Bile works together with hydrochloric acid to properly digest nutrients which also include fat. Having insufficient hydrochloric acid subjects one to indigestion, acid reflux symptoms, constipation, bloating etc.

Sugar is actually one of many major proven risk factors leading to the wide variety of health problems. Don’t  be confused with fruit sugar since it can be used as glucose for the muscles and the brain. I’m talking about white and cane sugar specifically… High fructose corn syrup is an abundant form of sugar found in many foods and beverages in the market. Sugar, amazingly enough, contributes to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. This disease leads to liver cirrhosis, liver failure, and even death. Sugar makes its way to the liver which produces more fat molecules and triggers liver cells to store fat in the wrong places. Sugar also prevents the breakdown of old fats in our body. The ability to break down fats is also inhibited which may explain the low stomach acid issue. In addition, sugar will stimulate free radical production and promote insulin resistance. All this contributes to inflammation and then NAFLD. NAFLD is a rapidly growing health problem, that may grow if not addressed and fixed… We have been taught to fear the fat macronutrient which contributes to the variety of diseases we see today. CoQ10 enzyme supplementation may be necessary for the prevention and slowed progression of this nasty liver disease. CoQ10 is found in mackerel, peanuts, sardines, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, and organ meats.

Let’s discuss the Alaskan tribe who thrived on certain foods that would be considered cancerous in today’s society. The Alaskan native population followed a diet consisting of fresh-caught salmon, moose, seals, ducks, geese, ptarmigan, caribou, and berries. They were a hunter-gatherer lot who thrived off a high-fat diet. It was during the acquisition of food technology in the west, that the Alaskan population experienced increased rates of obesity which rose by 63%. People from the isle of Crete follow a diet high in fat particularly olive oil, as a result, they were least likely to develop heart disease. Another culture who consumed a high-fat diet and had nearly no risk for heart disease was the nomadic Masai tribe. The Masai mainly farmed and raised livestock in Kenya and northern Tanzania. Their diet consisted of fermented milk, cows blood, along with the occasional meat. Other members of the Masai tribe ate maize, sweet potatoes, millet, cabbage, kale, sheep’s and goat’s milk.

With all of this being said, fat is among the most important macronutrients needed for survival. Food industries have taken the Ancel keys lipid hypothesis and started recommended eating a low-fat high carb diet. I firmly believe you can only eat some carbs to sustain weight loss like unprocessed fruit and bread. Carbs from things like bleached flour, sugar, grains, will cause the unwanted belly fat and weight increase. Getting sufficient amount of exercise, reduce sitting time, and reducing exposure to toxins will help you achieve adequate weight loss. School systems aren’t incorporating any physical or excelling nutritional education program to instruct the dangers of lifestyle habits, and acquisition of certain foods. The food industries of today are only looking to make a profit like the pharmaceutical and medical subsidiaries, therefore people’s personal interests are not in their mind. Americans are lazier than ever and are looking for quick fixes when it comes to their health. The sad thing is they will buy anything from a schmuck promising them results.  With that being said eat more plant-based sources of fats, to help reassure your needs to sustain good health.


The Truth About Ancel Keys: We’ve All Got It Wrong

Eaton SB, Eaton III, SB, Konner MJ. Palaeolithic nutrition revisited: A twelve-year retrospective on its nature and implications. Eur J Clin Nutr 1997;51:207-16.

Patterson E, Wall R, Fitzgerald GF, Ross RP, Stanton C. Health implications of High Dietary Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism. Vol. 2012, Article ID 539429, 16 pages. 3. Simopoulos AP. The importance of the ratio of omega-6.omega-3 essential fatty acids. Biomed Pharmacother. 2002 Oct;56(8):365-79.

Malhortra, A. Saturated fat is not the major issue. BMJ 2013; 347 doi: dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.f6340 (Published 22 October 2013)Simopoulos AP. The importance of the ratio of omega-6.omega-3 essential fatty acids. Biomed Pharmacother. 2002 Oct;56(8):365-79.

Farzaneh-Far R, et. al. “Association of Marine Omega-3 Fatty Acid Levels With Telomeric Aging in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease.” JAMA. 2010; 303(3): 250.

Maternal Supplementation With Very-Long-Chain n-3 Fatty Acids During Pregnancy and Lactation Augments Children’s IQ at 4 Years of Age

Ingrid B. Helland, Lars Smith, Kristin Saarem, Ola D. Saugstad, Christian A. Drevon

Farnaz Farsi et al. “Functions of Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation on Liver Enzymes, Markers of Systemic Inflammation, and Adipokines in Patients Affected by Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Clinical Trial.” Journal of the American College of Nutrition 2016; Volume 35, Issue 4, 2016, pages 346-353.

Brody, Jane E. “Personal Health; Pass the Wine and Olive Oil, and Other Lessons From Crete.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 09 Feb. 1998. Web. 29 Jan. 2017.

Colquhoun, I. and Bunday, S. A lack of essential fatty acids as a possible cause of hyperactivity in children. Medical Hypotheses, 1981; 7: 673-9.

Rosen Y. Shift from traditional foods takes toll on Alaska Native populations. Alaska News Dispatch, Sept. 28, 2014

Stevens LJ, Zentall SS. Abate ML, Kuczek T, Burgess JR. Omega-3 fatty acids in boys with behaviour, learning, and health problems. Physiol. Behav. 1996; 59(4/5): 915-920.




More Perspectives on Fat

5 Fabulous Natural Health Tools

When I first looked at living naturally, I was severely overwhelmed at the huge amount of natural health choices on offer. Where to start? Food? Clothing? Plastics? My environment? So began my quest to read everything I could get my hands on.

Eventually I overcame the overwhelm, when I realized that all I needed to do was choose one thing to change. That’s it. Once I had that one thing sorted, I moved onto the next thing that was important to me, and mastered that next one thing.

If you change your life in this manner, little by little, it won’t be a shock to the system at any point. Each little step brings you that little bit closer to your goal of a natural, chemical free life.

The 5 Fabulous Tools

– Water purifier

– Organic garden

– Essential oils

– Bicarbonate soda

– Apple cider vinegar

Let’s Look At These Individually

Water purifiers – are the best way to get into living naturally. What comes out of the tap, called water, is nothing more than a toxic sludge in my opinion. Do NOT drink what comes out of the tap, ever! If your budget doesn’t allow for a new purifier, try sourcing a second hand one from you local online classifieds or from your local flea market (that’s where my first one came from and I found it in perfect condition!)

Either way, new or used, getting your first water purifier should be top of your natural health shopping list. With our bodies being 80% water, the water we put in, is of paramount importance

Organic garden – One of your most pressing needs, as an up and coming, naturally living being, is to get an organic garden going. If you are new to growing food, just start small, and with a couple of foods that you already like to eat. You can buy seedlings, but I find it much easier to source organic in seeds. Not many places actually sell organic seedlings. Organic seeds are far easier to find.

If you aren’t able to have a garden at this time, get onto the task of finding certified organic food products. This way, you are avoiding ingesting G.M.O’s and it’s the only way to eat, if you are to lead a natural lifestyle. In addition, the array of antibiotics and hormones that are permitted in food and other products is shocking and mind numbing. 

Essential oils – organic only, are one of the very best ways to naturally combat many illnesses. To keep you and your family in the best of health, you need to keep at least the three top oils; oregano oil, black seed oil and magnesium oil. This trio make up my recommended base collection of essential oils due to their powerful anti bacterial, anti fungal, anti parasitic properties.

Be careful with these oils as they are highly potent. For instance, when you first start using oregano oil, the recommended dose for maintaining health is 1 drop x 3 times per day. Yes, ONE drop at a time!

Black seed oil has been hailed as the remedy for all illness except death. That sounds a little far fetched, but it’s absolutely fantastic for all manner of uses. I use it externally for cuts, stings and to clear up any skin issues.

In addition, taking black seed oil internally is also good for many ailments.

Bicarb & Apple Cider Vinegar

These two natural products are so useful, in so many ways. I use them in combination, instead of shampoo and conditioner. First I apply the bicarb in a paste and rinse, then I leave in the A.C.V. for a few minutes for the softening effect. A tablespoon a day of either or both is also a great internal cleanse.

I hope you’ve found some helpful hints and tips here, to head in the right direction of natural living. There is nothing more satisfying than knowing you are providing a clean, natural and safe environment for your family.





5 Fabulous Natural Health Tools

Unearth The Secrets Of Ayurvedic Medicine

If you don’t trust your modern medical doctor to give you time, attention and medical information that pertains EXACTLY to you, then I suggest you check out Ayurvedic medicine, the oldest health care system known to Man.

Ayurveda is the ancient Sanskrit word meaning the “science of life.”

It has often been said that modern medicine leaves a lot to be desired. These days when you get sick, you go to the doctor, describe your symptoms, and they give you drugs. What? Aren’t doctors supposed to keep you healthy? The modern-day so-called health care systems, wait until you are sick, THEN you get help. That seems a backward way to approach health care.

Why wait until you are sick to go to the health and wellness experts? How stupid and dangerous. I think it sounds like a better idea to be attuned to Nature and your body, and to keep it maintained in a healthy state to avoid becoming unwell in the first place.

History of Ayurveda

Ayurvedic medicine can be traced back to India to about 3000-5000 years ago. This medicine and health care system are mentioned in the Vedas, the ancient religious and philosophical texts that are the oldest literature to be found in the world, which makes Ayurvedic medicine the oldest surviving, medical type healing system.

According to the Ayurvedic texts, Ayurveda was conceived by the enlightened, wise ones as a system of living in harmony and maintaining the body so that mental and spiritual awareness could be possible. Medical history tells us that Ayurvedic ideas were transported from ancient India to China and formed the basis of Chinese medicine. 

Principles of Ayurveda

In comparison to the modern day ‘one size fits all’ health care approach, in Ayurvedic health care, it is a highly individualized method.

Under Ayurvedic principles of health care, everyone’s specific constitution (prakruti energy) determines his or her physical, physiological and mental characteristics and their vulnerability to the ailment. Everyone has a specific and unique prakruti. That makes more sense that the modern method of prescribing pills and surgery as front line treatment.

Ayurvedic health care acknowledges that all areas of life impact health. For instance, if you have chronic stress in your life, then you place yourself at risk of negative long-term physical health outcomes. This system of health care uses a holistic approach to looking after your overall well-being.

In Ayurvedic medicine, there are five basic elements that contain prana: earth, water, fire, air, and ether. These elements interact and are further delineated in the human body into their three main categories; Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The aim is to balance these three basic body energies (called doshas) When these are balanced, there is a healthy state of mind and body. When these are unbalanced, ailments begin to appear.

Vata Dosha – is the air element. It is characterized by properties of cold, dry, light and movement. All movement in the body is due to energies of vata. Pain is the characteristic feature of an out of balance vata. Some of the diseases due to vata are flatulence, gout, rheumatism. In the out of balance state of vata, you may also experience a dislike of cold and wind, light and interrupted sleep, nervousness, anxiety, panic and difficulty tolerating loud noises,

Pitta Dosha – is the firey element, controlling digestion, metabolism, bile production and overall energy. The primary function of Pitta is transformation. Those with out of balance Pitta, tend to have a fiery nature that manifests in body, mind, and soul. Heat, digestion and all transformations in the body arise from the Pitta Dosha. Out of balance, Pitta is primarily characterized by body heat or burning sensation, redness of the skin and sour-smelling sweat.

Kapha Dosha – is the water and earth Ayuvedic element. An out of balance Kapha Dosha is characterized by heaviness, thick, white tongue coat, slow and sluggish bowel movements, coldness , excess body weight, and slowness. It is nourishing element of the body. All the soft organs are made by Kapha. You will also find that it’s hard to get up in the morning, with that tell tale sluggish feeling. Feeling slow, foggy, lethargic or heavy throughout the day also points towards an out of balance Kapha. 


If you are following the Ayurvedic system, you want to avoid such life elements as stress, strained relationships, and an unhealthy diet. You also want to include such balancing and healthy elements like meditation, massage, herbal remedies, loving relationships and breathing exercises called pranayama. All these things influence the balance that exists between your Doshas. Keeping a balance with all things in life is the lesson that Ayurvedic medicine teaches us.





Unearth The Secrets Of Ayurvedic Medicine

Worcestershire hospitals trust ordered to urgently improve patient safety

The NHS watchdog has ordered a troubled hospital trust to urgently overhaul patient safety or face sanctions weeks after two patients died after enduring long waits on trolleys in a corridor.

The Care Quality Commission has given Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust six weeks to make significant improvements at the three hospitals it runs in Worcester, Redditch and Kidderminster.

The regulator has served the trust with a section 29A notice, which sets out changes it must make by 10 March or risk penalties such as a special administrator being brought in to start running it.

Caragh Merrick, the trust’s chair, admitted to staff in an email after the CQC’s move that the trust had “lost sight of the basics [of caring for patients]. As staff we must all be held accountable for our actions,” she added.

Previous lapses means that from now action to improve patient safety will be taken from “the ward to the board” in an attempt to “guarantee consistent high professional standards”, said Merrick.

The trust was in the headlines recently when two patients died, reportedly on 1 and 3 January, in the A&E unit at the Worcestershire Royal hospital in Worcester when it was struggling to cope with the sheer number of patients needing care.

In one of the cases, a female patient on an emergency trolley in a corridor within A&E suffered an aneurysm and died later in a resuscitation bay. The second patient died after suffering a cardiac arrest on another A&E trolley within the department after waiting 35 hours for a ward bed elsewhere in the hospital.

The trust was put into special measures in December 2015 after CQC inspectors raised concerns about safety in its A&E, children’s care, and maternity and gynaecology services.

It was embroiled in another controversy last year when CQC staff found that 10,000 patients’ x-rays had not been assessed, which prompted concern that serious illnesses had been missed.

Worcestershire Royal hospital recently became so busy that it had to divert A&E patients to its sister Alexandra hospital in Redditch during the NHS “winter crisis”.

The trust is due to end 2016-17 with a deficit of £37.5m, down significantly on its £59m overspend in 2015-16.

A major consultation to shake up healthcare at the trust’s hospitals is under way.

Worcestershire’s three NHS clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) launched the consultation in January which, if the option proposed was picked, would move many planned operations to the Alexandra, but concentrate most emergency care at the main Worcester hospital.

More day-case and short-stay surgery would go to the county’s smaller Kidderminster hospital.

Worcestershire hospitals trust ordered to urgently improve patient safety

Flea Treatments are Killing Our Cats: The Truth About Cat Flea Medications

When you see your cat suffering from a serious case of painful flea bites, you want to ease their discomfort as soon as possible. Running to the nearest store and picking up a topical cat flea treatment seems likes the quickest and easiest solution, but it might just be tossing your cat out of the frying pan and straight into the fire.

The fact of the matter is that the simple, easy-to-buy flea medications lining the shelves of most pet and grocery stores are not as benign as they appear. These pesticides have been linked to thousands of pet deaths and little has been done to make these products safer. The packaging is seemingly harmless. The directions are simple and straightforward. Just squeeze out a few drops onto your cat’s neck and eliminate those pesky fleas. Unfortunately, there’s more to the story.

What the packaging fails to mention is that, in far too many cases, the treatment doesn’t just poison fleas. It could poison your cat, too.

There’s no way around it. When you treat your cat with a topical pesticide, you are exposing them to chemicals formulated to kill. The low doses our cats are exposed to can lead to a variety of complications: damage to the nervous system, skin rashes, sores, and seizures. In 2008, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), received approximately 43,000 reports of pets who were negatively affected by topical flea products. The reports included a number of different brands of products, including various pesticides and ingredients. The same year, it was determined that about 1.4% of those incidents resulted in death.

Reactions to these flea medications vary. Risk factors include allergies, age, pregnancy, and previous drug use. In some cases, the reaction happens when the product is used improperly. In others, the product was used correctly and the reaction occurs anyway. Some cats just experience itching and skin irritation, while a severe reaction could end in death. The symptoms of an adverse reaction vary, but tend to include excess salivation, pupil dilation, muscle tremors, vomiting, shivering, skin irritation, and behavioral changes.

If you’re willing to take the risk and use an over-the-counter flea medication, please take the necessary precautions. Be certain that you are using a flea treatment designed specifically for cats. If you have a multiple cat home, don’t allow the cats around one another for at least a day after being treated. It’s possible that your cats will groom one another. The pesticides in topical flea treatments, if ingested, are very dangerous.

Remember, dosing according to the instructions is not a guarantee that your cat will not have a negative reaction to the poison. Some cats are more sensitive than others, especially kittens and older cats.

In 2008, the EPA received approximately 43,000 reports of pets who had experienced a negative reaction to a topical flea product. The reports included a number of different brands of products, including various pesticides and ingredients.

There is no single pesticide that you can avoid to ensure your cat’s safety. All pesticides could potentially harm your cat.

The large number of reports caused the EPA to review the state of the topical pet insecticide industry. This evaluation concluded that most reporting their cat’s illness or death caused by spot-on flea treatments were using the products incorrectly – treating their cats with a solution made for dogs. Dog flea treatments contain stronger pesticides that cats simply cannot handle, even in miniscule doses. This prompted some reforms. By 2010, they were urging manufacturers to improve labeling and possibly increase testing before releasing these products to the public.

The state of cat flea medication has improved since then thanks to these investigations and packaging reform.

But they didn’t solve the problem. Reports of cats suffering from the side effects of topical flea treatments are still popping up. These reports aren’t only coming from people who can’t read the packaging. They’re also coming from people who used the chemical flea treatments properly. Even if you use them as directed, these treatments for cats are still not 100% safe.

First of all, stay calm! Not all cats react negatively to these medications. In fact, it’s more than likely that your cat will be fine.

Watch your cat closely. If you do notice any effects after the application of a topical flea treatment, immediately wash your cat with a gentle dish soap, like Dawn. Continue to monitor your cat and consider contacting a veterinarian if they start to show symptoms of a serious reaction.

However, if your cat has ingested the flea medication, this will not help. You will need to get your cat to a veterinarian for treatment as soon as possible.

A perfectly natural, easy to use, and effective flea treatment is food-grade diatomaceous earth. This natural powder is comprised of the fossilized shells of ancient sea creatures. When observed under a microscope, diatomaceous earth particles resemble shards of glass. These sharp edges are the secret to diatomaceous earth’s power. The particles penetrate bug skeletons, then cuts up or dehydrates them to death. It is simple, mechanical, and it really works. Plus, if you use food grade diatomaceous earth, it’s completely safe for your cat.

While some people choose to use it topically, it can dry out your cat’s skin when used that way. We recommend sprinkling it in your cat’s favorite areas. Diatomaceous earth does a great job of getting rid of pests in your home before they can get to your cat.

And best of all: unlike OTC flea and tick medication, there’s no chance that it will leave patches of raw skin or cause damage to their nervous system.

The WildernessCatLady is crazy about happy, healthy cats fueled by nature. Start changing your cat’s life today with natural health solutions for adventurous cats at Wildernesscat.com. And while you’re here, go ahead and download our free PDF: 5 Natural Home Remedies for Cats.

Flea Treatments are Killing Our Cats: The Truth About Cat Flea Medications

9 Proven Pine Pollen Benefits – Nature’s Gift To Health

In this article I uncover 9 amazing pine pollen benefits. You just may have a pine tree right in your back yard that will allow you to enjoy this gift from Nature!

Pine tree pollen is an extremely potent plant source of androstenedione, testosterone, DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), and androsterone which gives the much needed growth to plants and animals that come in contact with it following a long winter. The pollen comes from the thinner male cones found at the end of the branches of the pine tree. (1)

Pine pollen has been utilized by Traditional Chinese Medicine and other Asian cultures for the past 3,000 years. In Asia, it is traditionally known as a Jing-enhancing herb. These types of herbs are used in cases of weakness, burnout from stress or exhaustion, sexual imbalances, or a need for rejuvenation or nourishment. (2)

Harvest Your Own Pine Pollen Powder to Reap The Benefits at No Cost

To experience the benefits of pine pollen powder, you can harvest your own quite easily. Pollen often falls for six weeks in the spring and can be stored for several years.

To harvest, place a bag over the ends of the pine tree branches and gently shake the cones to get the powder to fall into the bag. You can also collect the cones and then pour alcohol with a 35% or higher alcohol content over the cones to make a tincture. Pine pollen tincture is said to be the most effective way to get the anabolic constituents of pine tree pollen into the blood stream. The powder form of pine tree pollen makes a great food, which can be consumed in higher doses than the tincture. (1,3,4)

9 Amazing Pine Pollen Benefits

Learn about the benefits of pine pollen in the following video and property list.

[embedded content]

Video Source: Pine Pollen, The Nutritious Adaptogen from the Pine Tree

1) Anti-inflammatory properties

Some studies reported that pine tree pollen has an anti-inflammatory effect that could benefit arthritis or other chronic inflammatory disorders. (3,5)

2) Hormone regulation for both men and women

Consuming pine pollen powder can result in: increased muscle mass, smoother and tighter skin, improved libido, tissue regeneration, improved breast health, reduced menopausal symptoms in women, testicular and prostate health in men, improvements in the excretion of excessive estrogens, and increased metabolism. (1,6)

3) Androgenic properties

Pine pollen has been show to stimulate anabolic endocrine activity. (1)

Due to the natural testosterone found in it, this powder can be an excellent supplement for body builders or athletes. It has been found to increase muscle mass, improve endurance and overall performance and comes without the side effects of synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroids. (3)

4) Nutrient dense

Pine pollen has been reported to have no toxicity over long-term use.

Warnings: Adolescents should avoid consuming pine tree pollen due to their budding hormone levels, and should naturally be avoided if there is allergic response or known allergy. (1) Please check with your natural health care physician to be sure it is appropriate for you.

Pine tree pollen contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, D2, D3, E and Folic Acid. It is also a good source of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, and selenium as well as over 20 amino acids. (1,6) It may heavily influence serotonin production and improve mood due to being rich in B-Vitamins and a natural source of Vitamin D3. (2)

5) Aphrodisiac

It is said that pine pollen promotes a healthy and high libido. (1)

6) Liver tonic

It is said to stimulate liver regeneration, and regulate bile secretion. (1)

7) Heart tonic

It increases cardiovascular endurance, raises blood levels of Superoxide Dismutase, and lowers Cholesterol. (1)

8) DHEA rich

Pine tree pollen is a powerful source of DHEA, which is the most abundant and important precursor hormone in the human body. Imbalance in DHEA can throw off the body’s entire hormonal production.

As we age, DHEA production in the body begins to decline, and being rich in DHEA, pine tree pollen is known as a longevity-enhancing herb.

Outside of aging, chronic stress and poor diet tend to affect the adrenal glands ability to produce DHEA. Low levels of DHEA are associated with immune conditions, low libido, depression, cognitive decline, and fat accumulation.

Optimal levels of DHEA are associated with improved mood, muscle development, fat loss, increased sex drive, and immunity. (2)

9) Mood enhancement

Being a source of testosterone, pine pollen promotes feelings of well being, uplifts mood and improves sense of will power and enthusiasm. It also contains phenylalanine which helps stimulate dopamine levels in the brain, which allows it to act as a natural antidepressant. (3)

Discover more:

Raw Michelle is a natural health blogger and researcher, sharing her passions with others, using the Internet as her medium. She discusses topics in a straight forward way in hopes to help people from all walks of life achieve optimal health and well-being. SUBSCRIBE here to get more from Raw Michelle!

Sources for this article include:
(1) http://www.secrets-of-longevity-in-humans.com/pine-pollen-powder.html
(2) http://www.consciouslifestylemag.com/pine-pollen-health-benefits/
(3) http://www.superfoods-for-superhealth.com/pine-pollen-benefits.html
(4) http://agebb.missouri.edu/agforest/archives/v5n2/gh2.htm
(5) https://examine.com/supplements/pine-pollen/
(6) http://www.surthrival.com/news/pine-pollen-benefits/

9 Proven Pine Pollen Benefits – Nature’s Gift To Health

Jackfruit Is The #1 Cancer Killer, Studies Show

The Weird Reason Some People Are Allergic to Fruits and Veggies

My mouth sometimes itches after I eat produce. Could I be reacting to the pesticides?While some studies have linked the rise in food allergies to exposure to particular pesticides over time, it’s very rare to have a true allergic reaction to the pesticide residues that can remain on produce. That said, allergies are very individual, and there’s no harm in trying out certified organic produce—which is free of synthetic pesticides—to see if that does the trick.If going organic doesn’t help, though, it is possible to be allergic to the fruits and vegetables themselves. Some people have what’s called oral allergy syndrome, meaning they get reactions to certain proteins found in various fruits and vegetables. RELATED: Your 12 Worst Allergy MistakesFor example, bananas, avocados, kiwis, and more can cause cross-reactions in people who are allergic to latex—an allergy you may not realize you have if you’re not, say, a health care worker or someone who wears a lot of rubber gloves. Those who have allergies to birch, ragweed, or grass pollens may react to things like hazelnut, peaches, celery, sunflower seeds, and zucchini, to name a few.An allergist can do skin or blood tests to see which protein is causing your cross-reactions, and that can help you pinpoint foods to stay away from. Some people find that their symptoms occur only during allergy season or that they can, for example, eat apple pie without an issue but can’t bite into a fresh apple. That’s because cooking with high heat breaks down the problem proteins that cause the cross-reactions. RELATED: 11 Weird Things That Make Seasonal Allergies WorseItchiness may seem like a minor symptom now, but it’s very important to sleuth out your triggers with your doctor and avoid the ones that bring it on. Even if you’ve had only a mild reaction in the past, in rare cases your reactions could lead to anaphylaxis, a dangerous type of reaction that can cause a severe drop in blood pressure and constricted airways.Health’s medical editor, Roshini Rajapaksa, MD, is assistant professor of medicine at the NYU School of Medicine. Meet Dr. Raj at the Health Total Wellness Weekend at Canyon Ranch in May 2015. For details, go to Health.com/TotalWellness.

The Weird Reason Some People Are Allergic to Fruits and Veggies

Antidepressants Cause the Brain to Be Depleted of Crucial Nutrients

Air pollution crisis ‘plagues’ UK, finds UN human rights expert

Air pollution is a crisis that “plagues” the UK, particularly children, according to the UN’s special rapporteur on hazardous substances and wastes.

Baskut Tuncak, who was appointed by the UN human rights council and completed a 15-day mission to the UK on Tuesday, said there was an “urgent need for political will by the UK government to make timely, measurable and meaningful interventions”.

Most air quality zones in the UK breach legal limits and the government has twice had its plans to tackle the issue declared illegal by the courts. It is now developing a new plan but Tuncak’s strong criticism is a further embarrassment for ministers.

“The UK has repeatedly not been among the more progressive EU member states on debates over the development of stronger health and environmental protections,” he said.

Tuncak also said Brexit was a threat to environmental protection given that most current regulations come from the EU. “I found no indication of a political commitment to retaining current standards for health and environmental protection,” he said.

The government says it will transpose all EU laws into UK law via a “great repeal act”, but the environment secretary Andrea Leadsom has said that about a third of the 800 pieces of EU environmental legislation would be difficult to transfer. A cross-party committee of MPs said earlier in January that the government must pass a new Environmental Protection Act before it begins the formal process of leaving the EU.

Tuncak also found that less than 1% of workers made sick by exposure to toxic chemicals receive compensation in the UK. “For victims of toxic pollution, seeking remedy in the UK is very difficult,” he said. “Cuts in legal aid have made it near impossible for victims of pollution and contamination to seek remedy for civil suits.”

Tuncak’s fact-finding mission to the UK was at the invitation of the government and assessed the measures taken by the government to protect the human rights of people that can be infringed by pollution, such as the rights to life, health and safe housing.

The visit coincided with a severe air pollution episode in London and he said between 30,000 and 40,000 early deaths every year are caused by toxic air across the country.

“Air pollution plagues the UK,” Tuncak said. “Children, women of reproductive age, the elderly, and those of poor health are the most threatened by toxic air, with poorer communities often exposed at higher levels. Paediatricians refer to the present state of the impacts of pollution and contamination on children’s health as a ‘silent pandemic’. I encourage the UK government to fulfil its human rights obligations on air pollution.”

Regarding the changes that will result from the UK leaving the EU, he said the UK has an obligation to progress, not to slide backwards: “The forthcoming plan for Brexit should ensure that it does not open a Pandora’s box, freeing the way for deregulation and posing a threat of regression from existing standards of protection.”

Areeba Hamid, clean air campaigner at Greenpeace, said: “It is imperative that the UK government ensures that EU safeguards on air pollution are protected and prioritised throughout the Brexit process. So far the UK government has failed to protect the public from air pollution, much of which is caused by diesel vehicles.”

Tuncak said the UK’s “pivot” away from the EU towards closer cooperation with the US, pursued by prime minister Theresa May in Washington DC last week, risked a weakening of protection. “Rights that are often impacted by pollution and contamination are not recognised by the US while they are by the UK,” he said.

During Tuncak’s mission, he met representatives of the national government. But regarding assurances that Brexit would not weaken protections, he said: “I was pointed to statements that I could not find and political commitments that were not clearly expressed.”

Tuncak also reported a series of other findings:

  • Communities concerned about fracking, sewage disposal and industrial expansion had “severe difficulty” accessing information directly relevant to health and safety.

  • Budget cuts for local authorities had made it “problematic” for them to carry out their responsibilities in managing waste.

  • The UK had inadequate laws to limit the toxic impacts of UK-based companies when operating overseas.

A full report of Tuncak’s mission will be submitted to the human rights council in September.

Air pollution crisis ‘plagues’ UK, finds UN human rights expert

The Great Reason Why You May See Teal Pumpkins This Halloween

Don’t be surprised if you stumble upon teal pumpkins while trick or treating this year—it’s the new, very cool way that people are showing that their home is safe for kids with food allergies. Dubbed The Teal Pumpkin Project, the idea is to display a painted greenish-blue pumpkin as a way to tell the world that you are handing out non-food treats instead of (or in addition to) candy.To take part, just do this DIY project: Paint a pumpkin teal, set it outside your door, and offer fun little goodies (Oriental Trading Company and Amazon are great sources for kid favorites like glow bracelets, playing cards, spider rings, and crayons). You can also show that you’re there for kids with allergies by hanging this printable sign from the non-profit Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) on your front door.As a mom of a 7-year-old with severe tree nut and peanut allergies, I can tell you that candy-centric holidays like Halloween (and Easter…and Valentine’s Day, oy) are a nightmare for families with food allergies. You wouldn’t believe how few mainstream candy makers produce chocolate in a nut-free facility (it’s my big pet peeve), despite the fact that one in 13 children suffers from food allergies and, according to a 2013 Centers for Disease Control study, food allergies have increased 50% between 1997 and 2011. Even stars like Julie Bowen have spoken out about the challenges of raising a food-allergic child.On Halloween night, I always end up pulling out all the fun candy from my son, Gus’s, bag…while worrying that I’ve missed a piece that could harm him. Forget if your kid has a soy allergy, another of the 8 most common food allergens; it’s in virtually every processed chocolate product.I so wish this great program had been around for our past Halloweens. But it’s here now, and I plan on doing it up. Won’t you join me?

The Great Reason Why You May See Teal Pumpkins This Halloween

Eliminating infectious blindness in Nigeria – in pictures

Since 2013, NGO Sightsavers has been part of a programme in northern Nigeria to prevent unnecessary sufffering caused by seven neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) – blinding trachoma, bilharzia, elephantiasis, river blindness, hookworm, whipworm and roundworm. It includes training community directed distributors (CDDs) to deliver medicines to remote areas. In 2016, 25 million people received treatment through this programme

Eliminating infectious blindness in Nigeria – in pictures

Biggest headache for the NHS boss is his own plan | Denis Campbell

Who would be Simon Stevens? The job he takes such pride and purpose in has recently got a lot harder. Colleagues of NHS England’s chief executive say Downing Street’s preoccupation with Brexit means officials are letting him get on with his self-declared mission of transforming the health service in England. But that is the only good news about his relationship with Theresa May and her advisers.

Until July, Stevens worked and got on well with a prime minister who did at least protect NHS funding while cutting almost everything else – David Cameron. But he now has the misfortune of dealing with May, whose curious lack of interest in the true state of the health service is almost as worrying as her capacity for self-delusion over it.

Unprecedented poor waiting times for A&E care, planned operations, ambulance responses to 999 calls and delayed transfers of care from hospital? Just normal winter pressures. Record numbers of A&E units having to divert patients elsewhere and NHS trusts being forced to declare an alert because they can’t cope? There’s only the odd problem here and there – and it’s all lazy GPs’ fault anyway. Too little money to do the job properly? The £10bn is more than the NHS asked for – an outright lie. Rarely have a prime minister and NHS boss spoken from such different scripts.

Stevens is operating in the chilliest political climate any boss of the NHS has faced since the tailend of John Major’s time in office. Will May seek to oust him? Maybe, though a vengeful Stevens publicly telling it like it is could do her incalculable damage. The sheer brio of his evidence to the public accounts committee last month – a masterclass in speaking uncomfortable truth to power – does not suggest a man who would go quietly.

But Stevens’s biggest headache is not the “winter crisis”, cancelled cancer operations or financial failure. Rather, it’s his NHS Five Year Forward View, and the lack of realisation of its ambitious goals since its launch in October 2014.

Stevens may have made bold speeches promising a brave new NHS world by 2020 through new models of care, accountable care organisations and innovative sustainability and transformation plans (STPs). But reality has failed to match rhetoric by a wide margin. Yet next month sees a “national Five Year Forward View delivery plan for the rest of the parliament” – a progress report, albeit of only limited progress.

Stevens will formally green light the metamorphoses of a small number of the 44 regional STPs into “integrated organisations”, which ultimately dissolves the split between commissioners and providers of healthcare. They will probably include those covering Birmingham and Frimley in Surrey. The cadre of belated pioneers will get extra money and staunch support to “reshape what they’re doing” in a dramatic way. He will bat away questions about what became of all the other areas’ plans – still mere “proposals”.

Stevens hopes that even the modest progress made so far in transforming the NHS will persuade May & Co that – given money and political backing – more integrated services between GPs, acute hospitals and social care will deliver an NHS that is able to cope with the pressures. But will May, bereft of her own alternative vision of the health service, see the wisdom of backing the man who dared to challenge her over it so publicly?

Biggest headache for the NHS boss is his own plan | Denis Campbell

Northern Irish woman was reported to police by GP over abortion pills

A Northern Irish woman who was prosecuted for obtaining abortion pills for her underage pregnant daughter was reported to police by a GP, the British Pregnancy Advisory Service has revealed.

Launching an information campaign in Northern Ireland aimed at helping women access safe abortion medication and follow-up services, the BPAS said that a climate of fear over such prosecutions was risking lives in the region.

Last week, the mother won the right to challenge the decision to prosecute her for procuring the abortion pills for her daughter, who was 15 at the time.

BPAS said cases such as these would deter women from seeking follow-up care when needed for fear that they will face criminal sanction.

The charity stressed that no healthcare professional is obliged to report anyone who accesses the abortion pills in the province. Despite this BPAS confirmed that it was a GP who reported the mother, who cannot be named for legal reasons, over buying the abortion pills for her child.

In Northern Ireland, the maximum penalty for the crime of administering a drug to induce miscarriage under the Offences Against the Person Act 1861 is life imprisonment.

Except in cases where there is a direct threat to a mother’s life, almost all abortions are banned in Northern Ireland’s hospitals.

Ann Furedi, BPAS chief executive, said: “We have launched this information campaign today not to encourage women to break the law but in recognition that this is happening. Northern Ireland’s strict abortion law means women determined to end a pregnancy but who cannot travel must turn to online pills. These women are no less deserving of follow-up care and support than the women we see in our clinics.

“Recent court proceedings have sent out a deeply worrying message – that women are not able to speak openly and honestly with their clinicians. Those who are driving the prosecutions have created a damaging climate of fear for women and those caring for them.”

Furedi said BPAS had launched a 24-hour information hotline to help women in Northern Ireland access safe abortion pills.

She said: “We know that there are women who are in need of care but afraid to access help. So today we want to send a clear message: if you have taken abortion pills and need advice, we are here for you, 24 hours a day, every day.”

Last year, pro-choice campaigners used a drone that was flown across the Irish Sea to deliver abortion pills to women in Northern Ireland.

In April last year, a 21-year-old woman received a one-year suspended sentence at Belfast crown court for procuring her own abortion by using a poison, and of supplying a poison with intent to procure a miscarriage. The court was told she had been arrested after her flatmates in Belfast reported her.

Two years ago, the UN’s human rights committee said the severe restrictions on terminations in the region were putting Northern Irish women’s lives at risk.

An estimated 2,000 women travel to English hospitals and clinics from Northern Ireland every year to have terminations. There is strong opposition to liberalising the province’s strict anti-abortion laws across the floor of the Northern Ireland assembly.

The 1967 Abortion Act was never extended to Northern Ireland and all the main local political parties oppose it.

Northern Irish woman was reported to police by GP over abortion pills

Worried your partner might have a bisexual history? Why? | Phoebe Jane Boyd

“Use a condom, the pill, or get an IUD – avoid pregnancy” was the drill from sexual health practitioners who came to speak at my comprehensive school in Kent. There wasn’t much detail or thought beyond, “Some of these boys are going to get some of these girls pregnant before they hit 16 – let’s try to get that down to a lower number than we had last year.”

Thankfully, when it comes to the subject of sexual identity, there’s now more guidance than ever trickling down into the societal subconscious in the west – hopefully in schools, but certainly during publicity rounds for films starring Kelly Rowland and Cat Deeley. While talking about Love By the 10th Date to the New York Post last week, Rowland espoused the importance of knowledge when embarking on a sexual relationship with another: “I can’t tell someone how to feel about dating someone who is bisexual or had a past gay experience, but it’s proper to ask [if they have] in today’s times.”

Women who have sex with women are less likely to get a smear test, because many of us don’t realise we need to

It is “proper” to ask? Maybe it’s unfortunate phrasing, or maybe not being able to hear the tone of voice in which the opinion was offered gives it negative impact, but the sentence rings faintly of suspicion and mild disapproval: “Please submit your history of sex with people of the same gender, and it will then be decided whether or not you are too risky to be intimate with.” That’s how it comes across to this particular someone who is “bisexual or [has] had a past gay experience”, anyway.

Bisexuality just continues to have a bad rep, even though it’s on the rise (according to CNN) … or then again, maybe it’s not on the rise (according to the Verge). Statistics on the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, and which groups of people are spreading them, are easily found (and quickly wielded by those mistrustful of anything beyond heteronormativity), but they can obscure a simple and universal truth that applies to all groups, whether those groups are on the rise or not. And that is: whatever genitalia you and your partner(s) have, you should protect yourselves (condom/dental dam/wash your hands and accoutrement between uses, thank you). Ignoring that fact in favour of “it’s the bisexuals, mostly” is the source of so much harm.

You don’t have to openly identify as bisexual to get the bad side of bisexuality, because it goes beyond the myths of promiscuity, greed and dishonesty still held by some – biphobia also has an impact on physical health. Here in the UK, if you’re a man who’s had sex with another man in the last 12 months, you can’t donate blood (though that stance is currently being reviewed). Women who have sex with women are less likely to get a smear test, because many of us don’t realise we need to – we’re forgotten by the healthcare system, or our needs are misunderstood.

“Gay and bisexual women are at lower risk for HPV,” we confidently tell each other, “we don’t need a smear test.” A lot of us have heard that from our doctors, as well. It was only after seeing a leaflet about the issue from lgbthealth.org.uk during this month’s Cervical Cancer Prevention Week that I realised this was just ignorance.

In 2008, Stonewall released findings that one in 50 lesbian and bisexual women had been refused a smear test, even when they requested one. The 2015 survey on training gaps in healthcare, Unhealthy Attitudes, found that three in four patient-facing staff had not received any training on the health needs of LGBTQ people. Many women get variations of the “use a condom, the pill, or get an IUD – avoid pregnancy” mantra from our doctors to this day, if we don’t declare our gayness or bisexuality as we walk through the surgery door. Sometimes even a declaration is ignored by an uncomfortable practitioner. Straightness is still automatically assumed, unless you’re lucky enough to have a doctor who doesn’t see heterosexuality as the default for everyone they treat.

According to that 2015 Stonewall study, a third of healthcare professionals felt that the NHS and social care services should be doing more to meet the needs of LGBTQ patients, which is encouraging. Knowledge is wanted – needed – to undo the harmful myths that block help and prevent education. And that is what is “proper” (to quote the star of Freddy vs Jason and Love By the 10th Date) – fighting ignorance and biphobia, rather than continuing to be suspicious of sexual histories that might have featured people of the same gender. Whatever and whoever is in our sexual pasts, we must protect each other, and stay informed. That’s healthy.

Worried your partner might have a bisexual history? Why? | Phoebe Jane Boyd

Will NHS transformation plans kill or cure the health service?

“Secret plans to change our NHS”: This is the allegation levelled at sustainability and transformation plans (STPs) – the government’s latest NHS reform initiative – by campaigning group 38 Degrees. Some politicians seem to agree, with former shadow health secretary Diane Abbott calling them “a dagger pointed at the heart of the NHS”.

Simon Stevens, the chief executive of NHS England, sees it differently: “Now is quite obviously the time to confront … the big local choices needed to improve health and care across England.” For him, STPs are a way of delivering the reforms he set out in the NHS Five Year Forward View (pdf) and the £22bn of efficiency savings he promised to the government, while maintaining or improving the quality of care.

As details of the STPs have been made public and the extent of the winter crisis in the NHS has become apparent, the debate about their role in the health service has become dangerously polarised. The question is whether these controversial plans will prove to be kill or cure. Based on a detailed analysis of all 44 plans, we at IPPR think the reality is probably more nuanced and complex than either side let on.

The IPPR’s STP finder tool gives a breakdown of the scale of the financial challenge facing each area, and outlines the changes each plan is expected to bring about.

On the one hand, it’s clear that some elements of the argument made by campaigning groups – for example, that the government is knowingly underfunding the health and care service – stack up. Our analysis shows that every STP area is forecast to be in deficit by 2020-21, and these deficits total more than £24bn. For Theresa May and (somewhat more reluctantly) Simon Stevens to suggest that this financial gap can be closed through reform alone is disingenuous to say the least.

On the other hand, campaigners are wrong to argue that the reform agenda is simply about delivering dangerous cuts. The NHS cannot stand still as the world transforms around it. Instead, it must respond to growing demographic pressures; new evidence about what works and what doesn’t; and cutting edge technologies that can transform health and care.

Hospital reconfigurations are a perfect example of the need for a more balanced discussion. Campaigning groups have raced to uncover “secret” plans to close local hospitals, arguing that these changes are evidence of the government’s deceit. And, they are right to highlight that these changes are afoot: our research finds that up to 44% of STPs include hospital closures or reconfigurations.

However, the potential benefits of these changes have gone largely unnoticed. There is strong evidence for some services, in particular A&E and specialist surgery (pdf), concentrating care in fewer locations. This can save lives by ensuring people have access to the most highly trained doctors and the best equipment. Likewise, there are many examples where treatment could be moved out of hospital all together, saving money but also improving outcomes: for example, only 7% of people say they would prefer to die in hospital with the vast majority opting for home.

This doesn’t mean that all the planned changes are justified, some are likely to be driven by the need to cut costs but many are not and should end up improving health outcomes over the coming years.

Likewise, the wider health and care reform agenda is yet to get a fair hearing, with a number of initiatives likely to result in better care, for example new “community care hubs”, which will bring together GPs, mental health services and social care at a local level; “a truly seven-day health service” with GPs opening on evenings and weekdays; and the adoption of new technology that allows people to receive support remotely.

STPs are an opportunity to deliver these reforms – which will help to transform the quality of care delivered up and down the country – ensuring that the NHS is fit for the 21st century. However, there is no doubt that the NHS will struggle to seize these opportunities without three key changes.

First, the government must recognise that the health and care system needs more funding both to manage the immediate pressures of the winter crisis but also to properly fund the reform agenda. A good start would be a rise in national insurance. This could raise up to a further £16bn over the next five years, dramatically closing the funding gap.

Second, the government – in particular Theresa May and Jeremy Hunt – must start supporting NHS leaders in making the case for reform, in particular controversial and little understood hospital reconfigurations. This will give local NHS leaders the political leadership they need to argue for their proposals locally.

Finally, once central government has helped local leaders win support for their reform plans, they must be given the tools to deliver these changes and allowed to get on with it. This may well mean giving NHS leaders real powers to intervene in their local area, as well as devolving functions currently undertaken by central government as has happened in Greater Manchester.

STPs are an opportunity rather than a risk for the NHS, but without these fundamental changes, it seems inevitable the NHS will remain a 20th century system in a 21st century world.

Harry Quilter-Pinner is a research fellow on public services at the IPPR thinktank. This is an edited version of an article on the IPPR blog and is part of a wider project on STPs.

Join the Healthcare Professionals Network to read more pieces like this. And follow us on Twitter (@GdnHealthcare) to keep up with the latest healthcare news and views.

Will NHS transformation plans kill or cure the health service?

Take care of your elderly mothers and fathers, says Tory minister

People have just as much of a duty to look after their elderly parents as they do to care for their own children, a health minister has said.

David Mowat made the comments alongside an admission that the government had no “final answer” on how it was going to cope with the rising costs of social care.

Speaking to the House of Commons’ select committee on communities and local government, the minister said that tackling the care crisis involved “interwoven issues” including the question of how society deals with the care of ageing parents.

“One of the things that has struck me is no one ever questions that we look after our children – that is obvious. No one says that is a caring responsibility, it is what we do,” he said.

“I think some of that logic and some of the way we think about that in terms the volume of numbers that we are seeing coming down the track will have to impinge on the way that we think about caring for our parents. Because it is a responsibility in terms of our life cycle which is similar.”

The comments come as the Local Government Association, which represents more than 370 councils in England and Wales, claimed that the social care system was on the brink of collapse. The group is warning the chancellor, Philip Hammond, before the spring budget that failure to act urgently to plug the funding gap could leave councils open to legal challenges as they fail to fulfil their duties under the Care Act.

“The intentions and the spirit of the Care Act that aims to help people to live well and independently are in grave danger of falling apart and failing unless new funding is announced by government for adult social care,” said Cllr Izzi Seccombe, who chairs the LGA’s community wellbeing board.

She said social care was not just about getting people washed and dressed but aspiring to help people live the fullest of lives and with dignity.

Speaking to MPs on the committee, Mowat admitted that demand was rising and social care would inevitably require the UK to spend a higher proportion of its overall income on supporting elderly and disabled people.

“What we do know when we look at the GDP that we spend on care, we spend more than some countries like Germany that we would consider to be comparative and more than Canada,” he said.

But he admitted the total spend would inevitably rise, partly because of an ageing population and because of rapidly rising life expectancy among people with learning disabilities whose care was very expensive.

Mowat said there were “discussions with the Treasury all of the time” about how to cope with the demand.

“Over a period of time, the amount of money our society will spend on care will increase. You then get into what the options are and that is a wider question. There have been a lot of reviews. We are unusual in Europe in that we don’t have a social insurance system or long-term savings scheme,” he said.

The minister said personally he felt that such schemes could only help in the very long term and suggested there was a more pressing need to tackle the issue, including through societal changes.

Part of the answer was ensuring that people felt the responsibility to care for elderly mothers and fathers, said Mowat. He talked about the high levels of “informal caring” that already take place, saying six million people were taking on some form of care responsibility, including 200,000 children, alongside 1.6 million full-time carers.

“Part of the solution is properly bringing those informal carers into some kind of system,” he said, highlighting plans for a carers’ strategy that could help people get back into the workplace. “If people doing more than 10 hours of care a week, it is hard to get back into work.”

Take care of your elderly mothers and fathers, says Tory minister

30 Ocak 2017 Pazartesi

Councils may cut social care provision due to underfunding, LGA says

Older and vulnerable people could stop receiving vital help to get out of bed, washed and dressed, because the underfunding of social care has become so severe, councils have warned.

Leaders of 370 local authorities in England and Wales fear that some councils are finding it so hard to provide the right level of support they could face a high court legal challenge for breaking the law.

The Local Government Association said care visits could become shorter, carers could face greater strain and more people could be trapped in hospitals, making NHS services even busier as a result. The LGA estimates that there will be a £2.6bn gap by 2020 between the amount of money social care services need and their budgets.

Cllr Izzi Seccombe, the chair of the LGA community wellbeing board, said: “The intentions and the spirit of the [2014] Care Act that aims to help people to live well and independently are in grave danger of falling apart and failing, unless new finding is announced by government for adult social care.”

The act, which came into effect in 2015, was intended to ensure that councils provided help with basic everyday tasks to anyone who was struggling to undertake at least one of them on their own, because of a physical or mental impairment. But the purpose of the legislation is at risk because councils cannot afford to meet demand, the LGA told the Treasury in its submission ahead of the budget in March.

Only 8% of council directors of adult social care said they were confident that they could fulfil their full duties under the act in 2017-18.

Barbara Keeley, the shadow social care minister, said: “It is deeply worrying that councils are now having to spell out the risks that this lack of funding is causing. We should not tolerate the fact that growing levels of basic needs are going unmet, care visits are shorter and there is increased strain on unpaid family carers.”

A government spokesman said: “Local authorities have a duty to implement new rights introduced in the [2014] Care Act and while many are already providing high-quality social care services, we will continue to challenge and support those not currently doing so.

“We have provided councils up to £7.6bn of dedicated funding for social care over the course of this parliament, significant investment to ensure that vulnerable people get affordable and dignified care as our population ages.”

Councils may cut social care provision due to underfunding, LGA says

The Most Potent Herbal Tincture Acting as Antiviral and Antibacterial

Viruses and bacteria are pathogens known to quickly “evolve around” antiviral and antibacterial drugs. This phenomenon happens due to a one-dimensional action of the drugs against viruses and bacteria.

Viruses consist of a nucleic acid, either DNA or RNA wrapped in another protein. Being so primitive, most biologists do not regard them to be living things. They reproduce insides the cells of living hosts, because of which they are considered infectious particles or biological agents.

Some doctors are said to prescribe antibiotics to viral infectious diseases, some of which shows similar symptoms to that of bacterial infectious diseases. As antibiotics are specifically designed to fight bacteria, they are useless against viruses. For viruses, doctors rely on drugs called antivirals, which are said to be not so effective.


Viruses mutate very easily due to their primitive (simple) structure. That’s why antiviral resistant strains can appear in a matter of weeks or months. Scientists have detected that phenomenon happened to oseltamivir (Tamiflu) in 2009.

Many governments stockpiled it as the best possible remedy for bird flu. Unfortunately, when bird flu arrived, it was found useless against the flu as the viruses had developed resistance to the drug.


As far as antibiotics are concerned, penicillin-resistant strains of pneumonia, gonorrhea and hospital-acquired intestinal infections were detected four years after mass-produced penicillin was introduced.

Each class of antibiotics kills bacteria in its unique way. Penicillin, the first true antibiotic discovered, kills bacteria by attaching and followed by rupturing their cell walls, consequently killing the bacteria. Conversely, tetracycline, erythromycin, and streptomycin kill bacteria by attacking the vital structures inside the bacteria ie, ribosomes that allow them to produce proteins, of which action also destroying the bacteria.

As each antibiotic is a single chemical compound and one dimensional in its action, it’s not that hard for bacteria to “evolve” around such attacks. For example, penicillin-resistant bacteria have developed cell walls different from their previous ones. In effect, that prevents the penicillin from binding.

Similarly, other variants prevent antibiotics from binding to ribosomes, thus makes them ineffective.

Natural antipathogens, on the other hand, are different in term of their action against pathogens that include viruses and bacteria compared to that of antiviral and antibacterial drugs. As explained above, antiviral and antibacterial drugs usually consist of a single compound which functions in a one-dimensional manner.


Conversely, natural antipathogens are multi-dimensional due to their many bioactive compounds that prevent viruses or bacteria to “evolve.” Non-active compounds are believed to potentiate the antipathogenic effects of the active ones besides offering many possible combinations with each other.

This complexity results in a phenomenon thought not only produce synergistic killing actions but also suppresses the bacteria in their attempt to “evolve.”

Surprisingly, when you combine several herbs and spices in one formula, the possible synergistic actions of different types of chemical compounds are beyond counting. Quite simply, as for antiviral and antibacterial cases, microbes cannot “evolve” around them.

Natural Antiviral and Antibacterial Formula

The following are nine antipathogens found in nature that can function as antiviral and antibacterial.

Materials                                               Quantity

  1. Garlic                                                                  10 oz

  2. Ginger                                                                 10 oz

  3. Onion                                                                  10 oz

  4. Olive leaf                                                               5 oz

  5. Clove                                                                      5 oz

  6. Lemon (whole)                                                   10 oz

  7. Pomegranate (juice)                                          10 oz

  8. Wild mountain oil of oregano                   1 teaspoon (equiv. 100 drops)

  1. Apple cider vinegar                                         300 fluid oz

Individually, their effectiveness is astounding.


Garlic is available all-year-round culinary herb that can be easily bought from grocers. It is considered by many herbalists as one of the best antiviral and antibacterial alternatives. It is found to stimulate the immune system by stimulating the activity of the macrophages (white blood cells), which engulf foreign organisms, including viruses, bacteria, and yeast.

Apart from that, garlic improves the activity of the T-helper cells which are the core of the activity of the entire immune system. Garlic can be effective in alleviating upper respiratory viral infections including colds, flu, and sore throat due to its immune-stimulant, antioxidant, antihistaminic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties.

It is not only destroying bacteria but inhibiting bacterial cell growth (prevent replication) as well. Exerting antibacterial action equivalent to 1% penicillin, garlic is effective against staph, strep, and even anthrax bacteria.


Ginger has been traditionally used to treat viral infections including colds and flu in many cultures. An Indian report indicates that it promotes the immune system’s ability to fight infection and can be effective to help alleviate swine flu symptoms. Moreover, preliminary Indonesian study based on red ginger (Zingiber officinale var. rubra) oil on Avian flu virus can be implied that whole ginger may also be effective against many types of flu.


Onions and garlic share many similarities in term of biological activities due to their powerful sulfur-bearing compounds that function as potent antiviral and anti-bacterial.

Olive Leaf

Olive leaf has long being used traditionally against infectious diseases. Studies have shown that the olive leaf extract possesses antiviral as well as antibacterial properties.


Cloves are dried flower buds of the clove tree which is native to India and Indonesia. The buds emit a very strong aromatic odor, one of which is due to eugenol, a potent compound that acts as antiviral and antibacterial. Many Western herbalists and alternative medicine practitioners are said to overlook the great potential of using cloves as antiviral and antibacterial agents that might due to too focus on using local herbs.


Lemon (and lime as well) juice is reported to decrease the strength of the cold and flu virus in the body, reduce the cold and flu duration, and reduce phlegm.


Pomegranates have been known for hundreds of years for their multiple health benefits, including antimicrobial activity. Studies have indicated that pomegranates and their extracts may serve as natural alternatives due to their potency against a wide range of bacterial and viral pathogens.

Oil of Wild Mountain Oregano

Oregano is a herb native to the Mediterranean region that has been used for culinary purposes for centuries. An oregano species which is known as wild oregano has been highlighted in recent years as having potent antimicrobial (antibacterial) properties. It has been shown to be beneficial as antiviral and antibacterial and is said better than penicillin, streptomycin, vancomycin, nystatin, and amphotericin in its ability to annihilate pathogenic bacteria.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Besides containing acetic acid as a major organic acid, apple cider vinegar (ACV) is also believed to contain similar compounds found in fresh apples including bioflavonoids, carotenoids, vitamin C, many types of organic acids, esters, soluble fibers, and insoluble fibers, some of which may be changed to become compounds such as esters.

ACV is said to be able to remove toxic wastes (metabolites) harmful to the body and many of its phytochemical constituents are believed to act as potent antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiviral, antibacterial, and antiflu.

Making ACV Tincture

Follow the following instructions to make a potent antiviral/antibacterial ACV tincture:

  • Fill your jar to the top with room temperature, not boiling, ACV.

  • Put all ingredients (see Natural Antiviral and Antibacterial Formula section) in a pint (dark glass) jar.

  • Add ten fluid ounces of ACV.

  • Use cork to cap your ACV tincture.

  • After two weeks, the tincture is ready for use

  • Shake well before use as the oregano essential oil may always float on top

  • For preventive measures, the usual dose of this ACV tincture is one teaspoon per hundred pounds of body weight. When having a cold or flu, take 2-3 times daily on an empty stomach.

The Most Potent Herbal Tincture Acting as Antiviral and Antibacterial

National Intelligence Council Report Describes the Final Solution for “Fake News”

Trends or revolutions can be unexpected. Even with total information awareness. The best laid plans often go astray. Take “fake news” for example. A report released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence on January 9, 2017 highlights one of the greatest trends and unexpected consequences of the information age. Produced over the last four years by the National Intelligence Council the report titled Global Trends Assessment: Paradox of Progress chronicles current and emerging trends in the geopolitics, military affairs, and technology. The only paradox is that the globalist’s progress has taken an unexpected turn.

Coming in at 235 pages it is bristling with themes on a dystopic future from malevolent AI to out of control geoengineering and break away civilizations. Not kidding. Echoing other globalist white papers with three future dystopian scenarios or a combination of them.

All with the same solution for “fake news“. Just like the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2017 with it’s calls to “smooth the information flow” and this report that questions “democratic ideals like free speech and the market place of ideas“.  Direct quotes!  These documents released at the end of the Obama Administration represent the capstone in globalist thinking about the problem of “fake news“.

In the chapter Trends Transforming the Global Landscape there is a section titled Converging Trends Will Transform  Power and Politics. This word product puts in stark terms how the internet has empowered individuals and alternative media to influence opinion and spread information on a global scale as never before. It offers only one solution at the end of the chapter to the problem of “fake news” that has broken the monopolies. Can you guess what that is?

Technology and wealth are empowering individuals and small groups to act in ways that states historically monopolized—and fundamentally altering established patterns of governance and conflict

The ICT revolution placed in the hands of individuals and small groups the information and the ability to exert worldwide influence—making their actions, interests, and values more consequential than ever before.    GTA p26

When the internet was introduced to the public it had already been in use for years by the military as ARPANET. Developed by the forerunners to DARPA this technology was given to the public for many reasons. One of the major reasons was to “close the loop” and get real time data on what populations are saying, thinking and doing. This allows for increasingly accurate prediction of future trends and how to influence them by introducing strategic stimuli at certain points along the way. Before this governments and corporations did not have instant and reliable methods of gauging the public mood and how they were reacting to social engineering and advertising. Total information awareness is now making the globalists totally aware that people around the world are fed up with them. Now the script has been flipped and the people are making up their own minds.

The information environment is fragmenting publics and their countless perceived realities— undermining shared understandings of world events that once facilitated international cooperation. It is also prompting some to question democratic ideals like free speech and the “market place of ideas“.  GTA p26

Undermining the “shared understanding” provided by complete corporate control of  almost all media that made globalization possible. Leading “some” to question democratic ideals like free speech and the marketplace of ideas. Wow. It doesn’t take a technocrat to figure out who the “some” are. The sky is falling and the information environment is fragmented because the globalists cannot compete in the market place of ideas. So shut it down. Competition is a sin.

 When combined with a growing distrust of formal institutions and the proliferation, polarization, and commercialization of traditional and social media outlets, some academics and political observers describe our current era as one of “post-truth” or “post-factual” politics    GTA p26

Growing distrust of formal institutions is putting it mildly. Trust in government and mainstream media are at historic lows since data began to be compiled by surveys. Once again that mysterious “some” pops up again. A little more specific this time identified as academics and political observers. Blaming citizens of the world for speaking their mind and finding facts that answer legitimate questions. Free speech is at fault is this “post truth” era with it’s “post-factual” politics muddying the waters so globalist programs cannot continue unopposed. These same nebulous academics and political observers identified in the document that question free speech and democratic ideals know that they have a fight on their hands.

The power of individuals and groups to block outcomes will be much easier to wield than the constructive power of forging new policies and alignments or implementing solutions to shared challenges, especially when the credibility of authority and information is in question.    GTA p27

Questioning authority is the very bedrock of free speech and democracy. Freedom will get in the way of forging new globalist policies and international alignments. Implementing globalist solutions to manufactured challenges is difficult when being continually exposed by a fair and open press. This is considered “post-factual” politics.

So what does one do when confronted with this dangerous freedom where people decide what to think for themselves? What would be the solution for those who question democratic ideals like free speech and the market place of ideas?

For authoritarian-minded leaders and regimes, the impulse to coerce and manipulate information—as well as the technical means to do so—will increase.   GTA p27

Almost laughable if it were not so dark in it’s prescription for a final solution to “fake news” and echoed in countless other recent globalist white papers.

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Easier to read pdf at https://info.publicintelligence.net/ODNI-NIC-ParadoxProgress.pdf


National Intelligence Council Report Describes the Final Solution for “Fake News”