30 Ocak 2017 Pazartesi

Do You Know Which Are The 3 Most Powerful Healing Essential Oils?

A few years ago I became interested in the healing power of essential oils and quickly found a few favorites. Those are; oregano oil, black seed oil, and magnesium oil.

Essential oils are more than delicious smelling oils. These wildly healthful plant extracts can help you heal, maintain good body energy balances and can even be used, with caution, for your pets.

Essential oils are very potent, and the utmost care and attention should be applied when using and handling these products.

Some oils can be made simply and at home, but others need the distillation process to fully extract all their potent properties. And yes, if you’re really keen, you can purchase a distillation kit for around $ 400. To make your own, you will need a LOT of the plant material to start with. Always make sure to start with the very highest quality plant material, to ensure the best oils coming out the other end of the process.

If you cannot make your own or don’t have access to the necessary plant material, there are plenty of retailers that are happy to sell you certified organic essential oils.

These highly potent oils are usually used for their healing properties. However, some just smell so good, that you will want to wear them as a perfume!

Modern science has finally caught up with the use of essential oils in some pharmaceuticals. For example, eucalyptus essential oil is used in preparations to help relieve sore throats and congestive coughs. Also, many essential oils are used in the ancient art of aromatherapy.

Oregano Oil

Is a powerful antibacterial, antiviral, anti-parasitic and anti-fungal oil that can help fight off infections. Personally, I love oregano oil for relieving tooth ache and keeping colds and flu at bay. As soon as I feel a little tickle in the throat, I start taking 3 x 3 drops per day. Caution: when first using this oil, make sure you start with only 1 x 3 drops per day. It’s really strong stuff!

Carvacrol is the main ingredient in oregano oil that makes it so powerful against many ailments. This substance is being evaluated in many scientific studies, and there are great results coming through. Carvacrol has been proven to kill cancer cells, supports a balanced blood sugar level and is effective in the fight against candida (see the end of the article for the link to the very long list of studies)

Black Seed Oil

This particular oil has been described as ‘the remedy for all ailments except death’ Now, while I can’t attest to the death part, I can tell you that this is another powerful oil, useful in relieving toothache. However, this oil has a side benefit that I didn’t count on. After taking this internally for just a few days, I noticed my facial wrinkles smoothing out. Wow, an excellent anti-aging effect!

Recent studies have shown that black seed oil (from the Nigella sativa plant) can combat super bugs that are fast becoming resistant to man-made antibiotics. Take that big pharma!

The fantastic anti-cancer properties of black seed oil are attributed to the active ingredient called thymoquinone. There has been a lot of interest from the scientific community in thymoquinone, for it’s potential as a cancer treatment. “Recent preclinical and clinical studies provide evidence that adoptive transfer of in vitro activated T cells can results in significant antitumor responses in vivo upon acquisition of certain survival and homing properties during in vitro activation.”

“Significant apoptosis” has been observed in vitro.

Apoptosis is a process of programmed cell death that occurs in multi cellular organisms. Biochemical events lead to characteristic cell changes (morphology) and death. In vitro means a process performed or taking place in a test tube, culture dish, or elsewhere outside a living organism.

In 2008 there was a study of 2.5ml x 2 daily of black seed oil, tested against atorvastatin 10 mg once a day and metformin 500 mg twice a day. The result? “The treatment group showed significant improvement concerning total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and fasting blood glucose.”

Magnesium Oil

This is called an oil, but it’s not. I’m not sure why the moniker of oil is attached to it because it’s quite a watery substance. Magnesium oil is mainly used topically with massage to relieve cramps. When we dehydrate, we not only lose water but also salts. Magnesium oil replaces some of these body salts, thus avoiding cramps in the first place.

Magnesium is one of the most important minerals, and it’s been mostly removed from our food supply. Since the 1950’s, up to 95% of magnesium is now not present in vegetables, grains, and pasta. No wonder we are all getting sick! I consider magnesium oil to be a ‘get it in ya NOW’ type supplement.

I love to use it before bed, rubbed into my legs, for a good nights sleep. This wonder oil is great to alleviate the suffering of migraines, restless leg syndrome, baths for eczema and psoriasis, to calm stress and hyperactivity, help with the pain of your lunar cycle, improve skin quality and even help with diabetic symptoms.

How To Choose The Highest Quality Essential Oils

When choosing a supplier for your essential oils, please ensure you find certified organic oils. Organic certification is different in each country. However, there are international standards too. It’s a minefield of information, but, if you just stick to certified organic labels, then you will be getting the highest quality available.

Organic certified essential oils are always more expensive. However, this shows the true cost of growing high quality, chemical free products. It’s all the costs of complying to certification that raise the prices so high. My hot tip is to learn how to grow and make your own oils!

Organic farming is also often performed on a much smaller scale, utilizing farm management practices which do not harm the environment, wildlife or you. That’s why I don’t care what the price is; the quality is what counts.

Essential oils are called ‘essential’ for a reason. Get some in your natural health cabinet today!

(See the references section below for the link to the HUGE list of clinical studies on oregano oil)








Do You Know Which Are The 3 Most Powerful Healing Essential Oils?

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