31 Ocak 2017 Salı

More Perspectives on Fat

Fat is one of the macronutrients needed to survive in our modern day world. However, fat has been widely misunderstood as the cause of heart disease, hypertension, and much more ailments. The myth that fat started began with the whole Ancel Keys lipid hypothesis. Ancel keys stated that heart disease is associated with foods of high fat content. This has been a detrimental widespread myth that has effected the health of many people throughout our nation. Ancel Keys originally had a degree in, economics and oceanography rather than a distinguished medical/health profession. He published the infamous seven countries study to push the skewed data that he represented… It is even stated that he deleted data from other countries that did not match the fat and cardiovascular disease risk factor. He is like a mad scientist who created the biggest health deception of our time. Fat is our number one enemy, MUHAHAHAHA!! There are many cultures throughout the world who have a high consumption of fat and have no signs of heart disease; whatsoever. I will explain all of this in the article right now.

Fat is a key component for our immune system functions, improving brain function, along with cushioning and nourishing organs throughout the body. Our brain is 60% fat and it is mostly derived from saturated fat and cholesterol. Modern food technology has made it hard to absorb all the necessary essential fats and fatty acids for optimal health. We are deficient in certain fatty acids like Omega 3s, due to a GMO infested food supply thus resulting in a nutrient deficient food supply. Omega 6s are the fats that Americans are exceedingly abundant in. They are found in hydrogenated vegetable oils, along with salad dressing, margarine, and shortening. This kind of food supply is mostly present in fast-food chain restaurants and retail stores which people gullibly buy and consume. Omega 3s on the other hand are found in sesame seeds, flax seeds, cold water fish, and grass-fed meats. Pork is not recommended to eat due to the pig’s exposure to filth and disease causing parasites, and bacteria. Proper amounts and ratios of Omega 3s and 6s must be held to a 1:1 ratio. This is how much our primal ancestors had in their diet equalizing both the consumption of both omega 3s and 6s. With the growth of modern food technology this has changed to a staggering  20:1 ratio.

Lets talk about the types of fats. A Fat molecule is made up of at least one glycerol molecule and three fatty acids. All of these can either result in a fat being saturated, monounsaturated, or polyunsaturated. Unsaturated fatty acids and saturated fatty acids both have carbon and hydrogen atoms. Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature and they are commonly found in olive oil, avocados, nuts, seeds, and hydrogenated vegetable oils. Hydrogenated oils are particularly the worst ways to meet fat requirements since they are trans-fats.  Polyunsaturated fats are also liquid at room temperature since they are unsaturated. They also mainly consist of a certain ratio of omega 3s and omega 6 fatty acids.  Since the rise of food technology, and animal agriculture and other foods have become genetically altered to become nearly nutritionally inadequate. In particular foods that contain fat, the omega 6 has greatly outnumbered the omega 3 content which is what americans are mostly deficient in. Plant based foods have a short chain fatty acid known as alpha linolenic acid. Animal foods have a long chain fatty acid known as arachidonic acid which helps combat inflammation, infection, and allows for cell to cell communication.   I’ve already mentioned the sources of animal and plant foods. Animal based sources of fat consists of EPA and DHA. The body can convert ALA into EPA and DHA, however one needs a higher intake of ALA from plant foods to meet the conversion requirements. Deficiencies in essential fatty acids can cause excessive thirst, frequent urination, rough, dry or scaly skin, dry hair, dandruff, and soft or brittle nails. Additionally, deficiencies can result in sleep difficulties and emotional instability,

Since the acquisition of animal agriculture, and Glyphosate spraying among crops for animal feed it is no wonder Omega 3 fatty acid supply in certain meats have declined, while the amount of Omega 6 fatty acid content has increased. This is known to trigger an enzyme known as COX-2 enzyme. What this enzyme does is increase inflammation and contribute to aging,  heart disease, and autoimmune diseases. You do not have to eat meat to fulfill your fat requirements… It is always recommended to eat coconuts, and coconut oil, along with a variety of nuts, seeds, and avocados. It is optimal to meet your fat requirements using these foods. Your body has all the necessary components to digest fat. Your body has both your liver and the gallbladder to take care of fat digestion by producing bile. The liver produces bile whereas the gallbladder acts as a regulator for the release of bile. Bile works together with hydrochloric acid to properly digest nutrients which also include fat. Having insufficient hydrochloric acid subjects one to indigestion, acid reflux symptoms, constipation, bloating etc.

Sugar is actually one of many major proven risk factors leading to the wide variety of health problems. Don’t  be confused with fruit sugar since it can be used as glucose for the muscles and the brain. I’m talking about white and cane sugar specifically… High fructose corn syrup is an abundant form of sugar found in many foods and beverages in the market. Sugar, amazingly enough, contributes to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. This disease leads to liver cirrhosis, liver failure, and even death. Sugar makes its way to the liver which produces more fat molecules and triggers liver cells to store fat in the wrong places. Sugar also prevents the breakdown of old fats in our body. The ability to break down fats is also inhibited which may explain the low stomach acid issue. In addition, sugar will stimulate free radical production and promote insulin resistance. All this contributes to inflammation and then NAFLD. NAFLD is a rapidly growing health problem, that may grow if not addressed and fixed… We have been taught to fear the fat macronutrient which contributes to the variety of diseases we see today. CoQ10 enzyme supplementation may be necessary for the prevention and slowed progression of this nasty liver disease. CoQ10 is found in mackerel, peanuts, sardines, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, and organ meats.

Let’s discuss the Alaskan tribe who thrived on certain foods that would be considered cancerous in today’s society. The Alaskan native population followed a diet consisting of fresh-caught salmon, moose, seals, ducks, geese, ptarmigan, caribou, and berries. They were a hunter-gatherer lot who thrived off a high-fat diet. It was during the acquisition of food technology in the west, that the Alaskan population experienced increased rates of obesity which rose by 63%. People from the isle of Crete follow a diet high in fat particularly olive oil, as a result, they were least likely to develop heart disease. Another culture who consumed a high-fat diet and had nearly no risk for heart disease was the nomadic Masai tribe. The Masai mainly farmed and raised livestock in Kenya and northern Tanzania. Their diet consisted of fermented milk, cows blood, along with the occasional meat. Other members of the Masai tribe ate maize, sweet potatoes, millet, cabbage, kale, sheep’s and goat’s milk.

With all of this being said, fat is among the most important macronutrients needed for survival. Food industries have taken the Ancel keys lipid hypothesis and started recommended eating a low-fat high carb diet. I firmly believe you can only eat some carbs to sustain weight loss like unprocessed fruit and bread. Carbs from things like bleached flour, sugar, grains, will cause the unwanted belly fat and weight increase. Getting sufficient amount of exercise, reduce sitting time, and reducing exposure to toxins will help you achieve adequate weight loss. School systems aren’t incorporating any physical or excelling nutritional education program to instruct the dangers of lifestyle habits, and acquisition of certain foods. The food industries of today are only looking to make a profit like the pharmaceutical and medical subsidiaries, therefore people’s personal interests are not in their mind. Americans are lazier than ever and are looking for quick fixes when it comes to their health. The sad thing is they will buy anything from a schmuck promising them results.  With that being said eat more plant-based sources of fats, to help reassure your needs to sustain good health.


The Truth About Ancel Keys: We’ve All Got It Wrong

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Maternal Supplementation With Very-Long-Chain n-3 Fatty Acids During Pregnancy and Lactation Augments Children’s IQ at 4 Years of Age

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More Perspectives on Fat

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