12 Aralık 2016 Pazartesi

5 Reasons You Need Rose Essential Oil

Let’s divert for one second into the world of frequency and sound waves

If we address music on a keyboard- A 440, we understand that the tone “A” below middle “C”  vibrates 440 times per second. The “A” above middle “C” vibrates at 880 times per second.  Sound waves travel from the source, through the air as a carrier, to our ear drum, to the receiver of sound pressure moving up and down in cycles, which converts that information into information, which travels to our brain to be interpreted into identifying that as “A”   

If we break sound into it’s basic component, we discover at the foundation of all sounds, from orchestral to R2D2, are sine waves. We’ve seen examples on oscilloscopes of sine waves smoothly cycling up and down at the frequency of the sound source generating that air movement.

We know how music has the power to heal, reduce stress and depression, and improve insomnia. Music impacts our life from Mozart to spa music, to old favorite songs we turn up on the radio, to screaming heavy metal. Frequency moves us to enjoy our relaxing spa session or to put on our dancing shoes at a party. And we’ve seen how the right frequency can break a wine glass which is achieved by increasing the amplitude of a frequency that resonates with the target object, the wine glass, and the result is shattered glass.


What we consume

Our body takes in fuel from our surrounding environment, sunshine, fresh air, walking on the ocean, energized by the waves, sand and breeze as well as what we consume.  The food we consume can be tested and measured to discover a broad spectrum of frequencies we ingest, from near zero to 90 MHz.  The higher the frequency we ingest, the higher the impact on the frequency, and vibrant health of our body.  

But one might wonder, can we find substances on Mother Earth at even higher frequencies to lift us up even higher?  The answer is Yes, absolutely!

One of the oldest medicines known to man are essential oils.  The apothecaries found in uncovered tombs in Egypt, carried various essential oils. Not a new concept at all.  

But what are they and how does this relate to frequency?

If we discover that a plant has a positive medicinal value for us, such as a rose and we can capture the essence of that plant in a cold pressed liquid distillate, we discover that every drop of that essential oil has the complex chemical constituency of the plant source.  And, as shown by the oils discovered in Egypt, even after thousands of years kept in a cool dark environment, they maintain their therapeutic integrity.  THEIR FREQUENCY!

Roses climb the top of the charts 

Roses! Women smile and move their nose towards the blossoms, taking in a deep breath as they close their eyes. A smile grows and they begin emanating sounds like:  Mmmmm…!!!!!   What’s going on and why is this a universal occurrence with roses and women?   It’s Frequency! Roses are the highest measured plant on the planet, thus far.  Someday we may discover something higher but for now…  it’s roses!    Yup…  300 MHz!   Wow!!!

However, it takes an average of 60 thousand rose petals, to produce 10ml of essential oils, a relatively small bottle.  60K petals for a small amount of pure rose essential oil.

Worth it?  Yes. Remember the reaction:  Smell.  Smile.  Mmmmmm…  By smelling the roses, or pure rose essential oil, we are taking in the essence of those molecules that are raising our own frequency up into a wonderful feel good moment!  

The power of our olfactory system is amazing!  We can smell something that triggers a good memory from decades ago!  Our bio-electrical body reacts at the speed of light to those incoming molecules that trigger part of our brain to remember the most amazing things! However,  a genuine un-adulterated rose essential oil is not cheap.

5 Reasons You Need Rose Essential Oil

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