22 Aralık 2016 Perşembe

Head-injury survivors and suicide risk | Letters

Sarah Wollaston MP rightly urges the government to identify suicide risks (Curbs needed on pro-suicide sites, say MPs as toll mounts, 19 December). There is one very grave one which the national suicide strategy takes no account of. There is compelling research to demonstrate that head-injury survivors – even survivors of concussion – are at particular risk of suicide and should receive the same attention and supervision from medical professionals as other high-risk groups, such as prisoners, mental health patients and those with a history of self-harm. A large epidemiological survey carried out in Denmark, which covered 145,440 head-injury patients, noted that suicides were more than double the norm after skull fracture, triple after concussion and four times after brain haemorrhage.

If my husband and I had known this we would have been more vigilant with our own son after his head injury, and might not have lost him to suicide.
Joanna Lane
Coulsdon, Surrey

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Head-injury survivors and suicide risk | Letters

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