21 Aralık 2016 Çarşamba

How to Avoid Accidents When Driving at Night

The night is the most dangerous time to drive. When it’s dark, gloomy, and full of shadows, that’s when it gets extra hard to focus on the road. This makes just about any driver even more at risk of car accidents.

According to a research by National Safety Council, the risk of fatal car crashes is 3 times greater at night than any other time of the day. There might even be instances that drivers die from these accidents. What happens to these personal injury suits when a person dies? When dealing with the aftermath of car accidents, it is advisable to hire the services of attorneys that can help you in these driving cases. You can search a few excellent lawyers in personal injury attorneys. But, of course, it is most ideal to avoid this situation than to deal with it.

Safety precautions to take when driving at night

In nighttime driving, the dangers are much larger, but there are basic safety and precautionary measures to reduce the risks.

  1. Get at least 8 hours of sleep every night.

One of the biggest causes of nighttime car accidents is the driver’s lack of sleep. Get the recommended amount of sleep, at least 8 hours, every night to reduce sleepiness when driving on the road.

  1. Avoid driving if you have been awake for 24+ hours.

Your eyes need time to shut down. It can hardly function well when it has been awake for long hours.

  1. Stop every hour or two to rest.

During long night road trips, pull over every hour or two to rest. You can take a nap, stretch your body, or simply get some fresher air to breathe. This will keep you re-energized and more awake.

  1. If you’re sleepy, pull over and take a nap.

You don’t really need to stick to the “every-hour” pull over time. If you feel drowsy, pull over and take a quick, satisfying nap. Just make sure you stop over at a safe and traffic-wise place.

  1. Travel during times when you’re normally awake.

You’re probably normally more awake during the day than the night, yet may still end up traveling during the night. If you’re planning on traveling during the night, sleep in the morning to make for your lack of sleep during the night of your trip.

  1. Aim your headlights right.

The most challenging part about driving during the night is the darkness. At night, headlights from the cars around get wild. Headlights may temporarily blind drivers. Knowing this pretty well as a driver yourself, it’s important that you become responsible enough in aiming your headlights correctly.

  1. Look away from approaching headlights.

Knowing the struggles of being temporarily blinded by the headlights, make sure you shun your eyes as soon as you can see an approaching car with glaring headlights. Just remember to immediately look back again to the road after.

  1. Reduce your driving speed.

The most obvious way to avoid car accidents when driving at night is to reduce the driving speed. It’s better to drive slowly than treacherously.

  1. Avoid distractions.

Keep your eyes open and focused on the road. As much as possible, don’t eat, drink, or use your phone when driving.

    10. Stay alert.

No matter how sleepy, tired, or bored you are, always stay alert from every corner. If you stay alert, you stay alive.

In times of accidents, you can stay safe with the protection of the law as well as with a competent group of attorneys such as theWestga lawyers.  It’s important to have the best, most trustworthy lawyers by your side during discussions of the accident to help you in such crucial times.

Author bio: The article on personal injury suits and personal injury attorneys has been written by Ignacio D. Pena who is a very active blogger and loves to write in the legal niche.

How to Avoid Accidents When Driving at Night

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