21 Aralık 2016 Çarşamba

5 Surprising Ways Lack Of Sleep Destroys Your Health

Some people, especially people, living in bustling and hustling cities, do not get to bed on time. With technological advances that keep people wired into the internet and at their offices, people are staying at work later, or staying up later in bed watching their online streaming television service. This keeps people up later and also makes it more difficult to wind down at bedtime. Proper awareness surrounding a healthy sleeping cycle can also be to blame for American’s in all cities not getting enough shut-eye. Across the board in US cities, residents are not getting their full 8 hours.

Although to many this may seem like it’s not a big deal, or that it doesn’t matter not getting enough sleep can seriously impact one’s health and quality of life. These effects can be cumulative and even felt after just one night. Some of the ways a lack of proper sleep can hinder the health are:

  • Unhealthy skin regeneration and premature aging

Skin is the largest organ in the body, and it is used to as a barrier between the human body and the rest of the world. What happens to the skin when the body doesn’t get enough time to restore itself? The skin does not regenerate properly, and people can end up with lack and sagging skin that is prematurely full of wrinkles.

  • Increased risk for obesity

For people to keep up their energy they need to either eat or sleep. Deprived people are shown to eat more calories through their day to keep them going when they are feeling slow and sluggish. This increase in calorie consumption can lead to weight gain and obesity. Getting the full 8 hours can reduce food cravings and keep the body at a healthy weight because it is not relying on calories to keep itself running.

  • Abnormal circadian rhythms

Humans run on circadian rhythms that regulate the entire body. Abnormal patterns throw the circadian rhythms off their cycle which can cause sickness, fever, and hormonal imbalances. Getting to bed and waking up on time with 8 hours keeps the circadian rhythms in harmony.

  • Increased risk for depression

Inadequate zzz’s can aggravate depression symptoms and increase someone’s risk of feeling depressed. People become irritable, less likely to exercise, and the brain cannot regenerate itself without enough bedtime, all of which can contribute to feelings of depression.

  • Inability to perform productively

The brain restores itself at night, and without enough shut-eye, the brain’s signals are not performing at their peak, leading to decreased performance at work and at all levels of life.


What Time Does America Go to Bed – Homes.com

5 Surprising Ways Lack Of Sleep Destroys Your Health

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