19 Aralık 2016 Pazartesi

Siberian city declares emergency as dozens die from drinking alcoholic bath tincture

A state of emergency has been declared in the Siberian city of Irkutsk, as at least 48 people were reported dead on Monday from drinking a bath tincture known for its high alcohol content.

The deaths have renewed controversy over the widespread ingestion of “surrogate” alcohol in Russia, including medical ethanol, window cleaner and perfume. Experts estimate that up to 12 million Russians regularly ingest such surrogates.

The deaths in Irkutsk appear to have been caused by a counterfeit batch of Boyaryshnik, a concentrated liquid sold as a relaxant to add to bathwater but widely known as a cheap alcohol substitute. It cost a maximum of 40 roubles (£0.52) per bottle, making it cheaper than even the lowest-cost vodka, and was even put on sale in public vending machines earlier this year.

According to the label, Boyaryshnik contains 93% ethanol, hawthorn extract and lemon oils but tests on the Irkutsk consignment suggested it also contained methanol, an ingredient in antifreeze. Police said they had discovered an underground workshop in the city where bottles of fake Boyaryshnik were being produced, along with counterfeit bottles of well-known vodka brands.

Russia’s investigative committee said it had detained two people on Monday, and seized over two tonnes of the liquid from shops and kiosks around Irkutsk, to ensure no more of the batch reached consumers. Other reports suggested five people had been arrested.

Dmitry Berdnikov, the mayor of Irkutsk, declared a state of emergency in the city on Monday afternoon and also placed a temporary ban on the sale of all liquids containing alcohol not designed for consumption.

The death toll rose steadily throughout the day, with 41 confirmed dead by evening in Irkutsk. A further nine people remained in serious condition in hospital. The local prosecutor’s office said the majority of victims had arrived at hospitals already in a coma.

Vladimir Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, told journalists that the deaths were “a terrible tragedy” and said the Russian president had been informed.

Dmitry Medvedev told a meeting of the cabinet that the deaths were unacceptable. The prime minister said: “We cannot put up with this any longer. We must take all measures either to get this kind of product off the market, or to ensure full control of the way they are sold.”

Medvedev also told the interior minister to ensure people involved in black-market production or sale of such industrial alcohol drinks would face criminal charges, and suggested tightening the law to provide harsher penalties.

Alcoholism remains a major problem in Russia. A survey two years ago showed that a quarter of Russian men died before reaching the age of 55, compared with 7% of men in Britain. The survey found that the average Russian adult drank 20 litres of vodka a year, compared with an average of three litres of spirits a year consumed in Britain.

The ingestion of low-quality surrogate alcohol not meant for human consumption causes even worse health risks. Medical professionals estimate that between 10 and 12 million Russians drink these types of alcohol, including surgical spirit, aftershaves and cleaning fluids, because they cannot afford to buy vodka or other alcoholic drinks. A ministry of health survey in a town close to Moscow earlier this year found that 13% of residents admitted to consuming surrogate alcohol.

“Every year, Boyaryshnik is killing more people than terrorist acts did in the whole history of Russia,” wrote opposition politician Alexei Navalny on Monday. He said people were being pushed into drinking surrogates due to low incomes and said only fighting against poverty could improve the situation.

Oleg Kuznetsov, a Russian toxicology specialist, said deaths from surrogate alcohol ingestion had gone up this year due to the economic crisis. “People are poorer, especially those who drink a lot, but the need for alcohol remains. Before, someone with alcohol dependency would go to the shop and buy the cheapest vodka, now he’ll go and buy something different like window cleaner,” he said.

Siberian city declares emergency as dozens die from drinking alcoholic bath tincture

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