19 Aralık 2016 Pazartesi

Men’s Health: Top Tips to Boost Stamina and Energy

Tap into proven sources of stamina and drive, and energy to go through daily activities with vigor.

If you’re starting to suffer from bad mood and aching body more than you used to, then you might be lacking in energy. While going through your heavy daily grind can be physically stressful, the strain could be lessened if you have more stamina. Luckily, there are a lot of ways to rev your engines. Here is a list of the most effective ways to do it:

  1. Take enough magnesium.

Magnesium is a mineral that’s usually found in the organs, tissues, and bones. According to Rachel Meltzer, a nutritionist, when the body does not have enough of the mineral, it will need more oxygen, especially during an exercise. Thus, you get tired more easily.

If you want to avoid it, you need to keep quick energy boosting foods in hand. Foods rich in magnesium include nuts, almonds, soybeans, cashews, and spinach. With increased level of magnesium, you can also remedy any chronic sleeping problem. In other words, you can sleep more and re-energize your body better and faster. For better results, you might want to pair magnesium-rich foods with calcium.

  1. Fill up on fat.

While it’s true that excessive fat is highly unhealthy, keeping it all from your diet can result in a decrease in your testosterone levels, thus draining your energy and stamina. One study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine has revealed that those who consumed more fat have higher testosterone levels.

You must be wary of unhealthy fats, however. Maintain your T level without compromising your heart by taking monounsaturated fats. Foods high with this kind of fats include fish and nuts. For better results, pair intake of fats with continuous exercise.

  1. Don’t stress yourself.

Any form of stress can quickly exhaust your energy. When you’re stressed, cortisol will surge. As a result, the body’s ability to produce testosterone is suppressed. Tiredness comes naturally. To fight stress, you must take enough sleep. Cardio can also help tame the tension in your body. For mental stress, you can try doing meditation. It will relieve your mind from anxiety and help you relax.Boost Stamina

  1. Exercise and get your Vitamin D.

Staying and exercising indoors are not enough to boost your Vitamin D, a vitamin that you can naturally get from the sun. A study published in Environmental Science & Technology stated that exercising under natural light, specifically outdoors, can lead to feelings of revitalization, lesser tension, positive engagement, and increased energy. Thus, don’t hesitate to take at least a 10-minute walk outdoors.

  1. Take the right supplements.

Sometimes, eating food rich in vitamins and minerals is not enough. In which case, you take supplements. For boosting stamina, energy, and drive, you can take Test-FX testosterone booster, one of the few approved and proven medicines to increase your T levels.


Don’t limit yourself. If there are things you want to accomplish, make sure that you accomplish all of them. Take your stamina and energy to another level by following the tips given above.

Author bio: The article on Test-FX testosterone booster has been written by Ignacio D. Pena who is a very active blogger and loves to write in the health niche.

Men’s Health: Top Tips to Boost Stamina and Energy

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