15 Aralık 2016 Perşembe

Look After Your Heart This Christmas

A healthy heart promises prolonged life which is only the outcome of a healthy lifestyle. This festive time when you have loads of joy to mobilize, trying some useful tips can help in taking care of your heart the best. The following are some of the things you need to do take care of your heart for healthy living this Christmas as under:

Give up smoking

If you are smoker better, quit it as it is one of the best ways to make your heart healthy. Smoking is one of the key causes of coronary heart ailments. You are more likely to stop smoking for the good if you are seen using the NHS stop smoking services. Always try to escape the smoke-free websites or consult your doctor to get the help in quitting smoking.

Get active

By staying physically active, one can reduce the risk of developing heart diseases. It can even be a great mood booster and stress buster too. Chalk out 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity on a daily basis. One of the ways to achieve this target is trying half an hour of activity on the five days a week can help in achieving the target. You can do the same by doing half hour of activity five days a week can help in achieving the same.

Manage your weight

Being overweight can boost the risk of getting heart ailments. Hence it is always better to maintain your weight by simply sticking to a healthy balanced diet with low sugar and fat along with loads of vegetables and fruits that are backed by physical activities. Check for the healthy weight with BMI calculator if you are overweight better try out the 12-week weight loss plan.

Eat plenty of fiber

Eat loads of fiber as it helps in reducing the risk of having heart ailments and hence you need to target to get at least 30 g a day. Eat fiber from a wide range of sources like bran, whole meal bread, wholegrain cereals, potatoes and other fruit and veg stuff.

Slash down the saturated fat

Eat at many foods as you have that are known to have saturated fat which can help in raising the level of cholesterol in your blood. This can only help in increasing the risk of a heart ailment. Better choose for leaner cuts of meat along with the lower fat dairy products including one percent of fat milk in comparison to the full milk.

Slash down the consumption of salt

To maintain the healthy blood pressure better avoid the consumption of salt especially at the table and try to reduce even in the cooking. Once you get accustomed of the same without having the added salt, you can even cut it out completely. Check for the higher salt levels in the read made foods. A majority of salt we eat is already seen in the foods we buy. Check the food labels as food is high in salt if it has more than one and a half gram of salt per 100 g of food stuff. The adults should consume less than 6m of the salt on a daily basis in total, which is about one teaspoon.

Get your five a day

Eat at least five portions of a wide range of fruits and vegetable per day. These are a good source of fiber, minerals, vitamins. There is a load of tasty methods to find your five a day thing that can include added chopped fruit to cereal or include vegetables in the curries and pasta sauces. You can further explore on this.

Look After Your Heart This Christmas

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