23 Nisan 2017 Pazar

Obesity blamed for sharp rise in kidney cancer in UK

Obesity is to blame for a surge in kidney cancer in the UK, causing an extra 20,000 cases in the last 10 years, according to a leading charity.

Cancer Research UK says that new cases of kidney cancer have risen steeply, by 40% over the past decade.

Obesity and being overweight are implicated in about a quarter of kidney cancers, with smoking linked to another quarter, but while the numbers of people smoking has dropped, obesity continues to rise. The charity’s projections show kidney cancer cases climbing by a further 26% by 2035, which would make it one of the fastest growing types of cancer.

Kidney cancer kills half of those who develop it within 10 years. It is rare in people under the age of 50 and can be halted if caught early – usually by surgery to remove all or part of a kidney. It is often not picked up in time, however, because there may be no obvious symptoms early on.

There are about 11,900 cases of kidney cancer in the UK each year, 7,400 in men and 4,500 in women. About 4,300 people die from the disease each year.

Campaigners are concerned that few people realise obesity is a major factor in developing many types of cancer, including stomach, pancreatic and breast cancer.

“It’s concerning to see kidney cancer cases rising like this. Being overweight or obese is linked to 13 types of cancer, including kidney which is becoming more and more common,” said Dr Julie Sharp of Cancer Research UK.

“Similar to smoking, where damage to cells builds up over time and increases the risk of cancer, damage from carrying excess weight accumulates over a person’s lifetime.”

The symptoms of kidney cancer – when there are any – include blood in urine, a persistent pain below the ribs in the lower back or side, and a lump or swelling in the side. Kidney cancer is sometimes picked up during urine tests carried out for other reasons.

Sarah Toule of the World Cancer Research Fund said that maintaining a healthy weight was extremely important. “In fact, if everyone was a healthy weight, around 25,000 cancer cases could be prevented every year in the UK,” she said.

”There are simple ways people can help maintain a healthy weight, such as cutting out high-calorie food and drinks and doing at least 30 minutes of exercise every day.

“The government also plays a vital role in ensuring strong measures are in place to help the healthy choice be the easy choice. These include restricting junk food marketing to children and reducing the amount of sugar found in everyday products.”

Adam Freeman, a 46-year-old lawyer and father of four from south London, was diagnosed with kidney cancer in 2013. He had surgery to remove a kidney and is now cancer-free.

“When it comes to my lifestyle, I would say that the little devil on my one shoulder won over the angel on my other, so I ducked exercise and ate badly a bit too often.

“Now, since my diagnosis, I try to listen to the angel rather than the devil on my shoulder. I have tried to make things more habitual and rarely skip exercise or make bad food or drink choices. I regularly cycle to work to try and keep fit, and I have also started doing yoga.

“Of course it’s challenging to maintain a healthy lifestyle when you are juggling a career and family. I am only human. I’m a husband and father to our four children and my career can be demanding.

“But that’s why things have to be a habit so it becomes part of your daily life. We talk much more as a family about healthy choices, particularly trying to make the children aware of how much sugar is in drinks and breakfast cereals. We try and reduce the amount of temptations in the house.”

Obesity blamed for sharp rise in kidney cancer in UK

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