19 Nisan 2017 Çarşamba

What"s your experience of vaginal mesh implants?

More than 800 women are suing the NHS and the manufacturers of vaginal mesh implants after suffering serious complications.

Some women reported that the implants – used to treat incontinence after childbirth or pelvic organ prolapse, where the womb or bladder bulge against the walls of the vagina – had cut into their vaginas. One woman said she was left in so much pain that she considered suicide. Others have been left unable to walk or have sex, according to the BBC.

The medical regulator has said that the best current evidence supports the continued use of mesh implants to resolve health conditions that could themselves cause serious distress to patients.

If you’ve received vaginal mesh implants, we’d like you to share your experiences with us. You can fill in the form – anonymously, if you prefer – and we’ll use a selection of responses in our reporting.

Your responses are secure as the form is encrypted and only the Guardian has access to your contributions. We will do our best to keep you anonymous.

What"s your experience of vaginal mesh implants?

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