24 Nisan 2017 Pazartesi

"Life improved when I left London": readers on tackling air pollution

About 40 million people in the UK are living with illegal air pollution levels, according to analysis commissioned by the Labour party.

Earlier this month the Guardian reported thousands of children across England and Wales are exposed to illegal levels of air pollution from diesel traffic, putting the health of young children at risk in the long term.

Under pressure to lower pollution levels and improve the quality of the country’s air, the government is facing criticism for a last-minute bid to delay the publication of its clean-air plan, which the high court had said must be produced by 24 April.

After a call-out asking readers for their experiences of air pollution, some of them tell us how they’re tackling the issue.

‘Despite being let down by our council we are determined to fight on’

A march attended by Aire Valley Against Incineration (AVAI) supporters

A march attended by Aire Valley Against Incineration (AVAI) supporters.

We currently have quite high levels of air pollution in the areas around Bradford and Leeds. Our council has given the go-ahead for a private company to build an incinerator in the bottom of the Aire Valley – near homes, schools and a sports facility. The incinerator is not for household waste, but for industrial waste that will be shipped in from all over the country by 70 HGVs a day. One of the roads that these lorries will use is Hard Ings Road, Keighley, which is already on the Greenpeace energy desk’s map as being over the legal pollution limits.

We are campaigning hard to stop the building of this incinerator. We are also very concerned about the location – at the bottom of a valley that experiences regular temperature inversions which will make it very difficult for the pollution to disperse. We have nearly 6,000 members on our Facebook group, more than 8,500 signatures on the online petition and more than 2,100 objections have been made on the council’s planning portal. A recent march that we organised was attended by over 600 local people. Despite the fact that our council has let us down, we are determined to fight on!

Rachel Shimbles, 47, from Keighley

‘I’d encourage people to seriously consider leaving London. My quality of life shot up when I did’

As an ex-Londoner, I know how bad air pollution can be in the capital. Kendal air is much cleaner – but we still have places where legal levels of pollution are being routinely breached. I campaign with 20’s Plenty for Kendal as a way to encourage people to walk and cycle more in our compact little town – to make Kendal less congested, safer, cleaner, quieter and even more attractive as a place to live and to visit.

I’d encourage anyone to seriously consider leaving our capital. My quality of life shot up when I moved up here – and clean air was definitely a part of that. But – and it’s a big but – no one should be under the illusion that everything is rosy outside our big cities. It isn’t.

Paul Holdsworth, 57, from Kendal

‘I have lobbied local politicians, Defra and my MP’

We live in a densely populated urban environment and have been badly affected by the smoke and particulate pollution from a neighbour’s wood burner coming into our home for months at a time. As a result and after investigating the associated pollution issues we have become acutely aware of the significant health risks and damage regularly breathing this pollution causes, its effect on our quality of life and the long-term health risk. However, after we complained to our local authority we have found our hands have been tied behind our backs with the council failing to act.

I am active on Twitter, have lobbied local politicians, Defra, our MP, and contacted Gary Fuller (the senior lecturer in air quality measurement at King’s College, London). Having grown up during the implementation of the Clean Air Act, we mistakenly believed it had put an end to the blight of air pollution. A new Clean Air Act for the 21st century is needed to impose proper balanced controls. Pollution is a choice, breathing is not.

cleanairforall2, 55, from London

‘I switch off air fresheners when I can’

Cecilia taking part in a vintage bike parade

Cecilia taking part in a vintage bike parade. Photograph: Rita Platts

I set up a campaign called Gasp in 1980 (Group Against Smoking in Public). We achieved most of our goals but my intolerance to other forms of air pollution has caused me to run one-woman campaigns against other unwanted forms of air pollution. More recently I have campaigned against so-called “air fresheners” which pump out noxious fumes in an effort to cover everyday smells. They make me heady and nauseous. I often go into local shops and switch them off if I can find them hidden. I now won’t go to a hotel or get in a taxi that uses plug in air fresheners. I wish there was a national campaign to stop the sale and use of these things. I’m also a lifelong cyclist and have campaigned over many years on the benefits of cycling including the positive impact of cycling on air pollution.

Cecilia Farren, 67, from Bristol

‘We’re in the process of moving away to get away from the traffic’

The road on which we live has very high levels of traffic. It is a poor area, with many families renting their accommodation. My wife’s asthma has definitely worsened and the noise from the road is constant, as the traffic includes many HGVs and buses. Recently, the road was closed for a month to replace the mini-roundabout at one end with a traffic-light system.

The month was bliss for the residents, but once the road reopened the traffic worsened with a corresponding effect on the quality of air. We are now in the process of moving away to a location that is quiet, but one that we are not sure we can afford. Right now, we feel like the gamble is worth it to get away from this road.

Craig Hambling, 34, from Colchester

"Life improved when I left London": readers on tackling air pollution

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