19 Nisan 2017 Çarşamba

How to survive and thrive in a nursing career – live discussion

Going into a career in nursing can be challenging, exhausting and demoralising, yet also rewarding and full of opportunities.

But while headlines scream about nursing shortages, funding problems and cuts to bursaries, the profession is still attracting talent.

For those entering a career in nursing, pay, education and advancing the nurse’s role are important issues. Staffing levels and the mix of qualified and support workers; nursing’s response to the changing healthcare agenda; and the recurring accusation that the profession has somehow lost its soul have also come into the mix in recent years.

To mark Nurses’ Day on Friday 12 May, we’ll be asking an expert panel how to make a success of a nursing career. Topics will include:

  • Can compassion be taught and how to be compassionate on a long shift

  • How to talk about death with colleagues and patients

  • Burn-out and how to avoid it

  • Who to turn to for support

  • The impact of cutting student bursaries

  • The role of nursing associates

The live chat is not video or audio-enabled but will take place in the comments section (below). If you would like to feature on the panel or propose questions, please get in touch via alfie.packham@theguardian.com or @GdnHealthcare (#GdnNursing) on Twitter.

Discussion commissioned and controlled by the Guardian, funded by Bucks New University

The panel so far

Anne Corrin, head of education, Royal College of Nursing

Donna Thomas, A&E nurse

Becky Platt, matron for children’s services, West Herts hospitals NHS trust

Prof Ian Norman, executive dean, Florence Nightingale faculty of nursing & midwifery, King’s College London

Sue West, qualified as a registered nurse in 1982, dean of the faculty of society and health, Buckinghamshire New University

Andrew Jesson, student nurse

How to survive and thrive in a nursing career – live discussion

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