8 Mart 2017 Çarşamba

"I was wrong": Pauline Hanson apologises for vaccination claims

Pauline Hanson has apologised for incorrectly claiming on Sunday that parents could conduct their own tests to evaluate vaccination safety.

“Yes, I do apologise,” she said. “As far as having tests done, OK, I admit I was wrong with that.”

Senator Hanson has been criticised by the Australian Medical Association and others for giving the incorrect impression that vaccines were not safe.

“All I’m saying to people that are concerned about it – you go and do your research, go ask questions of your doctor,” she told Channel Seven on Thursday.

Pauline Hanson voiced criticism of the government’s vaccination rules on the ABC’s Insiders program last week, sparking furious condemnation from health and medical groups.

She advised parents to test their children before vaccinations because some parents, she claimed, had reported problems with vaccines.

Hanson also argued that successive governments had “blackmailed” people into having their children vaccinated because of the policy of withholding childcare fee rebates and welfare payments from parents who don’t have their children fully immunised.

“What I don’t like about it is the blackmailing that’s happening with the government,” Hanson said. “Don’t do that to people. That’s a dictatorship. I think people have a right to investigate themselves.”

She later defended her comments saying they were her “personal opinion” and she acknowledged she had vaccinated her own children.

Hanson’s comments were also condemned by the prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull.

“If parents choose not to vaccinate their children, they are putting their children’s health at risk and every other person’s children’s health at risk too,” Turnbull said.

The president of the Australian Medical Association, Michael Gannon, told the ABC that Hanson needed to take responsibility for her position on vaccination.

“She needs to realise that she’s a serious player in Australian politics now,” he said. “You know, with 8, 9, 10% of Australians indicating an intention to vote for One Nation, she can no longer make fringe statements that are dangerous to the health of the whole community.”

“We know in medical science that we’re never going to reach that 1 or 2% of rusted-on flat-earthers who don’t accept the science of vaccination.

“But what we worry about a lot about is that about 8% of the population are so-called vaccine-hesitant, and they’re looking for any information that might lead them away from what is, with the exception of clean water, probably the most significant health measure we’ve got.

“It is absolutely essential that we have accurate information, and this fatuous idea that parents can spend half an hour on Wikipedia and come to a greater understanding of the issues than their doctor and the accumulated wisdom of all the world’s medical scientists is ludicrous.”

"I was wrong": Pauline Hanson apologises for vaccination claims

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