27 Mart 2017 Pazartesi

What are your experiences of getting help for gynaecological problems? | Sarah Marsh

GPs are failing to treat women with common gynecological complaints, according to MPs. A report by the all-party parliamentary group on women’s health (WHAPPG) said female issues are not being treated with dignity or respect. They discovered that many women were left feeling they were “going mad” after being turned away by doctors despite painful symptoms.

A survey of 2,600 women found that 40% of those with endometriosis, when the womb tissue grows outside the uterus, had to visit their GP 10 or more times before getting treatment. This is a condition that affects about 2 million women, with symptoms including stomach aches and painful bleeding.

As a result, women were left doing their own research to understand the illness. The WHAPPG recommended more training for GPs, calling for more information for women in surgeries.

What are your experiences with your GP? Were you turned away or did you get really good care? Did you eventually get the help you need? Share your stories with us in the form below.

What are your experiences of getting help for gynaecological problems? | Sarah Marsh

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