29 Mart 2017 Çarşamba

World Glucoma Week 2017 – Discover and Confront Your Glaucoma

Glaucoma is an eye disease which if left untreated can ultimately lead to vision loss. Approximately 11-67 million people worldwide suffer from this disease. In the UK alone, about 300,000 people have undetected glaucoma. To bring awareness to people about this disease and help them fight it, NRS Healthcare has prepared an educational guide and an infographic. The guide has been launched during the World Glaucoma Week 2017. This guide mostly contains information about the disease, its causes, symptoms and treatment. It is not only useful for Glaucoma patients, but also for others, so that they understand the disease and know how to avoid it.

The guide also included interview of an 81-year old lady, who has been fighting glaucoma for the past 9 years It serves as a source of inspiration for other people. Her experience with the disease and survival tactics will help other patients to live a hassle-free life.

Glaucoma is globally known as the silent thief of sight, because most Glaucoma types do not have any symptoms. It is a disease caused due the impairment of optic nerve, which usually happens when fluid builds up in front of the eye causing extra pressure in the eye, thus damaging the optic nerve. The condition if not treated properly can slowly lead to blindness over a period of time. Old people are mostly prone to this disease. Besides, people with eye injury, diabetes, migraines, and those with family history of Glaucoma are more likely to get this disease. After cataracts, Glaucoma is the second most common cause of blindness in people.

The most appropriate way to diagnose Glaucoma is to get your eyesight checked and do it regularly. However, merely checking the eye pressure won’t be enough. Your ophthalmologist should perform a complete eye exam to find any abnormality in your eye. Unfortunately, if you get diagnosed with the disease, you have to take regular medicine to prevent your vision from deteriorating. The medication is mostly in the form of eye drops and should be taken as prescribed.

To generate awareness of Glaucoma among people, NRS Healthcare is working effectively for the cause. They will also be sharing their Glaucoma guide on their blog and social media channels during the World Glaucoma Week 2017 with the aim to educate more and more people about this disease.

Sheikh Zeeshan

Zeeshan is a health journalist who writes for various health care & fitness blogs. He recently covered World Glucoma Week 2017 and worked to generate awareness about Glucoma.

World Glucoma Week 2017 – Discover and Confront Your Glaucoma

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