1 Şubat 2017 Çarşamba

Home Remedies for 3 Common Skin Issues

Some people are born with good skin, while others suffer through annoying bouts with unsightly skin problems. But the good news is that human skin is able to heal and replenish remarkably well. So, if you’ve got skin tags, sebaceous cysts, or wrinkles, things aren’t as bad as they may seem.

Natural Skincare is Best

“It turns out beauty is more than skin deep: The average person slathers, lathers, rubs and sprays, 10 different skin care products on his or her body every day – and since our skin acts more like a sponge than a barrier, we absorb the nearly 130 chemicals we regularly expose ourselves to,” Treehugger points out.

While cosmetic companies say these chemicals are safe and FDA approved, have you ever considered that the various products you’re using to fight skin issues could be part of the problem? By taking a natural approach, you’re much more likely to see positive long-term effects. With that being said, let’s check out three common skin issues that can be fixed using natural home remedies.

 1. Skin Tags

Skin tags – those unattractive brown tabs that usually grow in the neck and shoulder region – can be annoying. They also have a way of making people feel subconscious about their appearance. Once thought to have been caused by skin irritation and friction, it’s now believed that they’re connected to obesity and/or genetics.

While the tags themselves aren’t dangerous, most people want them gone. But instead of having a doctor burn, cut, or freeze them off, it’s best to take a natural approach that’s less invasive. The number one choice is apple cider vinegar, which is anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. Start by washing the area around the tag, apply some vinegar to the bump with a cotton ball, and hold the cotton ball in place for 10 or 15 minutes. Repeat three times daily until the tag falls off.

 2. Sebaceous Cysts

A sebaceous cyst is a bump that develops under the skin as a result of blockage to the sebaceous gland by a protein called keratin. While these cysts – also known as keratin or epidermoid cysts – tend to develop and go away by themselves, they aren’t a lot of fun. They also contain a pungent yellowish-clear liquid, and you’ll know you have one when the skin is red, sore, and warm. The cyst – which will likely smell foul – could be anywhere from a quarter of an inch to two inches in diameter.

Want to know how to pop a sebaceous cyst? Well, the best method is not to pop it at all. Popping the cyst increases the chances of infection and will likely be quite painful. The better method is to apply some tea tree oil, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, directly to the cyst.

 3. Wrinkles

Nobody wants wrinkles, yet we all get them as we start to age. Some people get more than others, but it’s nearly impossible to prevent them altogether. While preventative methods work best, you can reduce the appearance of existing wrinkles by taking a natural approach.

One of the top solutions is to boil water and then pour the water into a bowl. Next, bend over the bowl and drape a towel over your head. This will create a “steam tent.” After 15 minutes, massage some olive oil onto your skin in a circular motion. Rinse your face and repeat daily.

Take Care of Your Skin

At the end of the day, the best way to prevent skin issues is by living a healthy lifestyle and avoiding unnecessary risk factors. Protect your skin from harmful chemicals, avoid unnecessary sun exposure, and keep skin moisturized. If you can do these three things, you’ll find that most of your issues will disappear.

But when you do have issues, remember that natural home remedies are better than the chemicals they market on supermarket shelves.

Home Remedies for 3 Common Skin Issues

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