22 Şubat 2017 Çarşamba

Britons "bumped off" EU medical research grant applications, MPs told

British medical researchers are being removed from applications for EU research grants by European colleagues because of Brexit, MPs have been told.

Prof David Lomas, representing UK university hospitals, told MPs that Britain’s position at the forefront of medial advancement was threatened were it no longer able to access the European Research Council, one of the world’s leading funders of scientific research.

“One big issue for most of hospital academics is applying for grant applications, and we’ve seen people bumped off grant applications to the EU,” he told the health select committee.

Applications to the ERC are usually made by consortiums of researchers from a variety of EU countries. Britain has a strong track record of taking the lead in these groupings.

“Previously having a British member would help you in your application to get funding … Nowyou are less than an asset, so we have had academics removed from grant applications,” Lomas said.

He said it was vital for patients that Britain continued to be part of leading edge research and was pressing the government to argue the case for continuing to contribute to the ERC on a pay-as-you-go system.

“If we don’t get the very best people we don’t drive the research and innovation where we punch above our weight. If we can’t attract the very best, we can’t lead in the innovations that will lead to patient benefits.”

Lomas said his own university, University College London, where he is vice-provost of health, and the University of Cambridge were huge beneficiaries of the ERC, as was the UK.

“We raised €760m [£642m] between 2007 and 2013 from the ERC. My own university and Cambridge are neck and neck for bringing more in to any university [than any other] in the EU,” he told the committee.

Brexit was also affecting recruitment of high-calibre staff in medical schools, with teaching hospitals in Leeds and Glasgow reporting people pulling out of job offers, he continued. “So we have lost stellar people who would have come otherwise.”

Concern over the right to live and work in the UK after Brexit was already affecting recruitment across the board, said Danny Mortimer, chief executive of NHS Employers.

Giving evidence before the select committee, he said the controversial application process for permanent residency cards involving an 85-page application form had proved counterproductive, and was deterring valuable healthworkers from planning to stay in the UK after Brexit.

Both men were speaking just weeks after the Nursing and Midwifery Council reported a sharp decline in registrations from Europe.

Just 101 nurses and midwives from the EU27 registered to work in the UK in December, down from 1,300 in July, the committee heard. About 5% of nurses and 10% of doctors in the NHS are EU nationals.

Mortimer said EU staff were critical to the smooth running of the the health service. “We cannot believe that the NHS can do without our EU national colleagues,” he said.

One area that could be more heavily impacted than hospitals is social care, with EU nationals plugging the gaps, particularly in rural areas where it was difficult to recruit British staff, MPs heard.

“Some areas it has been very difficult to recruit, rural areas are very difficult to recruit people in social care, so EU [nationals] have come into this area,” said Martin Green, chief executive of Care England.

Britons "bumped off" EU medical research grant applications, MPs told

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