6 Nisan 2017 Perşembe

How to Take Care of Combination Skin This Season

Have you ever paid close attention to certain faces that have oily skin in some areas and dry skin in other areas? If your own skin is characterized by oily as well as dry areas, then you might have a combination skin type. Usually, people with combination skin find it tricky to figure out how to take care of their skin properly. It can feel like quite the balancing act when trying to address the oily and dry areas of your skin. Once you achieve this, the mystery to having great skin will be unlocked in much easier ways than you may have thought.

What is combination skin and how is it caused?

To put it simply, someone with combination skin has both skin that is oily in the area called T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin) while also having dryness in other areas. Even if you have oily skin only around your nose and center of your forehead but dry skin over cheeks and jaw area, then you are also said to have a combination skin.

The predominant factor that is responsible for combination skin is the genetics. It is inherited similarly as you would your hair color, eye color, skin color, and the body type from your parents.  Usually the people who have combination skin have more active oil glands on their nose, forehead, and chin which lead to clogged pores in these areas.

The other factors that play a key role in causing combination skin are lifestyle, nutrition, and skincare products. The wrong products for this skin type contain skin-aggravating ingredients that dry out certain areas of your face, while exacerbating oil production in other parts that were already oily. These ingredients are harmful sulfates and alcohols that prompt the skin to produce more oil in the T-zone area which, in turn, produces the symptoms of combination skin.

Important Tips to Follow For Treating Combination Skin

Treating the combination skin requires a dual approach of skincare in which different areas of skin are treated individually along with suitable products. Apart from these steps, there are also some natural ways that help greatly in treating combination skin:

  • Use a gentle but effective cleanser

The skin of your face is the most exposed part of your body. As the day closes in, your skin gets covered with dirt, excess oils, and impurities. So a right cleanser is the one that effectively removes dirt, impurities, and makeup without making skin feel tight, dry, or greasy. It is important to retain the softness rather than causing it to be tightened and aggravated. This is one of the best approaches to gentle skincare for having a natural glow on your face.

  • Balance your skin with a toner

Skin experts recommend using a hydrating, soothing, and non-irritating toner that should consist of skin-revitalizing ingredients and antioxidants. A toner of such quality really helps in effectively nourishing the dry skin and reduces oiliness at the same time.

Apply a gentle and non-abrasive exfoliant in order to gently and effectively exfoliate the combination skin. Products that contain BHA exfoliant are good in helping shed the dead skin without abrasion. It doesn’t require any scrubs or cleansing brushes to unclog pores. Lessen oily skin and gently smooth existing  rough, dry, and flaky skin to revive a healthy glow.

  • Apply a suitable moisturizer

Choose a moisturizer that targets your dry patches of skin and mattes the oily areas of your face. A gel-based moisturizer or a gel-cream moisturizer usually works well. Such a moisturizer is important in helping calm skin, lessen excess oil on the surface, and improve dry areas including around the eyes.

  • Protect your face from sun damage

All the skin types are sensitive towards sun rays – some only a little while others are extremely sensitive. One of the effective ways to counter this is to apply a generous amount of broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or more every day. This is also one of many steps in skincare that can help reduce the early signs of aging. Ideally, you need to apply a nourishing serum or booster over the dry areas and then apply the ultra-light sunscreen over the oily areas.


Your combination skin might be a cause of worry for you but, due diligence on your part in specifically treating different areas of your skin is key. The above mentioned tips can go a long way in treating combination skin. Apart from these, the natural ways like regular exercise, healthy diet, and disciplined fitness regime are also extremely helpful in treating skin problems.  


How to Take Care of Combination Skin This Season

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