8 Şubat 2017 Çarşamba

UK second only to Japan for young people"s poor mental wellbeing

Young people in the UK have the poorest mental wellbeing in the world – with the exception of Japan – and list money, getting on in life and the rise of terrorism among their greatest concerns, according to an international survey of 20,000 youngsters.

The study ranks the UK 19th out of 20 countries in its survey of wellbeing, with young people in the UK aged 15-21 lagging behind comparable cohorts in France and Germany, as well as those in countries such as Israel, Turkey, Russia and China.

Indonesia, India and Nigeria scored highest on the wellbeing scale, with scores of 56.2, 54.4 and 53.9 respectively (the highest possible score being 70), whereas Japan scored the lowest at 41.3, followed by the UK (47.3), New Zealand (47.6), and Australia (47.9).

Mental wellbeing graphic

Just 15% of UK youngsters surveyed felt they had good physical wellbeing, measured by regular exercise, sufficient sleep and time for rest and reflection – which was comparable with France (14%) but lower than most countries including Germany (21%), Italy (21%), and Nigeria which scored highest at 41%.

The report was compiled by the Varkey Foundation education charity and used the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing measure, which asks respondents whether they feel optimistic, confident, loved, and interested in other people. The results found a significantly greater sense of wellbeing among young people in emerging economies compared to those in Europe, North America and Australasia.

Extremism and the rise of global terrorism was the issue which made young people in the UK more fearful for the future than any other factor (83%) – a position shared by young people in 13 of the 20 countries, though young Chinese people who took part in the survey identified climate change as their greatest concern.

Moral outlook graphic

Vikas Pota, chief executive of the Varkey Foundation, said: “At a time of nationalist and populist movements that focus on the differences between people, the evidence shows that young people – whatever their nationality or religion – share a strikingly similar view of the world.

“Teenagers in Nigeria, New Delhi and New York share many of same priorities, fears, ambitions and opinions. There is far more unity among young people than a glance at the headlines would suggest. Young people are passionate believers in the right to live the life that they choose, whatever their background, free of prejudice of all kinds.

“However, they are a generation that is deeply pessimistic about the future of the world. They are not strongly influenced by politicians and think that governments are doing far too little to solve the refugee crisis – one of the greatest challenges of our age.”

On global challenges facing the world, nearly half of young people (48%) in the UK said they thought the government was doing too little to solve the international refugee crisis – compared to 72% in Brazil and 16% in Turkey, which scored the lowest on this measure of any country surveyed.

There were mixed responses to questions about immigration, with 31% of British youngsters in favour of the government making it easier for immigrants to live and work in the UK, while 26% thought it should be more difficult. There was greater support for legal migration in Germany (37%), Italy (38%) and the US (38%), but less in France (27%).

More than half of young people in the UK (54%) said money worries were among their top three causes of anxiety. And asked about their most important value, more UK youngsters chose “working hard and getting on in life”, rather than honesty, tolerance, kindness to others, helping their family, or looking after the world beyond their community.

Fears for the future graphic

Young people in the UK are however noticeably enthusiastic about their country, with more than two-thirds (67%) agreeing it is a good place to live, compared to just 4% who think it is a bad place to live. In France the comparable positive figure was 51%, in Germany 75%, and in Canada 87%.

Nevertheless the report suggests a strong sense of pessimism about the future among young people worldwide with 37% overall convinced that the world is getting worse, compared to 20% who think it is getting better. Young people were at their most pessimistic in France, Italy and Turkey where more than half (53%) feared the world was deteriorating.

In contrast, the most optimistic youngsters are to be found once again in emerging economies – 53% of young people who took part in the survey in China and 49% in India believe that the world is becoming a better place.

And on a positive note, the survey, conducted by Populus, showed widespread support from young people around the world for liberal values of tolerance and equality – 63% support legal same-sex marriage; 89% support equal treatment for men and women and 74% are in favour of equal rights for transgender people.

The report, called What the World’s Young People Think and Feel, compares the experiences of teenagers and adults known as Generation Z, who were born around the turn of the millennium in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Nigeria, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey and the US, as well as the UK. It is thought to be the first international comparative study of the attitudes of young people on this scale.

UK second only to Japan for young people"s poor mental wellbeing

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