4 Ekim 2016 Salı

Labour’s MPs and the urgent need for unity | Letters

On 28 September the Stockport NHS Watch group presented an analytical account of the way in which the Conservative government, starting with the Health and Social Care Act 2012, has been transforming the NHS into a US-style insurance scheme.

The Conservatives have a guarantee of another four years to carry out this programme, another six years if they win a snap election in 2017. John Harris (Opinion, 29 September) writes that a “new modernised movement is taking place” on the left in which a “remodelled Labour party might eventually emerge”.

By 2020? By then it will be too late. By then the degree of damage to the NHS and the extent of transformation of it into private health care will be immense. We will be back to 1947, before the NHS. Harris speaks of “Labour’s predicament”. He can say that again. There is only one solution: it is unity of opposition to the Tories now and defeat of them at the next election whenever it comes. That requires one almighty transformation into cooperation between the PLP and Momentum.

The whole parliamentary Labour party must now pledge support to Corbyn and offer itself entire for places in the shadow cabinet, and Momentum must abandon deselection of MPs. It is the sacrifice by both sides that has to be made.

The 1948 NHS is the jewel in the crown of this country’s achievements. Only unity can save it for the people. What else is the Labour movement in existence for?
Michael Knowles
Congleton, Cheshire

Mandatory reselection of Labour MPs, abolished under Tony Blair, is simply basic democratic accountability. Trade union general secretaries stand for election every five years and lay union representatives, working hard to represent their members while facing facility time cuts, between one and three years.

The sense of entitlement and concern for their careers that has anti-Corbyn MPs hyperventilating at the prospect of mandatory reselection will not restrain them from colluding with the pro-corporate establishment to conduct smear campaigns or organising coups to ensure their party leader is subjected to yearly mandatory reselection through doomed but divisive leadership challenges.
John McInally
National vice-president, Public and Commercial Services union

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Labour’s MPs and the urgent need for unity | Letters

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