26 Ekim 2016 Çarşamba

How can the NHS build better relationships with partners? Event

While doctors and nurses bemoan not being able to provide compassionate care, GPs complain of burnout and staff at all levels lament the lack of integration in all aspects of their work, many more people are engaged in trying to address and fix the huge problems facing the healthcare sector.

Our evening seminar will highlight the partnerships that have an impact on the lives of healthcare professionals and patients – whether it’s a charity or company working in collaboration with part of the NHS (locally or nationally), a cross-sector technological innovation or co-production of services by professionals and patients.

An expert panel will discuss and debate the gaps in healthcare provision in the UK and if, and how, they could be solved by more effective partnerships. Working together has long been promoted as a solution to many of the problems faced by public services so why hasn’t it happened yet? Is it feasible to expect the health, social care and voluntary sectors to work more closely together? How can this be achieved? What could this mean for patients?

This free event, at the Guardian’s London headquarters, will feature a panel debate followed by networking.

This seminar will be chaired by David Brindle, the Guardian’s public services editor.

The panel

  • Mahiben Maruthappu, co-founder, NHS Innovation Accelerator.

  • Dr John Patterson, co-founder, Focused Care scheme.

  • Grainne Siggins, policy lead, Adass.

  • David Hare, chief executive, NHS Partners Network.

  • Anu Singh, director of patient and public voice and insight, NHS England.

Programme for the evening

5.30-6pm Registration and drinks reception

6-6.10pm Chair’s opening remarks

6.10-7.10pm Panel discussion

7.10-7.25pm Audience Q&A

7.25-8.30pm Drinks and canapés reception

This event is free to attend and open to healthcare professionals, policymakers and patient representatives. To apply for a place, please complete the registration form below.

How can the NHS build better relationships with partners? Event

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