24 Ekim 2016 Pazartesi

Is our planet toxic? Hell Yeah!

Many are aware that our world is becoming more and more polluted. Our air, water, food, soil, homes, schools and workplaces have all been adversely affected. There are reports that 25% of the plant and wildlife on this planet will disappear by the year 2060.

There is evidence that animals are manifesting more and different serious health problems, and now se are being seen in humans. It is clear that many chemicals, particularly pesticides, can hurt:
–  the immune system leading to recurrent infection, allergies and cancer;

–  the brain and central nervous system causing learning and behavioral problems, panic attacks and rages;

–  the endocrine system causing, in particular, thyroid disease and diabetes;

–  the reproductive system causing infertility and changes in our sexuality.

What do the alligators in Lake Apopka, Florida, the otters in the Columbia River and the beluga whales in the St. Lawrence have in common?

They all live in chemically contaminated water! There are reports that the males of these forms of wildlife now have deformed penises and testicles that are atrophied, and that they have serious problems reproducing.

Could the chemically contaminated air, water and food that enter our bodies be contributing to the 30 to 40% increase in human penis deformities, undescended testicles, and changes in sexuality noted at puberty in male offspring in the past 30 – 40 years?

Think about why women who eat fish from Lake Erie have infants with smaller heads than normal, developmental delays and lower than normal IQ’s. Think about why some fish in the Great Lakes have thyroids so large they look like they might burst and why both sex organs are found in the same fish. Can this also be affecting humans?

There is also some evidence that the semen of Vietnam veterans (over 20 years later) continues to contain dioxin, a major component from Agent Orange. This means that from the moment of conception, it is possible for this chemical to damage many organ systems in unborn humans.

Surprisingly, even breast milk has these same chemicals, then an infant may be fed a genetically altered or irradiated milk or soy formula that is heated in a microwave. This not only deceases the nutrients in the milk, but it allows the phthalates or chemicals to leave the plastic and enter the formula.

Phthalates are chemicals known to cause young girls to develop breasts as early as six to eight years of age.

In addition, many infants wear disposable diapers for the first few years, and these can contain feminizing, hormone-mimicking chemicals. We do not know the short –or long-term effects of these, particularly on male offspring.

Last, consider this: we must wonder why schools, for example, would routinely spray their grounds with pesticides that are known to cause cancer and damage the brain and nervous systems of animals.

We must certainly begin to ask, why? We must ask why schools would use toxic chemicals for pest control (not to mention cleaning products containing toxic chemicals) when safe, integrated Pest Management has been available for years. This method of pest control is safer, more effective and less expensive.

Let’s think about our water. Does the lawn next door sprayed with pesticides bother us? It sure can! Fifty percent of drinking water comes from ground water. The EPA has found 74 different pesticides such as Dursban and Atrazine in the ground water. It is estimated that 15-23 million people drink pesticide-containing water, and of these, 10 million are exposed to five chemicals that exceed the cancer risk level.

Now let’s talk about the food. Ask yourself why organic farmers have more sperm and less cancer, depression, suicide, birth-injured or brain-damaged children than those who use pesticides.

A total of 76 U.S. baby foods were checked and found to contain 16 different pesticides. It is estimated that 55% of all fruits and 29% of all vegetables contain toxic chemicals, and half of these can cause cancer.

Could this be related to the 25% increase in brain cancer in children in the past 25-50 years? Twenty million children under five years of age eat and average of eight types of pesticides a day.

Ninety percent of children from six months to five years eat an average of 13 chemicals that damage the nervous system each day. About 108 pesticide types were found on 22 different fruits and vegetables, and as many as 10 to 37 different types can be found on a single apple.

So, what can we do?

There is much you can do, some of it easy and inexpensive. You have to stop potentially harmful chemicals from entering your body by watching what enters your mouth or touches your skin.
Use a water purifier on your kitchen faucet and a filtering showerhead in the bathroom. Do not take long baths or showers.

Obtain a quality air purifier to help remove dust, mold, pollen and chemicals.

Try to grow or buy only organic food, as much as possible. Whenever possible, buy only clothing made from natural fibers like non-GMO cotton or wool, natural furniture like solid wood and not particle board, natural cleaning materials and furnishings made from natural materials and natural cosmetics or personal body products like non-fluoridated toothpaste.

Next, you should try to remove the chemicals that are already stored, particularly, in the fat of your body. This explains why women with cancer have four times more chemicals in their breast tissue than those who do not have this dreaded illness.

You can excrete more chemicals by drinking more water. Some suggest six to eight large glasses per day.

If you exercise, you breathe more deeply and this will help release stored wastes from your muscles and fat. You should be certain that your bowels move regularly so food toxins can be more readily eliminated.

Some might need dietary changes like becoming vegan to eliminate the more than 50 different antibiotics regularly administered to animals and the dioxins, PCB”s and high mercury ingested by fish, control of yeast overgrowth in the intestines and colonic cleansing.

You can use a sauna to help you perspire so the chemicals and metals stored in your body can be eliminated. You can try homeopathic remedies to help you detox and get rid of toxins.

Lastly, you can strengthen your immune or body defense system by use of the right nutrients. This includes not only regular vitamins but essential fatty acids, organic sulfur crystals and colloidal silver. Emotions also determine how you feel so you should try to decrease any unnecessary stress in your life in every possibly way.

We cannot wait a decade or two to face the problems that are so evident today. We have epidemics of illness in animals and humans such as Attention Deficit Disorder, cancer, thyroid disease, diabetes, obesity, arthritis, heart disease, stroke, impotence, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, endometriosis, immune system disorders, to name only a few. These were never as apparent as they are today.

Now that you aware of the potential causes of serious health problems, you can make significant strides to protect those you love and yourself. You also now have insight and knowledge about practical ways to help prevent these types of illnesses from occurring within your family.

Take heed. Your health is your wealth!

To learn more about Hesh, listen to and read hundreds of health related radio shows and articles, and learn about how to stay healthy and reverse degenerative diseases through the use of organic sulfur crystals and the most incredible bee pollen ever, please visit www.healthtalkhawaii.com, or email me at heshgoldstein@gmail.com or call me at (808) 258-1177. Since going on the radio in 1981 these are the only products I began to sell because they work.
Oh yeah, going to www.asanediet.com will allow you to read various parts of my book – “A Sane Diet For An Insane World”, containing a wonderful comment by Mike Adams.
In Hawaii, the TV stations interview local authors about the books they write and the newspapers all do book reviews. Not one would touch “A Sane Diet For An Insane World”. Why? Because it goes against their advertising dollars.

Is our planet toxic? Hell Yeah!

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