21 Temmuz 2014 Pazartesi

Odds against fight to adjust meals culture | @guardianletters

3 cheers for Rosie Boycott and her “flagship task” to increase the nation’s diet program (Foods is a drug, and we have to discover to say no, 18 July). Most crucial, from my point of view, is tackling the issue in schools.

As a teacher-trainer in the 1980s and 90s, going to students on educating practice, I travelled round East and West Sussex in despair as I watched school lunches being replaced by banger and burger bars. “Why?” I asked one particular headteacher when I had the opportunity. “The young children desire them,” came the disingenuous reply. My attempt to talk about educational values was rapidly curtailed. Like the Coca-Cola machines set up in the canteens, it was, and even now is, about revenue-generating.

The legacy of Thatcher’s Britain. “Society”, which basically did not exist then, now faces the wider difficulties in the nation’s wellness that Rosie Boycott lists in her article. Tackling schools looks more than timely. We have a new minister for schooling who have to support this also.
Dr Lisa Dart
Eastbourne, East Sussex

• Superb post by Rosie Boycott about our food culture: “the setting in which we make foods choices … is extremely unhealthy”.

You manufactured your personal contribution in your Cook section the following day by providing us with six recipes for “guilty pleasures” such as “an unadulterated cheese and carb fest” and “very naughty chocolate chip-cookie ice-cream sandwich”.

With an eye to the potential, the very same section’s “10 very best children recipes” feature (“where healthier meets scrumptious”?) included seven that relied on cream, sugar, butter, chocolate and maple syrup. As Rosie mentioned, “the odds are stacked against us”.
John Roberts
Dursley, Gloucestershire

Odds against fight to adjust meals culture | @guardianletters

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