7 Şubat 2014 Cuma

Dr Le Fanu"s online overall health clinic, Friday 7th February 2014

I have just read your article of 27th Jan regarding “ferocious attacks of a burning…”. This may or not be relevant, but I thought it worth a mention.

Background: I am 70 years old. For many years I have experience scintillating and intensely sharp single pinpoints of pain, mostly in the tops of my feet, which is a supersensitive area, anyway, possibly due to more recently diagnosed, borderline Type 2 diabetes? They last but a couple of seconds, but sometimes can repeat every minute and can awaken me or make me jump.

I am sure that they can be provoked by walking a mile or so in very, very slightly ill fitting shoes, when they can last for 2-4 days. I sometimes get them in other parts of my body, but they are not prolonged.

More Recent History: Over the last couple of years I have experienced a persistent itching on a spot on my right arm about 4-5″ above my thumb. When I scratch it, I get a sparkling of pins & needles up my arm.

It happened at 4am at the weekend and would not go away, despite me scratching it. I went to the bathroom cabinet for some form of balm (I had never tried to treat it before). As a small bottle of tea tree oil was prominent, I rubbed a good few drops into the area. This gave instant relief. It does niff a bit, but the smell fades after a few washes. However, the effect is only just beginning to fade, so seems to be lasting a little longer than the suggested treatment with calamine lotion.


Trevor K

Dear Trevor K,

Thanks for your query and your most lucid account of this ‘electric’ sensation in your feet and arms which would certainly suggest some form of supersensitivity though to my knowledge there is no medical explanation as to what might be responsible. I hope to feature this in the column in the near future and it would be interesting to see whether others might report a similar experience.

Dear Dr Le Fanu,

For two years now, my wife has suffered from a salty taste in her mouth which varies in intensity throughout the day and occasionally disappears for two or three days raising hopes which are duly dashed a day or two later. As an antidote, she sucks Rennies and fruit pastilles these affording temporary relief. Here in Edinburgh, GP’s and consultants have failed to produce any cause or cure while several have never encountered the problem. One of them prescribed anti- depressants but to no avail.

My wife has met two people, both female, who suffer from the same problem. In one case, having put up with it for some considerable time, it has disappeared. I wonder if any of your readers has a similar experience or possibly has found a cure.

Yours sincerely

Robert W

Dear Robert W,

Thanks for your query on behalf of your wife and my sympathies for this distressing salty taste. There are, as you may know, four types of taste receptors in the mouth and tongue – sweet, sour, bitter and salty-any one of which can, for reasons unknown, become dominant in taste perception. There is, as you will have gathered, no specific treatment though gratefully it does improve with time. Meanwhile a couple of readers over the years have remarked that, paradoxically, gargling with a strong salty solution two or three times a day seems to ‘overwhelm’ the salt receptors restoring, if temporarily, a near normal taste.


Good morning Dr James

I’ve been meaning to write this note to you for sometime and have finally gotten around to it. Several years ago you published a note in your weekly column about a lady who, although she observed the five a day mantra still occasionally suffered bouts of constipation. On reading the article I conferred with the message and decided to try the bromelain tablets.

At the time I had been suffering severe pains in my legs, from my knees to my ankles, it was just like toothache in my legs. No reasoning could be found for the pain, my GP took blood tests, examined me in his surgery, told me I was the fittest 60 year old he had had in his surgery, but could find no answer. I visited a chiropractor who also could find no answer to my problem.

A week into taking the bromelain I realised I was no longer suffering my usual leg pain and have been free ever since. I know it works as I forgot to take the tablets with me when I went on holiday to Spain a couple of years ago and again had pains in my legs.

So, thank you to the lady who discovered bromelain, I would not be without them.

Kind regards – Jackie S

Dear Jackie S,

Thanks for your query and it is fascinating to learn that the pineapple derivative bromelain for your constipation should also have unexpectedly improved your leg pain. I have no explanation why this might be so but it is gratifying none the less.

Hello Dr James

Further your article some time ago ref. statins (“give them a miss”) and the latest fad of the medical world re. testing for dementia via memory loss (“get lost”). My cousin is being frightened by the pressure she seems to be experiencing from her doctors. She is in her mid eighties and very well switched on, can drive and apart from a natural falling off of memory is well aware of life in general. Her medical team has now, twice, during conversation at normal appointments introduced, for no reason as I can see, a name and address which they have asked her to repeat later in the consultation. Needless to say as this name and address means nothing to her she cannot remember all of it. There has been no reaction by the doctor but assume it is all being logged against her.

What is going on? She is getting rather frightened by these questions and is worried in case she is starting dementia.

What recourse has she against this insidious questioning. If I thought it was for her own good I could understand it but I’m afraid after all the reporting of over-zealous social welfare workers/medics one cannot but mistrust their motives.

Best Regards


Dear B F H,

Thanks very much for being in touch and your worrying account of your cousin being subjected to covert memory tests during medical consultation. This is completely inappropriate and I will mention it in the column next week to alert others to this unethical practices.

Dear Sir,

I would really appreciate your advice concerning my father’s health. He is 85 and, up until the last six months, has been very active and generally well – despite a physically and emotionally punishing role as devoted carer to my invalid mother, who is often plagued with depression. I support them both in every way that I can, but my father is fiercely independent and loathed to ever put himself first.

However, in the past few months, he has become increasingly tired and stressed – this coincided with his GP reporting raised PSA numbers and cholesterol count. He was prescribed statins, which he did not take, but dietary modification – switching to lower fat milk, cutting out butter and eating less fatty meat, resulted in a pleasing cholesterol reduction. Unfortunately, his PSA numbers remain high and blood tests show that he is very anaemic. Following an examination by the GP, he is awaiting a colonoscopy to establish the cause. I cannot be anymore precise as my father is reluctant to discuss anything in detail – if I try to enquire further it results in an argument – the last thing I wish to provoke.

In the light of these potentially serious issues, I am trying to ensure that my father adheres to a ‘clean’ diet wherever possible; he really eats sensibly in all respects – plenty of vegetables – mostly his own home grown – fish, chicken, and more recently, less red meat. I do worry, terribly, that he consumes far too much milk – he is unwilling to drink anything other than tea, almost a third of which is semi-skimmed milk, or a mid-morning marmite – made with milk rather than water. In desperation, I have taken to watering this down in, what might be, a futile attempt to dilute its fat content. Now, though, I am concerned that by doing this I am lowering his calorific intake and might be undermining his strength.

The reasoning behind my action is simply that I have read that excessive dairy and sugar can act as fuel for certain conditions. In contrast, I understand that freshly juiced vegetable combinations, for instance, beetroot, apple and celery, can provide the body with a nutritional boost. I do not expect my poor father to exchange, wholesale, tea for alternative drinks, but just think that their potency is of much-needed benefit.

I would be so grateful for your general guidance.

Thank you.


Dear Anon,

Thanks for being in touch and I appreciate your concern about your father’s severe anaemia which certainly needs to be expeditiously sorted out. In the meantime there is no evidence that sugar and dairy products can, as you say, ‘fuel certain conditions’ and my advice would be that your father should stick to eating what he enjoys.

Dear Dr. Le Fanu,

I note from the Daily Telegraph that one can write to you with health problems and the answer appears at some point on the DT website. I am an avid reader of your column both in the DT and in The Lady.

I have what you would probably describe as a “mystery condition”. For well over 6 months now I have suffered from a feeling of swimming/dizziness in my head which has gradually worsened and sometimes I feel so bad that I feel completely light headed, unreal, chronically tired, with a weakness in my limbs and a general feeling of not being of this world – so I usually retire to bed at that point (and sometimes wonder whether I am going to wake up if I go to sleep!). I am 73 years old and over the years, since I was in my mid 30′s, I have had the odd bout of this feeling of unreality which usually lasted a few hours or a few days at most – I now have this swimming sensation in my head all the time and never feel “normal” which is very wearing indeed.

I have been to 2 neurologists and my condition was first diagnosed as “brain stem migraine” or “vertiginous migraine” – however, after an MRI brain scan and a head and neck CT scan, the migraine idea was dismissed. I then had a “tilt table test” as it was noted that my blood pressure was often low (in fact I have had low blood pressure most of my life but no one has ever been very interested in it!) and it showed that my blood pressure is indeed, extremely erratic and drops very low at times (95/60) for no specific reason. At that point I was seen by a cardiologist who did a barrage of tests, all of which appeared more or less normal. The neck scan did, however, show that my carotid arteries are a strange shape but no reason was given for that, except that it might have been something that I have had since birth. I was given a trial on the unlicensed drug “Midodrine” to increase my blood pressure but was told not to continue to take it if it made me feel worse – which it did – so I no longer take it.

Due to the fact that I have had otis sclerosis since I was 21, my ENT specialist was consulted and he arranged for me to have a balance test. This in fact, proved to be pretty normal for someone my age suffering from otis sclerosis – so another blank was drawn!

As you can imagine I am getting pretty desperate and wondered whether you have had anyone else contacting you with similar symptoms. I have now made an appointment to see an osteopath as someone mentioned that cranial osteopathy might help – I seem to be clutching at straws!

Any help or information you can give me would be more than appreciated. My own poor beleaguered GP has run out of suggestions!

Yours sincerely,

Gillian F (Mrs)

Dear Mrs F,

Thanks for your query and my sympathies for the distressing symptoms you describe. It certainly sounds that your doctors have ‘left no stone unturned’ in seeking to sort out what might be responsible and disappointing they seem to have drawn a blank. My only suggestion would be that your blood pressure is certainly on the low side for someone in their seventies and you should ensure they have considered – and excluded – the possibility of Addison’s Disease that would certainly fit with the pattern of symptoms you describe.

Dear Dr James,

The media has repeatedly highlighted the population’s increasing obesity and its associated health problems but there has been little or nothing about the dangers of being underweight as I am. When I calculated my body mass index recently (I’m 1.97m tall and weigh 68.9kg and 79 years old) I was shocked to discover that it’s 17.7 compared with the healthy minimum of 18.5. I eat as much as I can of the recommended healthy foods, including eight to ten portions of fruit and vegetables a day, so that I never feel hungry. I lost about 2.7kg when I contracted campylobacter last June and try as I may I have put only about 3lb back on and my weight now seems to have stabilised at 68.9kg. I should add that despite being diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis two years ago (it’s currently well controlled with methotrexate) I walk two to three miles most days and do isometric exercises every day to maintain or increase muscle strength. I’ve always been very active having been a rugby player for 25 years and a long distance runner for 40 years. My questions are should I be worried about being underweight and is it likely to lead to health problems?


Brian L

Dear Brian L,

Thanks for being in touch with that interesting query. The BMI index certainly can be misleading for several reasons. It must be unusual for someone of your height (6½ foot) to weigh just 10st but then not many people have played rugby for 25 years or been a long distance runner for 40. I can only surmise that you must be very fit and your metabolism has adapted accordingly. I certainly would not be worried that your current weight is likely to lead to health problems.

Dear Doctor, I am writing to ask you to highlight the shingles jab for older people. Last October I enquired at our GP’s Surgery, but was three months too young. On the first of December I went down with a very severe case of shingles! Our Doctor did all the appropriate treatments at the right time, but I am still in a lot of pain.We have heard of very many cases locally, it seems like an epidemic. Incidentally,I remember you at Whipps Cross, you came to the Friday sessions with Dr Glick and Dr Francis in the Chest Clinic, all the X-Rays that were taken there were taken by me, as I was the sole Radiographer.

Dear Anon,

Thanks for being in touch and my great sympathies that you should have developed shingles just a month short of becoming eligible for the jab. I have written about this in the Monday column (search Le Fanu shingles jab). I have very fond memories of Whipps Cross and Doctors Glick and Francis from the glory days of the NHS back in the mid 70’s. It was certainly a lot of fun.

Dear Dr James

My father has recommended I write to you as my health issues have a huge impact on my life and it feels as if my own Doctor is not being particularly helpful with the advice he provides, but then you may reassure me that actually what he is telling me is, indeed, the only way forward. Here goes…..(and I will try to be as succinct as possible!)

- Burst appendix when 21 years old (now 48). Complicated by the fact my appendix was in the wrong place (behind my bowel) so apparently had to remove my insides to take out the appendix and then put everything back in.

- In 1997, my then husband and I decided to find out if there was any way I could have children (I’d known pretty much straight away after my op that I would struggle to conceive). It was discovered I had a ‘lump’ on my ovary which had to be investigated. Endoscopy through the belly-button was attempted but couldn’t get far because of the level of adhesions. Therefore, had to operate to find out what the lump was. It turned out to be my fallopian tube, scrunched up and stuck to my ovary.

- Within a week of that op, I developed severe abdominal pain and was taken back into hospital. It transpired I had a blockage due to a kink in my intestine. There was fear at the time they would have to remove some of my intestine/bowel but luckily (after consuming large amounts of water) the blockage seemed to pass. The kink remains however and I try to avoid large meals/eating late at night because of the discomfort this causes (can be embarrassing as I don’t like to talk about it and people think I’ve got an eating disorder!).

- Since this last op, I have suffered with terrible constipation and am now dependent on laxatives.

- I also have to exercise five times a week to help keep the discomfort away (running mainly).

- Shortly after that op (in Feb 1998), I had an ovarian cyst drained.

- Also, not long after that second op, I experienced a terrible pain with a lump appearing just under my ribs. I was very scary (and still is when it happens). The Doctor said at the time that it was a hernia and that nothing could be done because operating on it would increase the adhesions. So that was in about 1999/2000.

- My current partner sees how much I do to try and deal with this – as do my parents. He (my partner) suggested I see my Doctor again to see if there’s been any advancements on adhesion removal. I made an appointment and went to see my Doctor on Weds last week. He said there were no advancements, and that I should keep exercising – which is fine at the minute, although very time consuming! My feet do suffer and I am afraid of cycling because of a bad experience I had once. I can’t swim either and anyway running does seem to be fairly effective in keeping the pain away. I worry that when I’m older I shall not be able to exercise and therefore who knows what will happen? I explained this to the Doctor and also that I worry that my hernia will one day strangulate. It is soooo painful too when it happens! He then felt around the area of my ribs and decided that I have Costochondritis. I’m not wholly convinced as when I googled this it said it’s most common in 19-24 year olds and also usually lasts only 6 weeks or so.

Are you able to give me any advice please, Dr James? I am welling up as I type this – it takes writing it all down to make me realise how much I do actually suffer!

Alongside of this, the Doctor thinks I may be perimenopausal (I’m on Femodene not as a contraceptive but to regulate my periods – and also because any periods I did use to have would be EXTREMELY painful!) as I bled for a whole month last month. This month I thought I was okay but today I am producing blood clots again. So that’s on my mind too!

The Doctor has not offered me any tests, incidentally, so how can he be so sure of his diagnosis?

I appreciate your time reading this and very much look forward to hearing from you. Very many thanks in advance.

(And if you need any further information, please let me know).

Kind regards

Dear Anon,

Thanks for being in touch and my great sympathies for the many tribulations following that burst appendix at the age of 21. It certainly sounds as if you have a major problem with adhesions for which there is no specific treatment other than to minimise their adverse consequences such as constipation. I am however, very puzzled by this swelling under the ribs attributed to a hernia – which would seem most unlikely – but neither does it sound like costochondritis. I can only suggest that you consult the doctor again when the swelling is particularly prominent and ask him to reconsider his diagnosis.

Hi Dr

I enjoy reading your column, I have an important query I wonder if you could help me with?

A family friend was on Simvastatin Oral for app 18 mths with other medicine he was prescribed for an angina attack they have now told him he has Hep b. could there be any hepatic connection with the two, your esteemed opinion would be much appreciated

Regards Joe

Dear Joe,

Thanks for your query. There is no link between statin therapy and hepatitis B other than that they can both adversely affect the function of the liver.

Dr Le Fanu

Low risk prostate cancer

I have read your articles re the above, along with results of correspondence. I feel the diagnosis of “low risk” is in itself a big gamble.

In my case I had a Gleason score of 6, and after much anguish decided for a radical prostatectomy, 7 years ago. After the operation the removed prostate was regraded to Gleason 7, and the specialist advised me of evidence that it was starting to spread down a nerve. Fortunately, he was optimistic he had caught it in time, within the prostate. Mine was medium risk, and the biopsy process at the time was to take 12 samples. It was possible to actually miss the tumour.

I share your Edinburgh lawyer’s view, although I am tested annually now it still feels like being on probation, but the thought of “wait and see” is slow torment. A friend, who was advised to take this route, died 4 years ago, and another (still on this Earth) had 2 tumours, he also elected for surgery.


Dear Anon,

Thanks for being in touch and your account of your experience with prostate cancer. It certainly seems that you made the right decision in opting for ‘the op’.

Dear Dr james,

I was very interested in the recent articles on prostate cancer. Some 9 years ago I was diagnosed with it with a PSA of 9.52 and a Gleason score of 7 ( 3+ 4 ). it was suggested at the time at University Hospital of N. Staffordshire that I consider watchful waiting but my wife wanted me to have the op. When I met the surgeon I had been allocated he was overbearing , condescending and said the op would take 1 – 2 hours and I would need a blood transfusion. I said to my wife I would not let him operate on me as my extensive research into this condition said the op usually took 2 – 4 hours.

Due to this and other delays the op was eventually done at Leighton Hospital at Crewe 8 months later by Mr P Javle a Consultant Urological Surgeon .He had previously told me he rarely if ever has to give a blood transfusion and I was subsequently told he was one of the 3 top surgeons for this op in the country. I also found out later that the original surgeon’s nickname in the op theatre was “ Slasher “ so I feel I had a very Lucky escape.

The first biopsy showed 5 cores on the right side of the prostate had some evidence of cancer but the biopsy after the op showed cancer on both the left and right sides and cancer occupied 60 % of the gland and had reached the edge but not penetrated through.

Had I opted for watchful waiting I would probably be dead now. I cannot emphasise strongly enough the necessity of doing as much research as possible before having the op.

I forgot to say I am 79 years old.

Yours sincerely

Garry H

Dear Garry H,

Thanks for being in touch and drawing attention to the importance of being knowledgeable about the nature of this condition and having confidence in the surgeon who carries out the operation.

Dr Doctor Le Fanu,

I’m 71 and in the past year my restless legs have become very bad at night with resulting loss of sleep. I heard the Radio 4 health report on possible side effects of Omeprazole which I have taken for 3 years@ 20 mg daily. I decided to come off it cold turkey, and also try and avoid wheat which I know makes my heartburn worse.

Result!! After 2 weeks sleep is so much better, restless legs much improved and any heartburn dealt with by dose of Maalox. Is it avoiding both or is the omeprazole much to blame?

Yours in good health

Dear Anon,

Thanks for your most interesting observation about the possible role of Omeprazole in causing your restless legs. There is no obvious explanation for this other than to note that the drug apparently reduces absorption of iron from the gut and that iron deficiency is a recognised cause of restless legs.

Dear Dr James

I am a fit and active 77 year old with very low PSA readings. But my father died from prostate cancer, largely because he chose to ignore all the signs till it was too late.

In your last article you mention “the operation” and state “despite the inevitable problems with potency and incontinence”. Forget about potency, but why should incontinence be inevitable, given great care and skill in excision? There will be many like me who are mystified, and perhaps you could elaborate?

Yours sincerely

Tony J

Dear Tony J,

Thanks for being in touch. I would have thought that despite your father dying of prostate cancer you should be reassured by those very low PSA readings. The problems with incontinence following the operation are due to the close proximity of the prostate gland to the nerves that control the functioning of the bladder.

My life has become a misery due to lack of saliva and a sore tongue. Can you help please ?

William A

Dear William A,

Thanks for being in touch and my sympathies for the distressing symptoms of Xerostomia as it is known. You do not mention the two main causes which I presume your doctor has considered – that it might be a side effect of one of the drugs you may be taking or the condition known as Sjogren’s Syndrome. There are, as you may know, several forms of saliva substitutes and some people find chewing gum helpful. Beyond that you might try placing a raisin or wound up piece of string between the cheek and gums – as their presence stimulates the activity of the salivary glands.

Dear Dr Le Fanu

Six years ago my PSA suddenly went up from its usual 4, taken each year, to 4.8 in a few months. Tests indicated the start of cancer. As a result I had brachytherapy (privately). I had no symptoms whatsoever of the onset of cancer prior to the PSA test. Now, at the age of 75 I occasionally have the benefit of Viagra provided on the NHS.

Dear Anon,

Thanks for being in touch and it is very encouraging that brachytherapy should have so effectively controlled your prostate cancer.

You probably get thousands of emails on the subject of ear wax. Every two or three months I have to go to a nurse and have my ears syringed. Some Doctors advise me to put olive oil in my ears every few days, some once a week – this does not seem to help and sometimes makes it worse! I have to put the oil in once a day a week before they are syringed of course to make for easy wax-removal.

At the moment I am practically house-bound. I cannot hear the telephone, doorbell or have a conversation with anyone. I have to wait at least two weeks for the nurse to syringe my ears. This is because I prefer a certain nurse to do this, as the other nurse at our practice once syringed my ears and hurt me so much my ears bled, and I was crying with the pain – fortunately a Doctor on duty at the time came to my rescue – no way would I let her near my ears again! The most important aspect for me is I have a handicapped daughter in care, and need to speak to her frequently on the phone as she lives a long way away.

You must I am sure agree that whilst this is not a serious problem compared to some, it makes the sufferer very miserable. Have you or your colleagues any other advice or remedies I could try – any suggestions would be greatly appreciate at this time?

Many thanks, and sorry to trouble you with such a trivial matter.

Dear Anon,

Thanks for being in touch and my sympathies for your current predicament. My two suggestions would be that you use Otex drops on a regular basis as these are a useful preventive measure .. Next you might consider purchasing a DIY device for syringing out the wax – such as Aculife available on Amazon. You might be interested in an article by ENT specialist James Stevermer on self-treatment published in the Journal of Family Practice (2011, vol 60 pp 671 – 3) that can be downloaded from the internet.

Dear Dr Le Fanu,

I am a 65 Year old Male in reasonable Health. I have had prostate problems for many Years and have had Two TURPS Operations in the last Ten Years.

My Problem is that I produce during the course of the Night excessive amounts of Urine – double that which I produce in the Daytime ( which is also a longer period ) doing some Research on the Internet ( I guess the bane of many Doctors ) I came across the Antidiuretic Hormone Vasopressin which is supposed to kick in at Night to stop or slow the production of Urine whilst sleeping. the ADH in my case doesn’t seem to be working. Because of this I limit what I drink during the Daytime especially after 6 pm.

Three Years ago, my Doctor sent me for Urodynamic Bladder Studies the Results of which I am unaware of. I mentioned my excessive Urine Production at night to the Hospital Doctor and he prescribed Furosemide 20 Mgs Water Tablets and told me to take them later in the Day to try and rid my body of Urine before going to Bed. I am still taking these but have upped the dosage to 40 Mgs and find them effective for a Week at a time and then they don’t work. After a lay-off I re-commence the dosage and they work again ridding me of the excess and so it goes on. I live in Spain for 7 Months of the Year and buy these ‘over the Counter’ in the Pharmacy. I don’t have Healthcare in Spain and rely on my EHIC Card should any Emergencies happen. When I return to the UK for the Summer, I find Urine production slows to more normal levels during the Night and I am beginning to put this down to the fact that the Nights are much shorter – that is they are dark for a much shorter time. I do go to see my Doctor for the usual checks : PSA, Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar etc and because things are more normal, haven’t bothered to broach the subject of my nightly Excesses of Urine. The Nights draw in and I begin to produce again large quantities of Urine compared to the daytime production. I would be grateful for your comments about whether the length of the Night ( of darkness ) is a factor and your general view about why ADH isn’t effective in my case. Why, also, doesn’t the Furosemide work all the time that I take it ?


Dear Anon,

Thanks for your query. This increase urination at night is strongly suggestive of Benign Nocturnal Polyuria – though I note it does not seem to have improved with Vasopressin. It would certainly be worthwhile taking an anti-inflammatory drug (such as ibuprofen) or a couple of aspirins prior to retiring as they can markedly reduce the volume of urine passed at night.

Dear Dr. Fanu,

I always read your column on Monday’s Daily Telegraph with interest. I have a query please.

Last Monday I visited a Dr. who had asked to see me because in the words of the Health Board I was using “high risk medication combinations”.

I am almost 75 years of age and take Bendroflumethiazide 2.5 mg and Lisinopril 20mg daily for blood pressure control. I also have been taking anti-inflammatory medication for pain in osteoarthritis namely more recently Etoricoxib 30mg daily. Lisinopril and Etoricoxib should now not be taken together. He told me the “bad guy” was Etoricoxib in the combination and could cause my kidneys to fail suddenly (as well as giving heart and stroke problems). I also have been taking 8 paracetamol daily to control the pain. (big toes, knees, lower spine and neck all diagnosed as arthritis, and hip pain diagnosed as bursitis.) I use Piroxicam Gel also.

I do take supplements – Chondroitin, Glucosamine and Cod Liver Oil.

My Dr. has now removed Etoricoxib from my prescription request list and replaced it with Co-codamol 500/8 and has of course instructed me to make sure I still only take the maximum of 8 paracetamol in any form daily. He spent almost half an hour with me explaining all of this and I left him on good terms!!!

Now I am into my third day without Etoricoxib and am already getting much more pain and have been experimenting with the two painkillers – I know the Co-codamol 500/8 is not very strong and in order not to get constipated I am reluctant to take more of those than just the paracetamol only.

Can you suggest any other anti-inflammatory medication or supplement or herbal remedy I could use?

Just for your information I live in the Borders in Scotland.

Mrs. Ruth McK

Dear Mrs McK,

Thanks for being in touch. This is all a bit puzzling. There is a very small increase risk of kidney problems with Etoricoxib and other anti-inflammatory drugs (see S P Curtis, Clinical Therapeutics 2004 vol 26, pp70-83) This may be compounded by taking Lisinopril – though I could not find any well documented evidence for it. But the Co-codamol prescribed in its place is unlikely, as you have discovered, to control the pains and loss of mobility from the arthritis of the knee. It might be there is no alternative other than to take an anti-inflammatory drug – despite the risks associated with them. You should discuss this with your doctor again.


During the year 2013, I visited my Doctor with a troublesome red shiny nose and a red lump on my eyelid. The Doctor prescribed a gel I used this over several months and the redness di subside but it returned again when I stopped using the gel. I have since discovered from the internet the condition I have looks like Rosacea. Then in January this year my nose has swelled in size and angry red spots appear. My Doctor has now given me more gel to use Metrogel, which I use twice a day. This gel is taking a layer of skin off my nose on a daily basis. My nose is now unsightly due to the redness and the flaky skin. Can you suggest what else can be done to eradicate this problem. Can plastic surgery correct this before it gets worse, or will the gel work eventually? I am getting anxious about my personal appearance and would welcome your advice


Dear Teresa,

Thanks for your query and my great sympathies for the distress caused by the rosacea – and particularly the Rhinophyma on your nose. The standard treatment is indeed Metrogel though you might usefully investigate whether some form of intervention – such as laser therapy might be of value. This is not usually available on the health service and you will need to find a clinic in your area that provides this treatment. There is a useful article ‘Is laser treatment right for your rosacea’ on the website rosacea.net.

Mrs S D

Would the Epley procedure talked about on your column last year and which I did to my husband and cured him, help?


Rosemary S

Dear Rosemary S,

I am delighted to hear that your administration of the Epley manoeuvre has so improved your husband’s vertigo.

Dear Dr. Le Fanu,

I am 88 years old and have reasonably balanced health, except for increasing fatigue, which has persisted for some two years. I am not taking any prescribed medicines. I consulted my GP, who had a blood-test taken, and told me that the only unusual feature was a sub-normal reading for Vitamin B12. She advised me to buy a tonic from a chemist’s shop.

After trying three or four unsuccessfully, I saw your article (some time ago) which said that a remedy which helped in many cases of fatigue was liquid Vitamin B12, taken in substantial quantities. I tried some products which claimed to be Vitamin B12, the last of which was Vitabiotics Feroglobin, which provides 10 International Units, which it says is 4 times the RDA.

I have been unable to find a supplier of liquid B12 as a single ingredient.

Would you be kind enough to tell me, please, whether this mixture would provide the quantity of B12 which you recommended or, if not, what daily intake I should aim for? If you could also tell me where I could obtain liquid B12, I should be most grateful.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Anon,

Thanks for being in touch. It could well be that this low vitamin B12 is contributing to your fatigue and this can be corrected by taking high dose (1mg) tablets a couple of times a day – that can be purchased from Holland & Barrett.

I, too, have a similar problem to Mrs HN from Reading, though I sleep flat on my front(!), no pillow, tilting my head so that my forehead takes the pressure from the mattress away from the ear. If on my side I usually crook my arm to form a pillow and my ear is in the hollow formed or I use a hand under my hear to ‘lift’ my ear out of contact with bedding.

I have never tried to seek medical advice, I think they would think I was crackers, but I should wear hearing aids and find the little tube going into my ear causes enormous discomfort /similar pain (?) as a result I don’t bother with the aids – much to my friends dismay.


Dear A W,

Thanks for your comments that reflect the experience of several readers as discussed in the column this week.

Reference your recent article and query from Mrs HN from Reading, I also had and to some extent still have, the same symptoms.

After two falls due to vertigo attacks and problems with ears, throat and mouth, and numbness on the left hand side of my face, difficulty in enunciating speech due to numbness in my lips (from time to time) I was referred to an ENT clinic. I was provisionally diagnosed with BBPV – though how vertigo could be described as benign was puzzling. It was also pointed out that I appeared to have an arthritic neck, for which I was having physio and do exercises. I still have to “arrange” myself when getting up in the morning and from sitting down. My first action on waking is to look if the ceiling light is rotating or still.

When I swallow there is a “thumping” sound in my both my ears and my doctor also suggested crystals in my eustachian tubes which could be causing loss of balance.

Both my ear tips are tender to touch and lie on, but i have put this down to the aftermath of a shingles attack a year ago.

My friends assure me that my speech tone is normal but I hear myself in an echo chamber. I also have a persistent cough.

Thank you for your column, very interesting.

Mary C

Dear Mary C,

Thanks for being in touch. It can, as you have discovered, be difficult to sort out the precise cause (or indeed causes in your case) of vertigo. It is certainly encouraging that your symptoms appear to be improving.

Many thanks to all those who have taken the time to write in with suggestions as to the possible cause of this young woman’s neurological illness following her backpacking trip to West Africa. Regrettably it is not possible to respond to each individually- but I will be summarising the main points in the column this Monday (10th Feb) and the following week.

Backpacking mystery

This week’s medical conundrum comes courtesy of Mrs SD from York, writing on behalf of her 25-year-old daughter who, on returning from a backpacking holiday in West Africa a couple of years ago, was admitted to hospital with a severe headache, numbness down the left side of the body and a high temperature.

Her doctor suspected that she had had a stroke, but the usual scans, blood tests and lumbar punctures were all reported as “clear”. Since then she has continued to be troubled by vertigo (worse, surprisingly, in bed, and improved by travelling by car or bus), left-sided headaches for the first hour after waking, loss of sensation on the left side of the face and a feeling of fullness in the ear that “clicks” on swallowing.

She has seen a full range of specialists and, although learning to live with these troubles, “would love to feel healthy again”. All suggestions gratefully received.

The following all refer to Monday’s conundrum

I’m no doctor but several aspects of the young lady’s condition rang a chord with me.

My daughter, a university professor aged 47, has been diagnosed for several years with sarcoidosis. She copes with this despite a high research and teaching workload and international travel (but not to Africa).

She has recently become troubled by sensation on her left side in the arm and leg. Possible neurosarcoidosis appears to have been excluded after MRI scan, lumbar puncture etc. The consultants appear nonplussed. The sensations continue. I am not aware that she has suffered any viral infection.

This is also a mystery. Any similarity with the case you report?

Sincerely, Mr. D.H.

Dear Doctor

had the woman been taking lariam, the anti malarial?

David C

Dear Dr Le Fanu

In response to this week’s medical conundrum, was the 25-year-old backpacker taking Lariam (Mefloquine) as an antimalarial? The drug has recently been given a “black box” warning and is responsible for thousands of similar incidents ranging from vertigo and nightmare disorder to psychosis and suicide. Thousands of serving and former members of the British, Irish, German and US military are lobbying their respective governments to end its use and compensate them for the debilitating and permanent injuries suffered as a result of Lariam administration.

Please refer Mrs SD to Dr Remington Nevin (www.remingtonnevin.com) or LariamInfo.org for further help.

Yours sincerely

My 39 year old daughter has been ill on and off for over 2 years with similar symptoms Particularly the vertigo plus extreme tiredness and aches in muscles and joints. When she started having stroke-like symptoms last spring including a severe squint that appeared overnight, the doctors started to take her seriously and she became an ‘interesting patient’ at Salford Royal Infirmary in the neurology department, though she has been examined by ENT, Chest, Cardio, and just about every other department. She has endured X rays, CAT scans, MRI scans, a Pet scan and Lumbar Punctures as well as endoscopy, colonoscopy and innumerable blood tests, eye tests and ECGs.

Even though they have not been able to ‘prove’ the diagnosis as yet due to the high risk areas where they might have looked to do a biopsy (brain and heart and neck), they have decided to treat her for Neurosarcoidosis. She left hospital finally last week after suffering what appeared to be a heart attack whilst waiting to be discharged the previous week. She is left currently with reduced mobility on her right side, including deafness and drooping of eye and mouth and slurred speech and might need a pacemaker if her heart has been damaged. She has no energy and still has all the aches and pains. The treatment involves prolonged use of steroids and auto immune suppressants, but we are hopeful of an improvement.

The doctors have been wonderful (once they started to take it seriously). She has private health insurance, but there is no treatment that was not available to her on the NHS. She will have to return to the hospital for ECGs, MRIs and Lumbar Puncture every few weeks to check the progress of the disease, but we hope she finally has an answer.

I hope your mystery patient finds a diagnosis soon.

Parasite larva, possibly in middle ear under a perforated eardrum. Driving and motion inhibit its movement thus relieving symptoms which are worse after stillness. Consider a bot fly larva.


Ric (semi retired doc, worked in Africa and Asia)

Dear Dr James,

At the risk of stating the blindingly obvious, has the patient been referred to the The Hospital

For Tropical Diseases in either Liverpool or London? I say this because a few years ago my wife was an inpatient in the London Hospital for an infection contracted in Central America. There she met several elderly men who had finally been referred to the HfTD after many years of suffering

The effects of illnesses contracted in the Far East during WW II. Their symptoms had defied diagnosis by their local health authorities for decades. Unsurprisingly , as beriberi, for instance,

Is uncommon in the Home Counties.

I also recall reading somewhere that in addition to obscure tropical bacteriological and viral infections, there exist bizarre and rare invasive parasites that resist both detection and treatment.

Hoping that the young lady finds both a solution and relief.



Dear James,

Mrs SD’s daughter’s problems most likely are the result of a viral inner ear infection vestibular neuritis or labyrinthitis – the symptoms are very like her daughter’s.


John R

Although I didn’t have the headache I have suffered from vertigo, particularly on change of position, clicking ear (left side) and this to improved on travelling particularly when going up to greater heights when the pressure on the ear altered as in air flights. Fullness in the ear also occurred. I went to my GP but was just given travel sickness pills. But as I was leaving the surgery the nurse whispered to me “Look up Eplies.” I did and understood that some calcium had broken off in my ear and blocked the flow of the liquid there at times hence the easing at times when I changed my position slowly. Thankfully after suffering this for 4 years off and on I have been vertigo free for the last 18 months.

Pat D

Hi Dr James

Don’t usually do replies BUT your information and call for suggestions, hit a chord…

I’m 65 and was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) in 1968, I was 20; fortunately I do not have the rigidity or “deformity” normally associated with it BUT quite a few related issues

TO THE LINK with the conundrum you mention ……….

In 1983 (was then early 30′s) I suffered a series of numbness’s in left side of face and hand/arm (and sometimes right side BUT not both at once) often associated with headaches; this went on for some time and was worrying – same “concern” was I having a stroke????

To cut a long story short in 1986 after much pressure from myself to my GP and Consultant Rheumatologist I entered hospital as inpatient under a Consultant Neurologist and had lots of tests (EEG, CT Scan, Bloods, Lumbar Puncture etc etc) the end result was a diagnosis of – “vascular disturbance in the posterior circulation probably related to Ankylosing Spondylitis” – basically inflammation of blood vessels due to underlying AS which is an inflammatory condition of various parts of the body and in this case the neck/spine. This particular problem seemed to burn itself out after a few years.

The other coincidental link is I also suffer with VERTIGO and have done for 25 years; a Consultant Neurologist diagnosed this as “positional vertigo” – mine also only occurs when a lie down in bed BUT if severe can affect balance when standing and is often preceded/accompanied by “muzzy head/headaches”…..In this respect Vertigo is often caused by vascular inflammation OR skeletal changes in the neck (another link to AS)

One other complication the young lady needs to be aware of, if indeed there is a link to AS is “Iritis // Uveitis” in the eye; a serious problem which many GP’s don’t recognise and needs to be speedily resolved by an Eye Specialist

Oh…one side effect of AS is “night sweats/feverishness” in the early stages of AS which may account for high temperature suggestion

May be of no use at all BUT I am an activist in bringing Ankylosing Spondilitis to peoples attention as it is still not diagnosed by GP’s or other Clinicians early enough; there maybe be other other symptoms which link.

If this information seems helpful or the other side issues pertain I would suggest the lady contacts NASS (National Ankylosing Spondylitis Society) they provide the most amazing free booklet and Newsletters – 020 8948 9117 or asknass@nass.co.uk

The African trip may be a red herring and the daughter may be suffering from something like AS, that the numbness/headaches/vertigo/feverishness represents as

Best Wishes

Dear Ron J,

In response to your writer’s question this morning, I had most of those symptoms…the dizzy feeling in bed, numbness on one side of my face and a heavy headache that lasted for about 24 hours.

An MRI scan showed nothing nor did a check up with a neurologist. Then a new doctor joined the clinic in Dubai where we were living and he suggested it could be a basilar migraine, much less common than the usual migraine and with very different symptoms.

He suggested I take Immigran the next time the symptoms started, and four years after the problem started, that did the trick. That was years ago, and I have had no further occurrences for at least 7 years. Stress was a possible cause.

Kind regards

? Lyme disease

Anna S, GP

Re: Backpacking in Africa.

Your column dated February 3rd 2014

Dear Doctor,

During July & August last year, a Grand daughter of mine went on a similar trip to Uganda, for a month. About 4 or 5 weeks after her return, she and several others who had been on the trip, became extremely ill. By the time my Granddaughter had enrolled at Plymouth University, she was barely able to attend the lectures. She sought advice from a local GP and mentioned that she had only returned from Uganda about 6 weeks previously but that was ignored. The Dr told her, “All you Students the same, you drink and smoke too much.” My Grand daughter tried to explain to the Dr that she had never had a drink or smoked a cigarette in her life, However she did take her temperature and sent her on her way.

My grand daughter tried her best but she was persuaded by the Staff to go back to bed. As there was no improvement and as she was running a high temperature and had not eaten for several days, another student phoned and spoke to my wife, who immediately drove to Plymouth and brought her home to us. On her return she took our granddaughter to our GP, who advised her to take her to Exeter hospital. My wife phoned our daughter, in Surrey, who drove down at once. The next morning my wife drove both of them, to Exeter Hospital A & E, they were there until early evening but whereas, several blood tests had been taken, nothing had been ascertained. After some discussion, it was agreed that several further more visits would be required and that it would be better if in the meantime, our grand daughter stayed in bed at home with us. She had no wish to do anything but take a few sips of water,

By sheer chance, when my wife was walking my daughter’s dog in a local park, she got into a conversation with another lady, also walking a dog. Apparently the lady was a microbiologist and apparently, her husband was actually working in Uganda. My wife mentioned that our granddaughter had just returned from Uganda and that she and several others, had become very ill. The lady very kindly said that she would phone her husband and ask him to find out from a local pharmacy what the likely cause might be. Within a few hours the Lady phoned my wife and said that her husband had phoned her back and the symptoms were identical to those of the “West Nile Disease,” On the internet I discovered that the disease is spread by a mosquito, has an incubation period of about 6 to 8 weeks and described the symptoms. It appears that little can be done except to ease the discomfort for 3 or 4 months, when the symptoms would disappear. That is actually what happened but my wife phoned the London Hospital for Tropical Diseases and also the branch in Liverpool but little advice was available..

Fortunately by the opening of this spring term, our grand Daughter seems to have fully recovered. We have advised her to stay in the warmth and not to outside in the cold. Her Student companions have kindly promised to get her shopping for her, until the weather is better.

It is a pity that now it is almost possible to fly to anywhere in the world, more help or health guidance is not made available. This might save quite a cost to the NHS and avoid some waste of time, which could probably be put to better use.

I am sorry this is a little long winded but I thought it better to give you a full resume of the events, so that you can draw your own conclusions.

Continue your interesting column.

Peter E

Dear Doctor James,

I couldn’t help but sympathise with Mrs SD and her daughter (Doctor’s Diary, 3 February). The symptoms are almost identical to those I experienced five years ago. I visited my GP for tests, and she was totally supportive, but it took an eventual private consultation with an allergy specialist for me to be diagnosed as being EHS or Electromagnetically-hypersensitive. Despite having practitioners who knew about the existence of this, the NHS could not help, as like MS, and ME before them, EHS is still not yet recognised as a real condition within NHS guidelines.

EHS is found in an increasing number of people, brought on by exposure or over-exposure to electromagnetic fields and the non-ionizing radiation produced by mobile phones, phone masts, WiFi and an increasing number of wireless and other electronic technologies. Symptoms vary for different people, and in my case, I experienced pain and discomfort, as well as clicking/ringing in my ears, numbness down my left side (I used to work with my PC on the floor by my left leg), heart eurhythmy, sleep problems, optical migraines and a really unpleasant vertigo/dizziness. I now no longer use a mobile phone or WiFi, use a specially shielded PC, and have to avoid environments with the technology (not easy in the modern world). I would urge Mrs SD to look at the website www.es-uk.info which is run by a registered charity and supported by doctors and scientists.

Whilst I do not want my email address published in the ‘Telegraph’, please could you let Mrs SD know that if she or her daughter wishes to discuss the possibility of EHS further, I would be very happy for you to pass my email address on to them. Should EHS be the cause, it can be an extremely frightening condition – particularly in the initial stages. There are strategies for coping, and people to talk to, and whatever the cause of Mrs SD’s daughter’s distress, I should like to wish her all the very best.

Thank you,

Sam W

I was very interested to read this item as I have been suffering from very similar symptoms (even the more bizarre ones) for nearly 3 years. I too suffer from left-sided numbness, vertigo in bed, improvement when in a car, loss of sensation in the left side of the face and the curious feeling of fullness in the ear. The only difference is that my headaches are right-sided. In 2011 I saw a neurologist and had MRI scan which concluded “age appropriate involutional changes, cerebrovascular disease and no evidence of brainstem vascular event.” I am now 78 years old so, since Mrs SD’s daughter is much younger, perhaps such findings would not apply to her. However, I too would dearly love to have some further explanation of these symptoms.

Good Morning Doctor,

Reading your article in yesterday’s DT about the backpacking daughter. If the young lady did any swimming in West Africa’s rivers whilst backpacking she should be checked for parasites such as bilharzia, I hope the spelling is correct, or similar diseases which are endemic there. The pain and clicking in the ear might indicate a growing maggot. For her sake I hope I am wrong.

Yours sincerely,

Christopher R

Dear Dr Le Fanu,

Has an Acoustic Neuroma ( Vestibular Schwannoma ) been ruled out as the cause of her daughter’s symptoms?

I was very interested to read this week’s medical conundrum from Mrs SD concerning her daughter’s health problem as I too was admitted to hospital in November 2012 (aged 60) with almost identical symptoms. Numerous CT scans, MRI’s,X rays and other related tests on the brain showed no problems, nor did any further tests on the heart. However in addition to the shared symptoms since December 2012 I have suffered from prolonged periods of earache, varying between 4 and 8 on the pain threshold scale.I was eventually referred to the ENT clinic and am now taking a high dose of Betahistine with the insertion of Grommets probable in the near future. Sleep is regularly disturbed by the pain/numbness of the left side as well as the earache. I like Mrs SD’s daughter “would love to feel healthy again”. I therefore await with keen interest any suggestions as to diagnosis and cure!

Dear Sirs/Madam,

Your article re the daughter of Mrs SD from York. The symptoms you mentioned as also the failure to identify the cause, reminds my wife and myself of an earlier article that we read about somewhere. In that story all those symptoms were being caused by “maggots ” from eggs, which were allegedly laid by a specie of Fly in the ear. The maggots were eating away the inner ear! Once found it was treated, cured and the patient was returned to full health! Though not unique, it was a very rare thing to have happened. We can not remember the country in which the fly exist. However, it may have been either Africa or South America.

We wish the lady a full and speedy recovery! Should by any chance her condition turns out to be caused by that fly etc. we would love to hear.

Yours faithfully,

Shirley & Mike L

Dr Le Fanu"s online overall health clinic, Friday 7th February 2014

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