10 Şubat 2017 Cuma

11 Fruits and Veggies High in Vitamin C

Oranges, also called sweet oranges, are among the world’s most popular fruits and popular for their vitamin C content. Juicy and sweet, oranges make the perfect snack and add a special tang to many recipes.

Studies have shown that consuming vitamin C can’t actually prevent colds.  However, I am sure some of you have experienced yourself that the consumption vitamin C-rich fruits when you have colds or flu can actually reduce the duration and severity.

Renowned for its concentration of vitamin C, a medium orange 131 g contains 69.7 mg vitamin C, equivalents to 116% Daily Values (DV), which is actually less compared to that of many other common fruits and veggies.

Compare: 100 g contains 53.2 mg vitamin C and 88% DV

Ridiculous Measurements

The followings are 12 fruits and veggies containing vitamin C. Most writers compare the vitamin C contents of fruits and veggies by using per serving quantities, which may vary greatly as some serving can be so large that it is hard to be considered as standard serving.

The large serving quantities used seemed to have purposely been designed so that the fruits and veggies used to compare their vitamin C contents with that of oranges always show higher levels of vitamin C.

For that reason, I also include vitamin C content and DV for a hundred gram of each item so that you can draw your own conclusions.


Papaya, is a lozenge tropical fruit, often seen in orange-red, yellow-green and yellow-orange hues, with a rich orange pulp.

This deliciously sweet with musky undertones and butter-like consistency fruit was reputably called the ‘fruit of the angels’ by Christopher Columbus.

The fruit is packed with all sort of nutrients that act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory.

A one-cup serving (145 g) of ripe papaya delivers 88.3 mg of vitamin C, equivalents to 144% Daily Values (DV).

Compare: 100 g contains 60.9 mg vitamin C with 101% DV


If you have a chance to visit Thailand, try eating some pineapple before or after breakfast as the sweetest pineapple you might have ever tasted is grown in this country. In most major cities of the country, it is sold in early morning until late night by local street peddlers.

Pineapple contains bromelain, a digestive enzyme that helps digest food especially proteins. It helps promote overall digestion and reduce bloating.

Bromelain acts as a natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial that can help you recover faster from sore throats or coughs. A study has shown that bromelain may have the potential in treating asthma.

A cup, chunk (165 g) pineapple contains 78.9 mg vitamin C with 131% DV.

Compare: 100 g contains 47.8 mg vitamin C with 79% DV.


This fruit is typically associated with New Zealand, maybe due to its similar name to the native bird of that country, but is actually the national fruit of China. Besides being a great source of vitamin C, it also contains fiber and a high amount of

Besides being a great source of vitamin C, it also contains fiber and a high amount of beta-carotene, vitamin E as well as magnesium.

A serving (about 2 fruits, 148 g) delivers 137.2 mg vitamin C with 228% DV

Compare: 100 g contains 92.7 mg vitamin C with 154% DV.

Chili peppers

Chilli peppers are one the most important veggies used in almost all Thai cooking which is thought to be the reasons why Thai people maintain good health.

Capsaicin, the chemical compound that makes chili peppers hot, promotes digestion and better blood circulation. It also helps relieve joint and muscle pain. Its antioxidant properties are thought to help detoxification.

A half cup, chopped/diced of chili peppers offer 107.8 mg vitamin C with 180% DV.

Compare: 100 g contains 143.7 mg vitamin C with  239% DV.

Green Bell Pepper

Green bell pepper contains bioflavonoids, carotenoids, and hydroxycinnamic acid, all of which are potent antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer. It also contains capsaicin as in chili peppers. Vitamin C and carotenoids are said to increase when the fruit ripens.

A cup of chopped green bell pepper contains 119.8 mg vitamin C with 199% DV.

Compare: 100 g contains 80.4 mg vitamin C with 134% DV.


Besides having high vitamin content, strawberries have many beneficial compounds, including fiber, bioflavonoids, terpenoids, phenolic acids, hydroxycinnamic acids, and hydroxybenzoic acids, all of which act as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer. They are also exceptionally high in vitamins and minerals.

A cup (whole 144 g) of the superfruit contains 84.7 mg of vitamin C with 144% DV,

Compare: 100 g contains 58.8 mg vitamin C with 97% DV.


Brocolli is the most studied veggie for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer properties that are attributed to glucosinolate contents.

It provides 132 mg of vitamin C and 220% DV for a NLEA serving (148 g).

Compare: 100 g contains 89.2 mg vitamin C and 148% DV.

Brussel sprouts

Brussel sprouts are cousins to broccoli and also packed with glucosinolates. They contain 74.8 mg vitamin C and 124% DV for every cup of 88 g.

Compare: 100 g contains 85 mg vitamin C with 141% DV.


Cauliflower is another cruciferous veggie that has medicinal properties similar to Brussel sprouts.

1 head small 4” diameter (265 g) contains 127.7 mg vitamin C with 212% DV.

Compare: 100 g contains 48.2 mg vitamin C with 80% DV.


Kale or borecole in one of its kind, unique leafy greens rich in polyphenolic bioflavonoids as well as carotenoids such as lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene as well as many minerals and vitamins. Like other cruciferous veggies, it also contains glucosinolates.

A one-cup (67 g) serving of kale provides 80.4 mg of vitamin C with 134% DV.

Compare: 100 g contains 120 mg vitamin C with 200% DV.


The world production of mango is 18 million tons annually and considered a popular tropical fruit. Besides vitamin C, it also contains bioflavonoids, organic acids, beta-carotene and other carotenoids, B vitamins, and minerals such as copper.

It contains a 122.3 mg of vitamin C with 203% DV for every 336 grams (a fruit without refuse).

Compare: 100 g contains 36. 4 mg vitamin C with 60% DV.

Take Home Message

Each type of fruits and veggies offers diverse nutrients with its unique nutrient density. Therefore, in order to achieve balanced nutrients, it’s better to buy and serve different types of fruit and vegetables.

When buying fruits and veggies that are in season, make sure you always choose freshness and quality as top priority. You should let colors guide you (to get a different combination of nutrients), try something new (try new recipes and buy new fruits and veggies), and eat with the seasons (to make sure your body get a healthy mix of nutrients and phytochemicals).


11 Fruits and Veggies High in Vitamin C

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