14 Şubat 2017 Salı

Social care staff, what is your experience of working with the NHS?

Integration between health and social care has long been touted as an answer to the gargantuan problems faced by both sectors.

But now a scathing report by the National Audit Office (pdf) has revealed that integration is not working and that barriers preventing it remain intact. In a piece about the report, Richard Vize, former editor of the Health Service Journal, wrote: “The failure to break down these barriers leads to the crazy situation where health and care staff can only succeed in working more closely together if they fight the very system that employs them.”

Health and social care leaders regularly debate how integration could – and should – work. We want to know what those on the ground think about the obstacles to closer working with the NHS and how they can be overcome.

Are you a social care professional with experience of working with the NHS? Do you feel the current set-up is conducive to working together? Do you have any experiences that highlight how things are not working? What are relationships between health and social care professionals like?

We also want to hear success stories. Do you work in an area of the country where integration is working well? Tell us about it.

To share your thoughts and experiences, please fill in the form below. A selection of responses will be used in our reporting. You may remain anonymous if you wish.

Social care staff, what is your experience of working with the NHS?

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