28 Eylül 2016 Çarşamba

Put scores on the door to improve food hygiene | Letters

Your informative piece (One in seven takeaways fail hygiene tests, 24 September) mentions that the Food Standards Agency ranks all food providers with a score of zero to five. In Wales, all food businesses are legally required to display their score in a prominent place in all entrances so that potential customers are aware of it and can make an informed decision on whether to enter.

There is no such statutory requirement in England and it is left to the discretion of individual food business operators. In the light of the appalling hygiene standards in many food premises in England, revealed in your article, perhaps it is time for ministers to follow the good practice in Wales and make it mandatory for food businesses to display their scores on the door.
Mike Pender

The hygiene rating of takeaways is based on an FSA standard. The actual inspections are in the hands of each local authority. The best and worst areas listed might reflect not much more than the quality and frequency of inspections, likely significant variables given the pressure on local government finance.
John Kernaghan
Hove, East Sussex

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Put scores on the door to improve food hygiene | Letters

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