1 Ağustos 2016 Pazartesi

Family planning is a key development goal that needs greater investment | Letter

Family planning is much more than a vital health and human rights intervention (Critical moment for family planning as funds come under pressure, 28 July). Investments in voluntary family planning are also investments in sustainable development, and therefore should be of as much of concern to ministers of finance as to ministers of health.

In the developing world, about 190 million pregnancies occur each year, of which 73 million (39%) are unintended. These unintended pregnancies often end in abortions (49% of the time, and many unsafe), unintended births (38%) or miscarriages (13%), with detrimental health and economic effects for many women and their families. Behind these statistics are untold stories of human suffering and lives taken off track, underscoring the urgent need for greater investments in family planning.

Related: Critical moment for family planning as funds come under pressure

However, only 1% of all overseas development assistance is allocated to family planning. Funding from local governments is typically even lower. In too many countries, programmes remain weak and political commitment is lacking. Family planning is assigned a low national priority, relegated to the health budgets of donors and the portfolios of health ministers, who are often battling a range of other health issues.

From a broader perspective, this low priority is a mistake, because family planning programmes have a wide array of development benefits that often are under-appreciated. In addition to the improved health and empowerment of women and girls, fewer births lead to a boost in the growth of GDP per capita; reduced pressure on the need to build schools, clinics and infrastructure; reduced environmental degradation; and greater political and social stability, as youth unemployment declines. A dollar invested in family planning returns multiple dollars in savings in other development sectors.

Family planning must therefore be reclassified as a development intervention. If we’re truly serious about meeting the sustainable development goals, we must embrace the rare investment opportunities that drive progress on many different development fronts – family planning chief among them.
John Bongaarts
Vice-president and distinguished scholar, Population Council

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Family planning is a key development goal that needs greater investment | Letter

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