25 Ağustos 2016 Perşembe

Stafford hospital suspends "unsafe" children"s A&E

A&E services at County hospital in Stafford have been suspended for under-18s because “senior clinicians have advised that the service is not currently clinically safe”.

University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS trust brought the interim measure into place from 10am on Thursday, owing to a lack of “professionally trained and experienced staff”.

The temporary changes do not affect the adult A&E, which remains open.

Liz Rix, chief nurse and acting deputy chief executive, said: “I fully appreciate the impact these temporary changes will have on families in Stafford and the surrounding area, and understand that people will be very concerned about this news.

“However, we cannot and will not continue to deliver services without the confidence that those services are safe.

“I want to thank my fellow clinical colleagues for reviewing the situation and for their advice, which has led to us taking this difficult short-term decision.

“This allows us the space to examine future options for safe children’s services at County hospital with input from our staff, regulators and partners.”

Stafford hospital suspends "unsafe" children"s A&E

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