26 Ağustos 2016 Cuma

How to Tell if Your Dentist is Holistic

It can be difficult to find just the right dentist for your family. Many of today’s dentists do use all of the latest technologies, but what if you are looking for a dentist who focuses more on holistic dentistry? Luckily, there are several dentists who are turning to holistic dentistry. If you are unsure of what to look for to be able to tell if a dentist is holistic, here are some tips.

1. No Amalgam Fillings

If a dentist is holistic, they do not use amalgam fillings. These fillings contain mercury, and can produce unhealthy vapors in the dental office. If you visit a dentist and they offer amalgam fillings, you can be pretty sure that they are not the least bit holistic, and it is time to find another dentist.

2. No Fluoride Treatments

A natural dentist will not ask you or your family members to get fluoride treatments. Fluoride can actually lower a child’s IQ, as well as cause white spots on the teeth and increase the risk of tooth and bone fracture. No holistic dentist will offer fluoride treatments.

3. No Crowns

Natural dentists try to avoid drilling as much as possible. If a cavity needs to be filled, the holistic dentist will take care to keep as much of the tooth as possible, and filling materials are non-toxic. For large cavities, inlays are often used. A holistic dentist will only place a crown if there are no other options available.

4. No Sealants

Because the materials used for sealants are made with Bisphenol, which can disrupt the hormones, holistic dentists do not use sealants, particularly on children. They will not use a BPA-free sealant either, because the chemicals used are just as bad for your health.

5. Very Few X-Rays

No decent dentist should do an x-ray on a child’s mouth until they are at least 13 years of age. A natural dentist will not x-ray children unless it is absolutely necessary, because of radiation exposure. If x-rays are recommended, make sure that your dentist uses digital x-rays, which are 50% lower in radiation than traditional x-rays.

6. Filling Materials are Tested

Before doing a filling for a patient, a natural dentist will do a blood test to make sure that they will be using the proper filling materials for that patient. Non-holistic dentists do not do this, and tend to use the same materials for all patients, regardless of what would be best for the individual patient.

7. Homeopathy is Used

For pain relief, a natural dentist will offer homeopathic remedies, including oral vitamin C, which helps to speed up the healing process. When holistic remedies are used, recovery time is faster, and there is much less discomfort. Also, there are little to no side-effects, which often occur with antibiotics and pain killers.

8. Infrared Devices for Healing

A non-holistic dentist will prescribe pain killers following dental surgery. A holistic dentist will offer a hand-held infrared device to take home, which is to be used for 20-30 minutes at a time, several times daily. This will help to speed up healing, and reduce pain and discomfort.

9. Wisdom Teeth Stay In

Unless you are having serious problems with your wisdom teeth, a natural dentist will find ways to preserve them rather than remove them. In many cases, extraction of the wisdom teeth is not necessary, and many people who have this surgery end up with something known as permanent paresthesia, which is basically a numbness of the lips, tongue, and cheek.


How to Tell if Your Dentist is Holistic

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