30 Mayıs 2014 Cuma

Charity single to be launched in Stephen Sutton"s memory

Supporters, many of whom were wearing yellow ribbons, cheered when the coffin arrived. It was pulled by four white horses with yellow livery and inside a carriage filled with yellow flowers.

His coffin, also white, was followed by his mother Jane, 49, brother Chris, 21, and other family members, all of whom had dressed in bright colours to signify the teenager’s positive approach and his wish before his death ‘to put the fun into funeral.’

The record featuring Stephen has been cut at the Neon Sound Studios in his home town of Burntwood in Staffordshire, where he jammed as a drummer with band Nothing Personal.

Mike Wood, who coordinated the single, posted an advert on Facebook back in April when Stephen first brought the cause of the TCT to the fore. The response to his appeal was “overwhelming”, the 29-year-old said.

“We had so many people that in the end I had to turn musicians away,” said Mike, who plays bass on the 5 minute 25 second recording.

Shane Mason, 19, of Brownhills in the West Midlands, plays piano on the record.

“I was never fortunate enough to meet Stephen, but he was an inspiration,” he said.

“We’ve had the blessing from the family, and both Chris (Stephen’s older brother) and Jane (his mother) came to see us in the studio last week, and are behind us 100%.”

He added: “I was playing piano on the track, and there was a picture of Stephen hanging up on the studio wall above me, where he’s smiling and posing.

“I sort of liked to think he was there with us while we were recording.”

All the proceeds from the sale of the record, which will be released on iTunes and Amazon on Monday, will go to the TCT.

A photo of Stephen Sutton stands in Lichfield Cathedral (PA)

Well-wishers have streamed into the 14th-century cathedral, with many unable to enter the packed building, as an organist played Toccata from Symphony V by French composer Charles Marie Widor.

Before the vigil at began at 7pm £20,000 was donated to his JustGiving page in an hour.

Donations were being made at a rate of more than £1,000 an hour to his campaign, which rose from £4.23 million at 7.30pm to £4.24 million by 8pm.

Stephen first started raising money for TCT after he was told his cancer was terminal, prompting him to create a bucket list of 46 “weird and wonderful things” he wanted to do before he died.

Another item on Stephen’s bucket list was a lad’s holiday in Ibiza (FILM UNITED)

His initial target was a modest £10,000 but he increased this to £1 million after donations soared and his appeal attracted the attention of celebrities. He reached his £1 million target after posting a ‘final thumbs up’ selfie when his condition worsened and he went into hospital shortly before his death on May 14.

Opening the ceremony, the Dean of Lichfield, the Very Reverend Adrian Dorber, described Stephen as an “extraordinary example and inspiration” for everyone.

He said: “We have gathered because we don’t want to forget how Stephen has touched so many lives, how his positive attitude turned his own cancer into a force for life.

“We need to remember what Stephen has taught us; not to waste time on his illness, but to grab hold of every single thing that enhances life and makes the world a more joyful place.

“In these next few hours we are trying to do what Stephen did brilliantly, and that is to make the unacceptable meaningful and beautiful.”

He then read the poem “Dust” by Elizabeth Jennings before Julia Hayburn, the assistant head of Stephen’s former school, Chase Terrace Technology College, also paid tribute.

She told of how, when he was diagnosed, the “determined” teenager’s immediate reaction was to call a meeting with teachers because he refused to take doctors’ advice to “forget his Year 11 study”.

Instead he would go on to complete his GCSEs and AS-levels, she added.

“Words like awesome, awe-inspiring and inspirational became synonymous with Stephen – but they only touched the surface of what he has become on a national and international scale,” said Mrs Hayburn.

Following the end of the hour long formal part of the service, the Dean invited the congregation to do five things in turn, including signing the books of condolence and giving the “thumbs-up” sign that has become synonymous with the teenager’s campaign.

Scattered around the church were pictures of Stephen, badges printed with the words “thumbs up for Stephen” and cards telling people where to donate.

Stephen Sutton achieved many of his bucket-list wishes and raised millions for cancer research before his death (PA)

Also on the cards were Stephen’s most famous quote: “I don’t see the point in measuring the worthiness of your life in terms of time, but rather you should measure life in terms of what you achieve.”

Among those attending and giving their thumbs-up were Celia Houghton and her 14-year-old daughter Freya, who had gone to school with Stephen.

The teenager remembered a powerful speech Stephen gave to the school’s assembly a year ago, saying “he was one person who stood out”.

“The one thing that spoke to me was when he said ‘don’t measure time by the clock, measure it by what you do’,” added Freya.

“When he died, people cried at school.

“I remember walking along the corridor and people were using Post-It notes to stick goodbye messages on the wall.”

The teenager’s favourite records – including You’ve Got A Friend In Me, by Randy Newman – were played.

Other songs on the 38 minute compilation including Time To Say Goodbye, by Russell Watson; The Circle Of Life from Disney’s The Lion King; Track Five, by Foo Fighters; Do You Realize, by The Flaming Lips; One Day Like This, by Elbow; I’ll Be Missing You, by Puff Daddy and Faith Evans; You’ll Never Walk Alone and I’ve Had The Time Of My Life, by Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes.

A queue of people waiting to pay their respects to the teenager stretched outside Lichfield cathedral and lasted for more than an hour after the Dean concluded his address.

Pamela Milligan, whose daughter attended the same school as Stephen said: “I just think it’s fantastic what he has achieved. The town has come together to pay its respect, it’s covered in yellow. He was an inspiration.”

Peter Robinson, 70, a chartered surveyor said: “He has done a wonderful thing, raising an amazing amount of money, and we wanted to show our respect for what he has achieved.

“We can’t believe how the boy next door can raise £4 million. It’s so moving. The ceremony was very appropriate and absolutely packed out.”

People laid bunches of yellow flowers outside the Cathedral.

One bouquet left by one of the 19-year-old’s former band members held a tribute that said: “Ste, it was a pleasure to share the stage with you. Keep on drumming buddy.”

Another bunch was left by a woman who met Stephen as he worked to reach his first fundraising goal of £10,000 in 2013 and became friends with him in the last year of his life.

Charlotte Aspley, 24, who also raises money for TCT said: “I’m just very sad. He was the most amazing person, the most jolly person I have ever met. When I first met him he was going for his first target of £10,000 and now it’s £4 million.

“He was incredible. He became more and more determined to raise more and more money with every milestone he reached.

“This service would have meant everything to him. He always wanted to get himself out there, to meet people. We are so proud of him, and now we want to keep his work going.”

The teenager documented his battle with cancer on his Facebook page, Stephen’s Story.

The funeral cortege of Stephen Sutton arrives at Lichfield Cathedral (GETTY IMAGES)

More than £25,000 was donated overnight on Wednesday to reach £4 million by Thursday afternoon for Teenage Cancer Trust (TCT).

Simon Fuller, director of services at TCT said: “Stephen’s approach to cancer, indeed his approach to life has inspired and motivated more people than we could ever count.

“There is never a good time to get cancer but for a teenager the timing seems particularly cruel.

“I never cease to be amazed by the courage and resilience that young people find in response to cancer diagnosis.

“His story was not a story about cancer – it was a story about life and living it to the full.

“When I last saw Stephen I asked him if he had any thoughts on where the funds he helped raise should be spent.

“He told me to carry on doing exactly what we are doing. His wishes will be very much honoured.

“We will make sure Stephen and all young people with cancer are never forgotten.

“Stephen asked us to put the fun into fundraising but he didn’t stop there, he wanted us to put the fun into funeral – so we’ve given it a go.

“Stephen’s positivity and quiet determination to achieve something quite profound has brought a sense of perspective and focus to our lives, showing us that even small gestures can have a huge impact.”

The service was due to end at midnight before the cathedral reopens at 7am on Friday before a private family funeral is held in the afternoon.

Donations continued to be made throughout the service and more than 172,000 had pledged money to his campaign by Thursday evening, which will pay for more nurses and beds for other teenagers with cancer.

Evie wrote on his Justgiving page : “Very touched by your journey, your attitude, your positivity, humour and your big wonderful heart. Massive thumbs up for you.”

Toddlr also posted: “Inspirational young man whose legacy will live on through TCT.”

As the ceremony drew to a close in Lichfield more than £30,000 had been donated in five hours – taking the total to more than £4 million.

When Gift Aid is added to the donations, the campaign has raised more than £4.5 million for the charity.

Charity single to be launched in Stephen Sutton"s memory

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