11 Mayıs 2017 Perşembe

Public service professionals" hopes for the next government

In the run up to the general election on June 8, we asked professionals working across public services what they think are the biggest problems in their sector at the moment, and what they want to see from the UK’s major political parties.

Here’s what those working on the frontline in housing, local and central government, healthcare, social care, and the voluntary sector had to say.

‘I want to see compassion’

There is a lack of mental health services, a lack of supported housing projects and just a lack of resources generally. Homeless people who are lucky enough to find accommodation are hit on day one with letters about council tax, water rates, bin collections … It’s too much for someone who may have been rough sleeping for months and in temporary B&Bs for years before that.

I want to see compassion. I don’t believe people should “sponge” off the government but punishing people with sanctions is not the answer. Some people need a little more support then others and I believe if they get this they will have more chance of putting back into the coffers in the future. We need to care about each other, not penalise and punish those who struggle the most.

Anonymous, homeless charity worker

‘Address the reasons why doctors are leaving in droves’

A&E departments are increasingly stretched as patient demand outstrips what the NHS provide. Doctors are leaving in droves to work abroad or change career. We desperately need more nurses – but scrapping the bursaries for nursing students, a real terms pay cut and Brexit is disastrous for recruitment. GP numbers are falling, despite the government’s promise to appoint 5,000 new GPs.

Several things could be done. Guarantee the NHS budget for the next five years as a percentage of GDP (such as 8%), increase social care budgets so hospitals don’t have to keep patients longer than is medically necessary and reinstate the bursary for nursing students.

I certainly don’t want to see the introduction of the proposed conscription of doctors to four years in the NHS after medical school. Any government coming in needs to address the reasons why doctors are leaving (low morale, long hours, poor training, feeling undervalued, increasing workloads, increasing weekend work for less pay, demonisation by the media) rather than simply forcing them to stay.

Tom Palmer, 31, A&E doctor

‘I’d like to see national insurance breaks on health and future care provision insurance’

People are not planning for their future health, financially or
physically. The cost of a care home is astronomical and while taxpayers’
money is being thrown at it now, it’s going to get a lot worse
. I’d like to see national insurance breaks on health and future care provision insurance.

Fiona, 44, finance manager for a charity that provides care homes

‘We need rent caps and more social housing urgently’

The housing crisis is all-consuming and has a dramatic impact on virtually every other area of policy. The benefit cap, for example, punishes vulnerable people for not having access to social housing which successive governments have sold off. It is because families are forced to rent at high costs from the private sector that their benefits end up so high. That is the fault of landlords, not claimants. We need radical overhaul of the benefit system – I see things worsening on a daily basis.

I’d like to see a tenants’ union given the right to collectively bargain rent levels

There has been some focus on the insecurity of tenancies in the private sector. This is an important point, but what the increasing number of evictions boil down to is that landlords evict because they want to charge higher rents or because tenants cannot afford the rents they are already charging. We need rent caps. Other western European countries do this. I’d also like to see a tenants’ union given the right to collectively bargain rent levels at national and regional levels. The bottom line is we need to build more accommodation – especially social housing – very urgently.

Greg, housing adviser

‘I want a recognition that poverty contributes to social problems’

Social work is is overstretched and increasingly technocratic. The trend towards family therapy ignores socio-economic problems and seeks to reconcile parents to their current condition. I want to see a recognition that poverty is a contributing factor to social problems.

Many of our clients experience overcrowded housing conditions. There are fewer and fewer opportunities to remain in the area they grew up in, where their children go to school and where their family and friends can offer a support network. Many are unemployed and resigned to poverty. Very few are politically engaged.

After that we need investment in community solutions to social problems, such as increased funds from local authorities to youth arts and sports projects, as well as a firm commitment to social housing projects.

Arthur, 25, child protection social worker

‘Cuts have dramatically and irreversibly damaged local government’

Significant efficiencies have been achieved in local government since 2009, and it is certainly arguable that this – rather than increasing council tax – should have been done anyway prior to the recession. But eight years later there is no fat left to trim. Cuts have dramatically and irreversibly damaged local government.

If the new government does not reinstate a fixed central government grant (as opposed to fixing spending according to the level of council tax and business rates collected, which discriminates against poorer parts of the country) then very soon the Local Government Association’s warning that councils will need to make deep cuts to essential services will come true.

Finally, wages were frozen for three years, followed by five years of 1% rises. Give staff a pay rise, even if only at the level of CPI inflation. Five more years of pay freezes will force many talented members of staff to permanently leave the sector.

Anonymous, local government lawyer

‘Most police problems can be solved with more money for NHS and social services’

The police suffer from a chronic shortage of detectives, while overworked response officers get hardly any time off, or even time to adequately investigate at a crime scene. Most police problems can be solved with more staff and more money for the NHS and social services.

We need funding to recruit more detectives, and increase salaries for those detectives as an incentive to take on more stress and responsibilities. Then we need vastly more money for the NHS and social care; there is an overwhelming dependence on the police to deal with mental health crises, having cut social care to the bone and beyond. I would support a separate NHS tax.

We should h​​elp people to change their lives rather than imprison them

Vastly improving rehab programmes would prevent re-offending. Our current system costs millions and achieves nothing. This would involve legalising drugs and treating addiction as a medical problem not a crime. We should help people to change their lives rather than imprison them and make a life of crime more likely. Legalising and taxing drugs will save us a fortune in the long run.

Anonymous, police officer

‘We may need the return of housing inspectors’

Government policy does not reflect the realities of the housing market. Firstly, we need to increase supply. Quadruple council tax for all properties left empty for more than six months, rising to ten times if left empty for three or more years. This will prevent private landlords “going on strike”. A land tax designed to make land-banking extremely unprofitable should be followed by commitment to building council-owned homes for rent that are genuinely affordable. Councils are accountable to the public and elected representatives of their communities in a way that other providers are not. Right to buy should be extended to housing association tenants, but the properties must be sold at market value, no more discounts, and all proceeds used to build new homes to rent and for low-cost home ownership.

Then we need to raise standards, by putting in place mandatory registration and licensing of all privately rented accommodation. Housing association regulations should include housing management and value for money – we may well need the return of housing inspectors! Repeal the 2016 Housing and Planning Act and regulate rents – the amount of money being sucked out of the wider economy by ever-rising rents is damaging to the overall state of our country.

Andy, 52, retired head of housing in the West Midlands

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Public service professionals" hopes for the next government

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