21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi

What is “disease”?

Disease is an abnormality in the harmony of the body. In the “perfectly normal” individual, of which there are none, all aspects of life would be in total harmony and the body would live forever.

But we, the imperfectly normal individuals, are constantly being subjected to influences that upset our inner equilibrium. Our body has innate defense mechanisms that can protect us from reasonable threats.

Modern humanity can not be considered either normal or ordinary because virtually every aspect of modern living causes disharmony in the physical, mental, and moral planes of our existence as we are constantly exposed to vast changes in both our internal and external environment.

The physical body, designed for and requiring demanding physical exercise for its optimum functioning, now performs effortless tasks.

Our diet, once composed of whole grains, nuts, raw fruits, fresh vegetables, simple proteins and pure water, is now made up of refined, devitalized grains, highly salted nuts, frozen, canned, or poisoned fruits and vegetables, complex protein meals also poisoned by all manner of drugs and chemicals, and harmful liquids, such as coffee, tea, soda, and alcohol. Even the air is no longer pure.

As if this were not enough for the physical body to handle, many people take drugs and smoke all forms of tobacco and pakalolo (pot).

The human form has been bastardized due to conditioning through the consumption of flesh and blood. We, the humans, are an herbivorous form, not a carnivorous form. Our alkaline saliva breaks down the alkaline plant-based foods allowing us to virtually drink our foods, which leave the body in two to three days. When we ingest the acidic flesh and blood, it interacts with the alkaline saliva adversely and does not break down.

So, after sucking out all the flesh, blood, and seasonings, we swallow the muscle, where is sits in our digestive tract for five to seven days releasing poison upon poison into our blood stream and organs.

We are equipped with various adaptive mechanisms which clear from the body a normal amount on unneeded, unwanted, toxic substances. But, if the safety channels are clogged, overburdened, or suppressed, the vital force can no longer slowly and safely maintain harmony. The result? Disease!

To better understand the direction and purpose of the disease process, it is first necessary to understand and better appreciate the basic causes of disease.

ACCUMULATION of toxic material within the body due to improper diet, poor circulation, poor eliminations, and lack of demanding exercise is a major factor in almost all disease. While it is acknowledged that other cause di exist, most factors that contribute to disease result in an accumulation of poisonous substances in the body which, when the channels of elimination cannot adequately remove them, will invariably initiate a disease process. These accumulations ultimately lead to changes within not only the cell, but within the whole body.

INCORRECT OR UNBALANCED DIETS lead to reduced vitality, nutritional deficiency, toxemia, poor eliminations, and tissue degeneration. Modern food processing and refining leads to an unbalanced, low-fiber, unnatural diet which drastically decreases the nutrient value of food. High-yield fertilizer use upsets the natural balance of the soil, producing nutritionally inferior and deficient food. Pesticides, GMOs, and additives place a further burden on the body to detoxify unwanted and poisonous substances. Improper diet is a major cause of nearly all forms of disease.

IMPROPER POSTURE AND BODY MECHANICS due to habit, poor muscle tone, accidents, or injury can interfere with normal nervous activity or the circulation of blood or lymph, leading to tissue degeneration and defective function. As the normal curves of the spine are altered by weak abdominal muscles, high heels, spinal trauma, or poor body mechanics in sitting or standing, the normal relationship of internal organs and their nervous, blood, and lymph supply, and consequently their nutrition, are severely affected. These changes can lead to poor local nutrition, reduced drainage, and reduced tissue vitality. The end result is congestion, toxic accumulation, and disease.

DESTRUCTIVE EMOTIONS such as fear, anxiety, hate, self-pity, envy, impatience, lack of tolerance and resentment can affect the body by upsetting digestion. Physiological causes of disease are increasing as society itself places greater pressures on the individual.

THE ADMINISTRATION OF SUPPRESSIVE DRUGS AND VACCINES, which inhibit the eliminative efforts of the body, place further demand on it for drug detoxification, are a growing cause of disease. Many drugs, and vaccines in particular, can cause allergic reactions, chronic allergies, and other long-term health problems. The incidence of drug-induced illness has skyrocketed, especially in older age groups where multiple prescriptions can cause toxic interactions. And now, with the advent of GMOs, autism has taken on unbelievable growth.

EXCESSIVE USE OF ALCOHOL, COFFEE, AND TOBACCO are serious health threats. These social drugs, although widely accepted and used, are major factors in many disease processes. They can severely damage the liver, lungs, pancreas, thyroid, adrenal glands, and other parts of the body and mind.

ENVIRONMENTAL CAUSES of disease are becoming difficult to avoid. The air, water, and soil are all becoming more susceptible to pollution as the population grows and we treat the earth without proper respect.

OCCUPATIONAL HAZARDS also help cause disease. Chemical contact and poor air quality are common factors in downgraded health. Some substances that have been in use for decades, like asbestos and fluoride, have been found to be toxic and are a severe health risk. Work-related stress could be the greatest cause of illness among workers.

CERTAIN INHERITED FACTORS or tendencies, an abnormality of predisposition from birth, can also leave an individual more susceptible to disease or unstable conditions. Usually, these conditions manifest when the body comes under stress from one of more of the other cause of disease listed prior.

PARASITIC VIRUS OR GERM INFECTION, is not a primary cause of disease but rather its result because a germ can only survive in a suitable environment. The body hosts millions of microorganisms; some beneficial and some bad, bad bad. So, if harmful bacteria are allowed to multiply, then typical symptoms of disease result.

A healthy body has multiple defense mechanisms to keep harmful bacteria from gaining a strong foothold. The normal healthy bacterial flora in the digestive tract and vagina prevent others from proliferating. The body’s secretions also prevent bacterial infection by their pH and other qualities. The mucous membranes are lined with tiny hairs (cilia) that constantly move debris and bacteria out the door. Glands like the tonsils are designed to screen foreign matter from the air, and internally from the circulation. The bad guys that manage to invade are attacked by antibodies consumed by white blood cells and either digested or removed from the body.

The body is naturally well protected. Only when defenses are weakened can harmful bacteria get a foothold. The factors that bring about reduced vitality have been disclosed above. When one or more of the causative factors that bring on disease are present, the body is forced to act strongly to reestablish proper equilibrium. The result is acute disease.



To learn more about Hesh, listen to and read hundreds of health related radio shows and articles, and learn about how to stay healthy and reverse degenerative diseases through the use of organic sulfur crystals and the most incredible bee pollen ever, please visit www.healthtalkhawaii.com, or email me at heshgoldstein@gmail.com or call me at (808) 258-1177. Since going on the radio in 1981 these are the only products I began to sell because they work.
Oh yeah, going to www.asanediet.com will allow you to read various parts of my book – “A Sane Diet For An Insane World”, containing a wonderful comment by Mike Adams.
In Hawaii, the TV stations interview local authors about the books they write and the newspapers all do book reviews. Not one would touch “A Sane Diet For An Insane World”. Why? Because it goes against their advertising dollars.

What is “disease”?

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