26 Temmuz 2016 Salı

Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids – Top 10 Natural Remedies

Hemorrhoids are described as swollen veins in the region of the anus, including inside it or lower part of the rectum.

Causes of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a sensitive issue that not many people want to talk about. However, it is actually a common problem that affects numerous people in the world. Basically, the main cause of hemorrhoids is the pressure on the anus that leads to the swelling of anal veins and tissues. This possibly happens due to constipation, childbirth or pregnancy. Besides, there are some other factors that can trigger hemorrhoids like sitting too long on the toilet, straining during bowel movements, certain diseases, stress, dehydration and so on.

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are classified in two categories: internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids. Both of them share some common symptoms, including:

  • Anal itching and pain, especially while sitting

  • Pain during bowel movements

  • Lumps near the anus

Since this problem is quite sensitive, many people do not want to ask for a doctor to solve their problem. Instead, they choose to stay home and apply some treatments with natural ingredients. This way is really effective in case the condition of hemorrhoids is not too serious.

If you want to know more about natural treatments for related diseases, read also Home Remedies for Constipation and Home Remedies for Diverticulitis.

Here are top 10 home remedies for hemorrhoids that can make you surprised with their effect in alleviate the condition…

1. Vegetable

Vegetables are a rich source of fiber, a helpful substance in improving digestion. Specifically, fiber can keep your bowel movement regular and soft, making the digestive tract flowing. It has been confirmed that a diet with fiber results in lower rates of constipation, hemorrhoids and other related diseases. Besides fiber, vegetable offers you a wide range of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to improve your immunity and accelerate healing.

To make use of vegetables in home remedies for hemorrhoids, you should add more foods such as broccoli, spinach, beans, winter squash, etc.

2. Fruits

Fruits are another immense source of fiber, an essential substance in natural treatments of hemorrhoids. Plus, fruits also possess proanthocyanidins and anthocyanins, which are able to reduce the pain, swelling and improve the veins around the anus.

In home remedies for hemorrhoids, apples, pears, berries, avocados are among the best fruits that are recommended. Besides eat them raw, you can chose making fruit juice and drink daily.

3. Cereal

Cereal is beneficial for the condition of hemorrhoids thanks to its rich content of protein, fiber and micronutrients. Not only does it provide necessary quantity of fiber for daily requirement, but it also gives you many other valuable nutrients used to improve digestion and get rid of hemorrhoids.

A breakfast of cereal is a good way to start your new day and improve the condition of hemorrhoids.

4. Ice

Ice is one of most popular and effective home remedies for hemorrhoids. The ingredient helps to quickly alleviate the pain, itchiness and swelling in the area.

  • Warp some ice cubes with a piece of clean cloth or a towel.

  • Apply the ice bag to your anus a few times a day or whenever you find it needed.

Yogurt has been so well known as a biological product that is beneficial for your digestive system. Accordingly, the food helps improve the bowel movements and soften your stool, which in turn alleviates the pain in the anus. Furthermore, yogurt with its friendly bacteria is able to enhance immunity and reduce swelling.

Having 2-3 servings of yogurt daily, especially after meals is one of the best home remedies for hemorrhoids.

5. Water

Water deficiency is a common problem that most of people get every day, which can cause many ailments and diseases, including hemorrhoids. Therefore, before you apply any home remedies for hemorrhoids, make sure you are getting enough amount of water for daily requirement.

8 glasses or 2 liters of water is an appropriate quantity for every one. Besides, you can adjust the amount depending on your health condition, weight and size.

At the same time, try to avoid beverage with caffeine, alcohol and sugar. They will definitely make the condition worse.

6. Herbal Tea

There is an interesting fact that herbal tea can help you a lot with digestive problems. As a result, the condition of constipation will quickly reduce and so will hemorrhoids. Moreover, herbal tea is a great treatment for stress and anxiety. It helps you relax your body and soul, which in turns enhances immunity and accelerates healing.

Make 2-3 cups of herbal tea and consume every day. You can use ginger tea, peppermint tea, green tea, etc.

7. Avoid Spicy Foods

As soon as you are aware of the condition, make sure you’ve completely avoided spicy and hot foods. This is because such foods can make hemorrhoids worse with itchiness, swelling and pain. Furthermore, spicy foods possibly irritate your digestion and disturb bowel movement, so it will be harder to excrete the waste.

8. Iron

In case of bleeding, you’d better take iron-rich foods to improve the condition. Besides dealing with bleeding and protect veins, iron also enhances the ability to absorb other nutrients of the body.

You can easily find iron in various food sources such as prunes, seaweed, chicken liver, sunflower seeds, tuna, pumpkin, potato, broccoli, and watermelon.

9. Yogurt

Yogurt has been so well known as a biological product that is beneficial for your digestive system. Accordingly, the food helps improve the bowel movements and soften your stool, which in turn alleviates the pain in the anus. Furthermore, yogurt with its friendly bacteria is able to enhance immunity and reduce swelling.

Having 2-3 servings of yogurt daily, especially after meals is one of the best home remedies for hemorrhoids.

10. Suitable and Comfortable Costume

Do not mistreat yourself by using tight skinny jeans or any clothes that encourage moist environment. When you are suffering from hemorrhoids, it is advisable to keep the environment around the affected area clean and dry so that the bacteria cannot grow and spread.

Remember to wear clean, comfortable clothes to facilitate the healing.


Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids – Top 10 Natural Remedies

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