28 Temmuz 2016 Perşembe

Theresa May should not have downgraded care minister"s role

There’s no doubt that our new prime minister has some considerable challenges ahead, not least managing Britain’s exit from the EU and fostering new trade agreements across the globe.

This focus, however, is neglecting some urgent issues closer to home. Disappointingly, for the first time in eight years, the responsibilities of the minister for care have been downgraded and are now the remit of a parliamentary under-secretary.

Related: Cameron should appoint a minister for older people

This downgrade comes at a time when there is acceptance that social care is in crisis and there is unprecedented demand on care services. As we live longer and have more complex needs in later life, it is crucial that social care remains high on the political agenda; but this appointment suggests otherwise.

One in three women and one in four men will need care at some point in their life – a staggering figure that the country is not equipped for. According to the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services, to maintain care at the same level as last year would require more than an extra £1.1bn. But the National Audit Office has previously reported that councils increasingly pay less than the actual cost of the care provided. This is not financially viable, a situation that is detrimental to older people’s wellbeing is only going to get worse.

In addition to this, many care providers face increasing pressure on their budgets due to the living wage although Anchor has already paid the majority of care staff above the government’s “national living wage” for several years.

And the demand for care is only going to increase. With a rising population and longer life expectancy, the number of people over 65 is set to rise by more than 40% in the next 17 years. This will take the number of older people in the UK from 11.4 million to more than 16 million. This demographic change is welcome; it signals improving living conditions and advances in medicine. But if the funding of services is not updated for these new demands, we are undoubtedly heading towards an age of suffering and loneliness for older people.

As someone working in social care, I feel that managing this kind of major challenge demands the attention and influence of a minister of state – someone with the power to make real change.

And as Simon Stevens, chief executive of NHS England, has acknowledged, social care plays a key role in ensuring that healthcare is delivered with quality outcomes and within budget. Adequate social care reduces pressure on the NHS through decreasing the number of people needing to visit hospital or their GP. This integration between the NHS and social care as well as other issues, such as delayed transfers of care, which cost the taxpayer £820m a year, need the input of a minister to resolve.

Related: Social care is in desperate need of a champion | David Brindle

Anchor has previously led calls for the government to appoint a dedicated minister for older people at cabinet, someone to ensure all aspects of a growing older generation – including housing, health, care – are prioritised and aligned. The downgrading of the adult social care portfolio is a huge step in the wrong direction.

I hope my disappointment is unfounded and the downgrading of the role does not mean social care funding has been relegated to the “on hold” list. The prime minister, the health secretary and David Mowat – the new post holder – have the chance to turn social care around and help those in need of care to lead the best lives possible and ensure the best use of public funds. I hope it’s a challenge they address as the lack of adequate social care funding is a serious issue and the clock is ticking.

Jane Ashcroft is chief executive of Anchor, England’s largest not-for-profit provider of care and housing for older people

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Theresa May should not have downgraded care minister"s role

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