22 Kasım 2016 Salı

5 Incredibly Awesome Health Benefits of Garbanzo Beans

Garbanzo beans are also known as chicken peas. Garbanzo beans have been in existence for more than 7500 years. They are one of the oldest crops in the world. Their other names are Bengal grams and Egyptian peas. If this is your first time of knowing about this kind of beans or you have never considered taking it, then this article was specially put together for you. Below are five incredibly awesome reasons you should consider including garbanzo beans in your diet.might have been missing it, but first you might want to know

  1. Digestive Tract Support of Garbanzo beans

The fact that garbanzo beans play a very importance role in supporting the function of the digestive tract is not known to many. During digestion, the insoluble fiber in the beans is broken down into short chain fatty acids(SCFAs), which includes butyric acid, acetic acid, and propionic acid. These fatty acids can be used for energy by the cells of our colon wall after absorption. This helps them to be healthy and active.

  1. Unique Supply of Antioxidants

Majority of our body systems are likely to be affected by oxidative stress. Examples of these body systems are lungs, nervous and cardiovascular. This is why antioxidant nutrients are very important when it comes to supporting these systems. Garbanzo beans are terrific sources of these nutrients and they include vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene and phytonutrients.

  1. Decreased Cardiovascular Risks

Whenever the heart is the focus of a diet research, the list of legumes studied towards it almost always has garbanzo. In fact, garbanzo are very outstanding in this area. 3/4 cup of garbanzo beans per day can reduce our bad cholesterol, triglycerides, and the total cholesterol. Garbanzo beans contain soluble fiber, which is closely linked to heart health. The unique combination of the antioxidant present in the beans helps it to further support the blood and its vessel walls. The beans have also been shown to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease with regular intake.

  1. Garbanzo beans could help with Weight Loss

It is always essential to understand the process of how weight loss happens for anyone trying to loose weight. Weight loss revolves around the concept that you have to burn off more calories than you gain in a day. The amount of calories you burn can be increased by exercise; however lowering the calorie intake in your diet seems to be a more effective process for creating a calorie deficit. Weight loss should be done in a healthy way by consuming low-calorie foods instead of high-calorie foods. Recent studies have shown a positive link between garbanzo beans and weight loss. They are high in fiber and protein, so they help to increase satiety, curb food cravings and bad snacking. Regular intake of garbanzo beans is a terrific way of achieving a healthy and sustaining weight management.

5.      Great Source of Plant-Based Protein

Garbanzo beans are great source of protein. They are a completely plant-based source of protein. Protein helps to build and maintain the muscles and control blood sugar levels. It is also essential in almost all the functions carried out by the body. This involves the hormones, muscles, tissues and other vital organs.  Protein also helps to naturally slow down the process of aging.


Author Bio: Mike Dan is a freelance writer with great interest in Tech, Health, Sustainable living, and Home Improvement. He just developed a meatloaf recipe which features garbanzo beans as one of the components.

5 Incredibly Awesome Health Benefits of Garbanzo Beans

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